Friday, July 31, 2020

I found the below written by some one that sounds to be nuts, but it is happening. Strange

I found the below written by some one that sounds to be nuts, but it is happening.  Strange

...the data of info given here are not real data but guesses; China has lost more than a trillion dollars in property damage in today’s dollar value and more than thousands of lives of people unable to swim that died in the flood since 46 days ago. It is a truthy hidden in plain view if anyone follow that of the China Dam thing.

Now, watch this and make the math in capital dollars, not in China’s money cuz you would need a very large lake to fill it with Yen worthless paper.  A Venezuela peso is 10 times of much more value than 200 Chinese Yen.

No nation can accept any Chinese currency as a form of payment.  Should pay in gold, and gold had been replaced by copper in China banks.  Believe it. Locust could eat that money too, the paper one in China’s banks

…what’s happening in the CCP country is a lesson for them to learn and respect others, and stop spying, and stop stealing, and turn into a Democracy or else: more to come

Thanks Australia, that’s the point

“…but China is serious”, they still need more of the same, like a national quake?  For them to comprehend some is behind all this? …so quakes will be.  Cuz China has the idea they own Taiwan and they are making demands to this Sovereign nation.

…a retired Chinese general gives a double-edged swore warning to the CCP,

 and I add: the CCP is done, natural selection is finishing with the CCP mistaken philosophy.  Nature can control and destroy them without firing a bullet, should they learn to respect a much more advanced society?

Signed: Plan B.

I found the above written by some one that sounds to be nuts, but it is happening.  Strange?

Believe it or nuts. 
Came to stay.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

…stimulus for the citizens of US in general.

…stimulus for the citizens of US in general.


...tell u why: the situation of the reason this Nation State is in a crisis due to the Pandemic+ (it is a pandemic that lacks scientific understanding and/or comprehension on how to handle the crisis). why: too many politicians that carries the upper hand in decision taking have their mind stack with the motion that if people are paid $600 per week on the special unemployment coverage cuz of the deadly flu affecting USA production and GDP income, the individual would prefer not to find a job to keep that payment as long as possible. the glitch: it is a rule of thumb to assume that the American family is built by groups compose between 3 or 4 people and some even of 5 people.

...three people: a woman, a man and a child.

...four people: a woman, a man and two children

...five people: a woman, a man and three children

So, 12/3 = 4, the average family composition (note, this is just a rule of thumb example, not a real example cuz not the last censor is used here as of in this moment).

Been this situation, as above explained, it is a family of the second category mentioned above: a woman, a man and two children, the average. Most national apts. rent is of an average of $1,200-2,500 If just only 2 member of the family is employed, it is assumed each one income is $600 to $300 (cuz the disparity of labor pay between a man and a woman doing the same labor, women are paid less including work molesting a women).

...the above is a theoretical family home cash taking of $900 x 52 weeks/12 months = $3,900.

Now see this:

Rent: $1,200

Car loan payment: $ $400

Car insurance payment: $450

Car gas: $90

Highway expenses (toll, bridges etc., etc.) $15

Summons: $30 (the average total in a year divided by 12 months just for a good driver).

Monthly food consumption: $1,500

Replacement of home needs (floor cleaning things, bed sheets, curtains, oven gas, electricity and other home maintain things $1,200 (electricity bill only is close to $200 to 300, depending of the season -air conditioning, taking the kids out to distract their mind and create relaxation as they amuse themselves with the family -not all the time- and the like)

School expenses: $50

Monthly family maintenance cost total: $4,935

Cuz their income is of 3,900 one of the family head must work extra time or have a second job to cover the different of $1,035

...cause of so many divorces, husband to women abuse, child abuse and drugs depending of the family moral integration (some social problem).


Money left: $ "social problems that's a burden to the government solved investing large sum of money".

Clothes such a dress for the whole family is not included here. Detergents, soap, Child alimony, woman cosmetics, man personal needs and a lot of different things a family need to survive in a city or in the countryside in any place where they could live.

...all the above is the income and expenses of a poor family.

If the family gets $1,200x52/12= $5,200 there would be a $265 left, to cover some of the expenses that include phone bills, internet that is more or less $265 and the family could stay home secure protecting themselves from the pandemic of the CCP mortal flu.

...if one of them dies: the family becomes a burden for "Public Welfare".

Hoping no-one dies: the country could resist this flu Pandemic until USA and other nations find a cure (one year from now).


...and that is why injecting a stimulus to the poor class of the USA society, the Fed Gov is saving the nation in its total.

…and saving a lot of money thereafter.

USA is in an emergency, or it will disintegrate and be confronting a possible nuclear war with other countries as is China going to go through cuz the pandemic and natural phenomena, which is inevitable, and many nations are not predicting new diseases, possible new pandemic as the bubonic fever and war.


Politicians must think of the consequences and avoid that at all cost.  Hunger is around the corner, is US ready for next solution after the killer flu?


Got the point?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The suspect.

Who killed him

While “him” was in Jail.

The suspect, the cat
…and the bell.  Putting a bell to the cat.
Using the virtual rights, and Constitutional inherited rights of the Magna Carta of the North American English speaking of the United States, I feel it is menester to tell who kill a man sent to prison, temporary, cuz he was accused by few women that he trafficked with them by selling their bodies when they were young women of which inexperience behaviours they were abused by the sex trafficker years ago in exchange of a few hundred dollars the man that raped them gave to them.  And that man died while in jail.
That Constitutional right is, Freedom of Speech which protect the American people when they want to express things, publicly via any mean of communication.

Based on the above, I am telling here who killed that man: President Donald J. Trump, the 45 President of the United States of America.
The above is said base on years of observations on the conduct, behaviours and wordings of a mad man who's our legal elected President, who even got less voting than its opposite, Mrs. Clinton, Donald won the election due to the way a person can win the Presidency in this Nation State of which I have a proposition on how to correct the mistake on "how a candidate gets the most votes after a Presidential electorate voting"
Due to the reason that in our American Constitution any one can be elected to the presidency, Donald, a Psychopath, won the elections to President for 4 years.  Guilty of all his Psycho, are not the electorates, but the party he chose and accepted him to represent that party.  Parties do not have any established rules in respect who could be accepted for the party to work or be postulated to be elected for President of this nation.
Actual President Donald, based on my closed observation said above, and based on other people observation is a good proof what a psychopath is.

See the below link and enjoy.  

Monday, July 27, 2020

History of Medicine for politicians, lawyers, and others.

History of Medicine for politicians, lawyers, and others.

To be human is to be one entity, they are the essence of nature; there are other entities which differs from humans. They belong to other natural kingdoms of the animal type.  There are a third, fourth and more kingdoms which is not of our interest to discuss here.
…as man, which involves a female or a male, human had developed the power of reasoning and logic, not just thinking.  Animals think too but have not reasoning and logic. That is what makes man different from just animals though man is animal too.
Man evolved acclimating to various environments until it, man, started to use reasoning which forced man to develop logic.  It was a labyrinth of error and trial.  In order for man to protect itself, it had to create small groups of different proportion and assignments, the one with the more reasoning became a leader. That man use logic to explain others the why of things …all men had, at the beginning and still until today, the power of thinking.  See here that other animals, different from man had and still have the power of thinking with some exception that differentiate them from man: man have organs such as fingers, nail tips, thumbs, feet, mouse and specialty in walking erect that only few other animal could do it the way man does it.  Only man can walk upright in two legs, move around fast or slow, eat all type or kind of food and cook it to make it easier to digest.  All animals get ill, this is, sick cuz of the environment in which man has to survive.  The most important food man consume is proteins and water.  Cuz man cook the proteins it consumes, man needs to acquire the vitamins it contains from other sources, non-human animals have not too cuz they eat proteins in its raw states which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.  With the use of fire to cook for the first time by man, man started to use its three well developed power of reasoning, logic and thinking totally different from all other animals.  That’s when the animal man started to develop into a much superior beast, much powerful and much more able in the survival of the fittest.  And man became the fittest.
…after all the above happened to man via millions of years, possible by adaptation through its physical appearance via mutation, man evolved a psychology that made him superior to regular natural animals cuz its embryology and genetics were the first things that started in making man totally different than the rest of other animals.  Man became intellectual
…as man became intellectual, it started to control its environments, the weather, earthquake, floods and the like cuz man started to create a different environment to protect itself from those environments first known as created by a God, accepted and nothing could be done but ask for mercy from that God but at the same time, man started doing other things such as building structures capable to withhold a natural quake, a flood  strong winds and the likes, create the wheel, blades, knife, guns and put other animals together to raise them for man itself to have plenty of protein, created things to accumulate water, grow different plants to get its energy in form of vitamins and so on of things like that .  As man evolved from a primitive form of living to an artificial man’s created environment, men got ill, so, a la par man used its reasoning, logic and thinking to create remedies for that destructive unknown illness of a disease at first a disease that only God could help to cure, if cured, then called the remedy a miracle.  Man put its power together and started to create cures for those illness “control by God”, and man did control those diseases such as tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria and other illnesses.  Man discovered that most plagues were the causes of miasma, not God wishes, that atmosphere of airborne germs do travel via the air, that malaria was cause by transmission via special mosquitoes living in specific harmful environment mostly within the poor population and the blah, blah, blah of environments.
When man confronted epidemics and pestilence that swept across the globe, such as the bubonic plague during the years 430-427 BC, million and millions of men and women died until man realized its cause, they attributed to “God punishing man”.  Now it is known that it was typhoid, not a punishment of God to man.  Caused by Salmonella typhosa spread by food or water contaminated with that bacillus.  The solution: creating new form of hygiene and procedure on how to handle this things by creating as of now, rules of hygiene touch by educating the population and controlling industries that deal with food and water in their procedure of production, packaging, and distribution.  Not an act of “God”. salmonella - rod-shaped Gram-negative enterobacteria; cause typhoid fever and food poisoning; can be used as a bioweapon.
…it is a bacterium which dwell in the intestine causing its secretion in the intestine: Death to man.
 See inside something like a long worm, that is a bacterium, the one of Salmonella typhi.  That killed in the year 430-427 BC, 5,000 people a day in Constantinople and the rest of Europe.  Started in Egypt and traveled to Europe.  Also known as the “Plague of Justinian”; on that time and epoch, nothing could be done …government could do “nothing, nada” people just died by the “lot”.
With today man intellectual understanding of the above, it is irrisory for someone with political power to tell the society where he/she has that power: wait, it will go away by itself, cuz it has too.  And do nothing.  Doctors, whether be them scientists or not, could advice a leader on what to do, and the leader has to lead with that advice.
…to be continued.

Top secret

Top secret

National security...  archive that in the NSA files.
After, then burn the originals.
...but how?
Don't worry, he puts a lot of his people all around the Federal Secret departments and the Supreme Court, aside most Republicans are compromised.  He's well secured.
...even here, people don't read this blog.

...see it the way it is, a monkey shopping in a store, ain't that a natural animal mutation?

Man and woman seen wearing swastika face masks in Minnesota
From "the FreeDictionary, by Farlex" A person who is mocked, duped, or made to appear a fool: as a KKK member. 
Jul 26, 2020
2.81M subscribers
On Saturday, the first day of Minnesota's mandatory mask mandate, a man and a woman went shopping at a Walmart in Marshall -- population 15,000 -- wearing masks with swastikas. CBS Los Angeles reports.
Add a public comment...
...back should you go ugly monkey, and your kind should stay in a cage.
...prefer to be here, for us this is a best place
...that's where you belong lady monkey
...don't wanna go back, cuz they would put me in a cage
...sorry said the manager, but should go back to your country
...Hitler wanted to make beautiful people but ended up making us monkeys
...and the female monkey responded
...go back to the jungle where you monkeys came from
...please pregnant monkey
...and the store manager told the female monkey
...went to Walt mark (a store called Walt) to buy baby milk
...that joined the KKK... and got pregnant
...once upon a time there was a monkey...
...knock on wood, she's.
...this monkey seems to be pregnant.
...and had to be a monkey.
...does this store takes welfare food stamp from monkeys too?
...if I were the governor of the state where these monkeys reside, I'll remove their welfare payment to them. Six months is already due.
...this monkey from the KKK, is getting too fat. Welfare is feeding them very well.
...this is a country of freedom. Monkeys could go to stores for shopping too.
...there are nuts in any type of monkeys. But this type, it is very rare.
FreedomsDmocracy1st that a b...tch or a woman?
...US only fight terrorist outside our territories but, terrorist within dwell freely as if nothing had ever happen. The KKK, a mortal group of terrorist, travel freely amongst US. Ugly, no?
Trolls. Ppl trolling for attention to get a reaction. Expect this from kids, not full grown adults.
View 77 replies
...neither kids would do that, cuz they don't know the KKK is a group of mortal killers, not haters but, terrorists of the lower level of our society. Illiterate people.
Can we just talk about how that woman was wearing that bandana 😂😂
View 16 replies
Collin maccready
It’s always people that look the most genetically messed up and trashy that believe they are the superior race
View 15 replies
...wrong you are; who expect a monkey to be the superior race? ...aside, you should be more respectful to this lady monkey, it is pregnant too, don't you notice it. Take a second look, seems to be 7-8 month old pregnant monkey.
I dunno, I'm a little surprised the master race is so out of shape...
View 52 replies
...I feel laughing when some people call "master race" to some monkeys.
Kam P.
Just ignore them. All they want is attention.
View 49 replies
FreedomsDmocracy1st could you ignore a monkey shopping in a store? Ain't that a social mutation seeing a monkey doing shopping? it calls too much attention to see how monkeys have evolved.
Conclusion: there are always more dumb people than sane people in this world
View 5 replies
...don't imagine that monkeys are intelligent. ...aside, it is pregnant.
Jay Swinger
When people show you who they really are, BELIEVE THEM.
View reply
...I believe it. It is a monkey.
Bill Christian
These two are just desperately needing attention. They never made a statement to express a message of any kind expect ignorance and a fascist symbol.
View reply
...wrong, monkeys are not fascists, nor they are Igno rants, just monkeys.
I get more attention wearing my mask of SpongeBob.
View 4 replies
...wrong again, u would not get more attention, a monkey does.
Jack pine Savage
Try that in Germany and see what happens.
View 44 replies
...nothing happens, they just would place them where they belong: a cage.
Ranger alpha
America is struggling with two pandemic right now.The covid and ignorant stupid people 😂.
View 26 replies
...why you call monkeys ignorant and stupid? Monkeys are monkeys, didn't know?
Lester Egbert
We have freedom of speech. Just a sad way of expressing yourself.
View 26 replies
FreedomsDmocracy1st least, we talk a human language, they don't. They are just monkeys, pure and simple put.
As much as I oppose it, let them express themselves. If they happen to get fired from their jobs or assaulted as a result, that's on them.
View 18 replies
...that's call animal abuse.
CT-5736 Bladez
While it is their first amendment right it’s also disgusting
View 12 replies
...don't monkeys or animals have right?
Nick Lyons
It's clearly a satirical statement...
View reply
...don't know why people feel disgusted seen an animal that had evolve even to the level of a monkey, feel a monkey's making a "satirical statement" is a pregnant monkey, cannot you see that? A pregnant monkey! They are evolving too! Monkeys are our closer living relatives! Why we humans feel disgusted seen these monkeys?
Read more
Baby Mula
Alright that’s it I’m shopping at target now lmao Walmart full of fat old people
...if those monkeys had evolve to near humans, I will go to that store to amuse myself instead of going to the Zoo.
they're not breaking any laws, but that sure is a dumb way to get kicked out/banned from your local watering hole.
View 54 replies
...are you unti-race with monkeys? u r a real racist. Leave that race of animals live alone. Please, don't be a racist even though they are a distinct race far from the human race. Remember, scientists say we are from the same root yet they did not evolved.

…see it the way it is, a monkey