Sunday, December 31, 2017

To God what belongs to God, to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.  Criticize what criticized must be.

Many, too many times, great extraordinary movies are plotted in screens, be them large or small ones like “Westworld”, and they, they in its essence carries a profound message that few people comprehend: the existence and beauty of life is invaluable.

Pic to be inserted later.

I learnt from this presentation what the lives of others is, not mine, for I always thought of mine as been a bless, but of other, at which I learned to understand better the world and its existence and beauty of life, is invaluable.

Lying, spying and falsehood, are a social crime, a social calamity.  Due to that many people had lost their lives and sometimes their preconceived future that is work with such a vigor to achieve.  Nations had fallen, armies had lost a just war and societies had loomed. Lying, spying and falsehood are the first sin of social calamities.

Traitors Within - Spies Who Sold Out America find that in:

Published on Aug 15, 2016

Former KGB, CIA and FBI agents analyze six recent high-profile cases where double agents compromised America's security.

Too many people say that Communism always been against Democracy …but in reality is it that societies living in other demographic places tend to develop, some many times, the tendency of feeling jealous at the succeeds of other geographic group that practices a different doctrine.

Now the case with the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump.
To continue.

Thursday, December 14, 2017



...within this state they, humans, edit rules and regulations, at which one contradicts other rules, so they call them in one situation: laws and in another situation logics still in other situations, reasoning.

Laws, for humans, are not based necessarily on logics, rules and or regulations, they might be base-less laws, but must be obeyed by the rest of the population, but for them, the ruling class that make the laws, they have certain form of laws just to benefit themselves and they are court of laws, impeachment, incarcerations and presidential pardons, other side agreement (when the other side making the protest of abuse to one party involved in the creation of the abuse, offers money to the abused in exchange of dropping the accusation); there are hundreds of so called: “legal way of dissolving a court action within their human way of state number one”.

As stated above, this type of animal, manipulate the environment just to benefit one group of their “look-like-me human” and enslave all the other human to work for them.  But this group learn, even its learning is too low in the intellect of knowledge, to be part of the Survival of the Fittest.

The Survival of the Fittest, in humans, is just facilitating someone in gaining very poor knowledge in chemistry, mathematics, social science, biology, psychology, physics, history and a lot of other “scientific knowledges”, then humans group these things and bundle them into what they call: Diplomas and or certificates: Dr. in Medicine, Engineers, Physics, and Law, Accountants, Counselors and the blah, blah, blah of Diplomas they feel to create in order to define who could do that and who could do this.

Here the problem: they, humans, then handicap who could get a diploma; they deny the so call right to learn to other human groups based that they don’t look like them.  As the other group can’t learn, that group falls in the human waste cycle of ignorant, good to be slave to them, the one in the high class themselves called: white collar humans.  Lower than them there is the blue-collar humans and the “colour-less” humans, this is, the real slaves, the ghettoes or the so-called minorities that in reality are the majority of the population: the poor and the very poor.

It is very difficult for one of the poor to escalate into the group of the white-collar society, and when they do, they themselves find no way to help the poor, just with some contribution be it economical or with devices to help them, but the poor are a very vast population as just one example: most African population and too many in Asia, Minor Asia, Europe and others on the Earth geographic locations.

Humans, based on the way they function, have created other humans that had killed some of their own by the millions, and they call them heroes.

Humans kill each other using their laws, if not, their logic, if not their rules or just killing for the sake of killing as in the case of dictators as of now controlling large groups of the population of Plannet Earth (a plannet is a planet polluted with humans).

There is problem in this Plannet, but just for them.

Humans are trying to know the unknown in outer space, yet they don’t know themselves, from within themselves.

To be continued

…and that is when lies come in.


As a human, I experienced lies done by myself, lies to get something needed.  So other people lie too in order to get something needed for them, like money …I done that applying for personal loan to consolidate debts.  So, personal economic problems are the first steps that guide any human into further compromising situations in order for the person lying, to solve its personal needs.

But if the human involves as said above, and the human is a person with high social influence in its niche, that human would not hesitate in repeating lies and lies again and again in order to get his/her needs fulfil.  Here is when if a very rich human turned into politician applies what is then a behavior in lying to others just to get money based on his learned so called behaviours.

All human lies: see this:

A person applies for a personal loan in order to consolidate other loans in credit cards, but that person income is a very low income.  If the person does any other type of work, let us say: mechanics, computer work or works in any field that doesn’t produce any income, the person tells the loan interviewer that he/she makes some extra money.  When the loan interviewer as the person in needs: we must corroborate your income, so we have to know if you pay taxes on that income and how much you make, more or less.  The interviewed answers: no, I don’t report that income to the IRS, but I make more or less around forty thousand dollars per year.  What the person interested in getting the loan wants is to set him/herself fit to get the personal loan to consolidate is debts and then keep paying a smaller interest for all the credit already in need to pay and not fall into bankruptcy.

When the interviewer put all that information into the system, the system can’t verify the existence of the income reported by the borrower, and the system then rejects the borrower on the reason that he/she’s a very low income.

Here is when the human creating the lie is exposed to be used for money laundering if the human is in a very high social group and the person travel abroad.  The human if greedy, could get involve, slowly, in business dealing with prostitution, human trafficking, money laundering for drug dealers or just money laundering for other people in politics in other foreign country that are getting their money stolen from their government and wants to send it abroad to converted into legal earned money …the high-class person coming from other nation is the best subject for money laundering.

Now, see?  See how in different situation, minorities group commit lies? But the high-class liar remains impugned and free to make business at will and not be accuse on anything, yet could reach a very top political level as becoming a nation leader for four or more years.  If the low-class liar gets a personal loan based on his/her lies, that human might be punished with imprison or in the future, be suspected of becoming a criminal and then be found guilty of crimes not committed by the low social class liar; but the high social class liar stays impugned for he is one of those that make the rules to govern a country, the so called “laws” to be used by tribunal to dispatch “Justice for all”.

Humans are liars, which lies are use the same as if it were a right to use depending of its social personal level in which morals and/or philosophy has nothing to do with all the above discuss here: Humans are clever manipulator of lies.

 [E. R.1]Humans