Sunday, August 02, 2020

Stone headed politicians


…this nation of many politicians are the worst hardheaded ones: stone head people. simple solution to protect students in a closed 4 walls classroom: install an UV air filter. Period ...and follow professional advice, not politicians, mostly they do not know what a virus is. In that turn, they are analphabets. There is no way how to domesticate them.

…a stone head would never ever have the potential of learning, understanding or get educated.  Period

Stone head politicians are those incapable to further on future consequences, those stone head ones project what’s happening now, not what would happen then, the future and think that their position is saving the nation now, every body to activate the mechanism of capital gain cuz if not, the nation would fall apart, not knowing that if they accept scientific advice and then apply a strategy to combat the infectious mortal flu, doing that in the short run, in the long run the nation will be in its full creation of capital to run this country and even other countries if copy US, would be in sync with the rest, eliminating this mortal flu, not extending its destruction.

…stone headed people are a big, big problem.

…it is the time to remove them from office.  November is just around the corner or else, suffer the consequences people!


…unless Houdini comes back to life.

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