Friday, May 17, 2019

Forgot the name of the title.


  Forgot the name of the title.

…proof, could be.

I think you think you are very smart, intellectual, and important.  I think that.  Why?  …cuz I think am very smart, intellectual, and important.

That is the way humans think …so, thinking you are clownsy, ignorant and unimportant, is the manner some other humans think of someone next to them.  This is, you, yourself is a mirror of that but, do not want to admit it on you, so it is attributed on others.

That is the proof of racism, discrimination, and self-esteem but self-esteem seen on others, not on self.  Never been happy with the other, never accepting the other and been in denial with oneself image.

Happens that if you have the power to do a job wrong assigned to do, you, the first thing in doing is hiding your incapability for the other to see you (in your own mind), capable.

All the above is sync to “self-defense” of your character, your superego and it is your id.

You could be a vulgar person but feel you are an important individual that never had the chance to exalt your power, present what you can do and command on other to guide their lives for better-ness but, in reality, if that position is given to you, you becomes a dictator, a Machiavelli or just give up and use the offerings instead to point out to others how important they “have” to see you in their life.

When people go into politics, they forget, if they are sent to a public position to serve the community, they forget their position which is to serve the community but, instead, they serve the person who sent them into that position.  This is an id boomerang cuz it serves as a mode to keep the assigned person in position …blindness takes over the appointed individual, therefore not serving the needs of the community but that of the appointer, his “Boss.”

Forgetting the name of the title is a syndrome affecting a great majority of appointed individuals.  In order not to be affected by this syndrome, the individual has to have an extraordinary self-esteem on been unique, proper, independent and most of all “philosophical futurist open minded.”  These conditions are not too abundant in people …and that is why most people respond to “Forgot the name of the title” and instead becomes puppet of the person who appointed them.  Just to mention one not specific situation: people who lies on behalf of others when those others are their bosses or a boss. 
If in situations like the above you encounter a person like that who happen to be your boss but you want to remain in your position or even escalate further, just follow them, do as they say but remember, following that boss or leader will create on you a behaviour, a habit and education in been of lesser intelligence, a poor creator and will chain your life to be of poor creativity; if not following that boss, and you are a real leader, just quit and denounce the boss via proper channels ...remember, public media is the best including writing a book exposing that boss as to warn others of the low knowledge of that boss or leader.
But, if you are in a private institution, save enough money and compete thereafter that institution by offering future member of your new creativity in a company that do gives freedom for members to be elegant, be themselves and be creative people.  There are many company in a free society that had become not just a company but, part of the freedom of the region where they operate, not only that, they are copied around the world or most of the time, they are asked to be part of other territorial environment ...they become part of the human needs: freedom.
What I am going to say here below, is 100% contradictory, but I am doing what politicians do and imitating politicians’ way of reasoning:

“If I were a Judge of the Supreme Court of the USA I would reason what said below and would arrest the President of the United States of America on the Charges of “Treason, not carrying the Oath in protecting USA but working against the interest of this nation and on Mental Problems that render this guy unable to govern and protect the existence of this nation and the intention of destroying the institutions already established for the existence of the country.  Here my reasoning, as many politicians do: very clear with what Democracy is and why politicians in power "try" to adhere to the Magna Carta yet don't agree in the manner they do that, what I don't understand of them is why they don't apply obedience to the Constitution and stop distorting its interpretation and emitting false ridiculous understanding of that Carta Magna. I know and understand that Carta Magna, am not a lawyer but see they themselves don't understand it or they ignore it. I am confused, the Constitution of US had not been made to adjust itself on my interest cuz first, I didn't exist when it was created and second, no one of all people in USA were in existence by that time. How come I can interpret what Democracy is, what is the Magna Carta and how to interpret what JUSTICE is and many politicians can't? Why other Presidents could function under personal stress and sign pending projects converting them into law while in the whole history of US, just one, exactly one, is unable to fulfill his oath and sign projected laws making them official. Is that due to inefficiency of that individual? Has that anything to do with lack of courage? Or an incredibly low IQ? truly clear with what abortion is and why politicians in power ban it yet doesn’t agree in the manner they do that, what I don't understand of them is why don't ban death penalty. I think on what justice is, still more confuse, is justice base on personal feelings? on interpretation? Cuz if justice is justice, then death penalty should be abolished too ...then what?

NOTE: THE ABOVE IN QUOTATION MARKS IS A STUPIDITY, BUT THAT THE WAY TODAYS congresspeople (others don’t)  think in respect to following the MAGNA CARTA OF USA.

Note: this work will continue as time pass by and as space permit me to plot it on the view of humans.

Forgot the name of the title.

Forgot the name of the title.

Not only should politicians read the Magna Carta, but they should brief themselves in history.  Cuz history has too many facets and turn too complicated based on cultural values and geology of origin of the people involved, politicians, social workers, psychologists and people who would like to know world and national problems in order to educate themselves and know what they have to do in case they get confronted with national solution-decision taking, they should watch “Origins, Collection 2: Ep. 3” -Plagues, Economic Collapse, & Nuclear War-  It is a pity I could not create a link here but, the only way to watch this documentary is by going to Netflix and watch it.  By learning this documentary, the viewer might comprehend the mode operandi (mode of action) of why around the world there were so many problems that generated wars, diseases, economic hardships ending in the destruction of hundreds of millions of humans; these people didn’t have the need to die but they did cuz of many world leaders who “Forgot the name of the title”.

Monday, September 29th, 2008: the stock market collapse, indicating the beginning of a world depression as that of 1929 in USA.  “We’ve seen it before.

Will we see it again?”

People making a line to get some free soup.

1929 on this date, institution, private ones, forgot the name of the title: to serve to the people for a price, a cost, a benefit, but they forgot to serve pressing on the brake from time to time, and went at full speed with their eyes in making the most money as possible.  The same thing started to happen in 2008 but, the government intervene and “gave” them money, all the money needed just to avoid 1929 depression.  When politicians just think for themselves forgetting that they serve to the communes, banks, dwelling rent, transportation, utility bills and a lot of things moves to the clouds been unreachable to the minority of the people who are the most of the population of a region and in “forget the name of the title”, it turns into a boomerang that dismember the region.  Taxes increase, taxes become a burden to the group, crime increase as well as unemployment and money launder by businesspeople who buy politicians.  The mafia takes over the gov as well as illegal businesses.  Immigration becomes a burden cuz people comes and go in a disorderly manner.  Neighbour nations deny the entrance of people from other nations or citizens from a nation start exploiting new incomers: new immigrants.  Human Trafficking turns to be the plate of the day together with child abuse cuz the system is overburden with too many varieties of type of human violations.  A depression, any depression in this 21st. Century, would be like a nuclear bomb falling in each and every American home.
In order to avoid the “forgot the name of the title” syndrome, if it could be called as such, politicians must and shall work along with the Constitution of the Nation, not the “rule of the party” or the organization and responding to the personal interests of bosses of any governmental institution against the Nation State and in favor of any individual, family or group.  Dictatorship Nation States work for a small group turning the great majority into semi-slaves’ citizens.
Forgetting the name of the title, in a Democracy, works as a boomerang against anyone who thinks he/she is a boss working for themselves and its group, not the people, all of them.
Jail…await anyone who intend to forget the name of his/her title by not serving the commune …in a Democracy.
I think you think you are very smart, intellectual, and important.  I think that.  Why?  …cuz I think am very smart, intellectual, and important.
I think you are not smart, intellectual, and important, I think that, why? …cuz I am not very smart, intellectual and consider self-important …why?  Cuz I "forgot the name of the title."

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Subpoena are for vulgar people, not Donald Trump, friends and families

Knowing subpoena are not for presidents, friends and family but, for vulgar people.

...subpoena? What's that? Forcing some one to see a judge? Forcing some one to handle any type, form or contract of a doc to any governmental authority? What's that? People, you are lost right the next to your home. People, you are blind and have a 20/20 vision. People, you know the song but forgot the letter, this is, don't understand the message. People, you want to give a beggar one dollar personal donation but tell the beggar: sorry, all my bills are in the 20's bills, too many of them in my wallet but don't find the one dollar bill to give you ...sorry, might be next. ...people, a subpoena legal doc is an illegal doc if in it carries the name of the President of USA, a president is untouchable; and you belief that. ...people, are you: a n a l p h a b e t ?

Phillip Lopez

Barr needs a " time out " a few days in the lockup might bring him around .  

Phillip Lopez

At some point the people will tame the system . The government should accomadate the people not the other way around .  

Patriarchal bull doo doo to the Alabama law!!! I guess slavery and serfdom is next....Goddess help us!!!

Them are some mixed up people in Montana .

…as time pass by, things will get worst.

…as time pass by, things will get worst.

...I do not comprehend the DoD explanation of the new military force to be created by EU. First US via our President make mock of NATO; make mock of some leaders of the European Union and yet make mock of our own defense system which uses the FBI, the CIA and the alliances with foreign spies linked with our other: NSA and a lot of more. Now that the Europeans start to organize its own force independently from ours cuz they do not trust US president would take any actions against Russia if it interferes, militarily against EU. EU does not feel secure US would protect them if not US would trick them by delaying any protection while Russia takes back former states to USSR. It is US fault that EU takes that decision on a new force. Why? Europeans had been deeply offended by our actual President, a person who as of now, behind militaries personal close doors conversation is " Persona no-grata". US has a mess right on the front door of the White House which form investigator Mueller left for the own White house and its party decide what to do and they are doing, what is obvious, protecting their government, not this country nor they care on Europe military situation in front of Vladimir Putin. They are defending their own personal view on internal political position as a party, not as a Nation State. ...what is US asking for?

Monday, May 13, 2019

…a conversation between friends: China and US in a nearby bar.

…a conversation between friends: China and US in a nearby bar.

...just heard China and US talking in private at a nearby bar, heard this: I want to increase taxpayer’s contribution to the gov, China, have any idea how to do that. Of course US, do it this way: increase a higher tax to me on things I make in China, let's say if I send to you something, anything, for me to send it and you take it, I must pay 25% more of whatever price I put to it. So, if I sell it for 100 dollars, then I have to pay 25 dollars for your customs accepting it to enter. So, I increase the price to 125 dollars, then I would pay 25 dollars plus 5 dollars on taxes to your customs, you receive 30 dollars on my payment. Got it? China, don't understand how you wane pay more? No, no, no US, I gone not to pay more, your people are gone pay more; they are going to pay 25 dollars, am gone pay just 5 dollars on a thing that really cost 100 dollars. Got it now? US, if you do so, your people are going to pay a higher tax for whatever they get from me. Consider that a tax increase for selected people of 25 dollars if they want whatever I make here while I just pay 5 dollars tax per each 100 dollars on the value of whatever I export to you. Got it now? You do not have to ask permission to congress to increase any taxes to your people. But remember, I'll increase the taxes to whatever you send me. C'mon China, so you are going to make a lot of money at cost of me? Then I have to pay to you higher taxes to send whatever I built here? Yes, US, that's the deal, take it or leave ...if you want to collect more taxes from your people, in that way they will not suspect they are paying higher taxes. After all, I got to get some money for me, I am giving you my idea. Take it or leave it. ...mmm, China, I like your idea. In that way I don't have to increase taxes to my people, and they would think I am punishing you, but it is me who is doing that. See! The world will think you are punishing me! The world will think you are a very clever President and your people will elect you in a second turn if you run again! Yes! Thanks China!

That would be a good idea too, the best way to distract congress from their stupid wish on seeing the taxes of me and my family.

Not only that, US, they would think you are punishing me cuz of that of the artificial islands I built in my seas.

China, you are very, very smart.  Thanks again!

I heard this conversation between China and US, so I publish it here.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

…still there are people with Hitler mentalities in plain 21st. Century.

…still there are people with Hitler mentalities in plain 21st. Century.

In Germany long ago (on mid 20th. Century)

In USA now (beginning of 21st. Century)

…still there are people with Hitler mentalities in plain 21st. Century.

...there is a hidden answer here, in each and every one of the dialog of them ...just to mention one, something like this: I am Christian, don't want Muslin messing in Europe, Europe just for Christian (that the spirit of his words); then the man tries to confuse the audience by shifting from Muslin to terrorist in such a way that by saying Muslin, it should be understood: terrorist. Well, in a government preaching his mentality, what would Europe or any Nation State composing Europe should do? Kill Muslins? Cuz they are terrorist? Wow! Man! That is a Pre-conception of Hitler just that: killing people who were not Arians (he himself was not Arian!) History repeats; hope that man never get a governmental top job in any gov and remain forever as a person thinkin' like that. That is not a Democratic manner of thinking but of "dictatorship-ism" by way of imposing a mental manipulation of my own feelings on others (taking a personal feeling and imposing it on others or face death if not) in mass killing... "Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] (About this sound listen, it on others or face death if not) in mass killing... "Adolf Hitler (German: [ˈadɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ] (About this sound listen; 20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP). He rose to power as Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and later Führer in 1934.[a] During his dictatorship from 1933 to 1945, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland in September 1939. He was closely involved in military operations throughout the war and was central to the perpetration of the Holocaust.

" P. S.: is using AI read aloud! Enjoy the link above using AI directly from them!

Thursday, May 09, 2019

What is SQL injection attack?

What is a SQL injection attack?

…ad-on use “Read Aloud” either Google or word, it is very pleasant “AI” read for you!  …something else, the topic is very good to make a group discussion …if you never used read aloud, look in word document the symbol that says “Search”, right click on it or left click on it and these appear: “Recently Used”, “Read Aloud” (with a capital letter, the symbol of sound in front, just click on it.  Artificial intelligent will start reading.  Enjoy!

From: Malwarebytes.

You may not know what a SQL injection (SQLI) attack is or how it works, but you definitely know about the victims. Target, Yahoo, Zappos, Equifax, Epic Games, TalkTalk, LinkedIn, and Sony Pictures—these companies were all hacked by cybercriminals using SQL injections.

A SQLI is a type of attack by which cybercriminals exploit software vulnerabilities in web applications for the purpose of stealing, deleting, or modifying data, or gaining administrative control over the systems running the affected applications.

I felt that the information given directly by Malwarebytes, would be worth to share with the public and for those who are curious enough in the knowing, so shared it is:

Save the above link for future reference.

…and remember, many times it is not your fault, they are mostly of the sites you relay on.

You would say, why this guy always mentions Russia and/or China?

No, am not obsessed with those nations, it is that known USA is a superpower, US has many enemies hidden behind, that publicly tells the world all the opposite …due to jealousy, due to the need to conquer other part of the world making business with US, so they take the business for them.

Just an example: Venezuela.

This nation is very rich in petroleum and has some very important gold mine.  Whichever Nation State, politically, conquers Venezuela, has a solid gold mine and liquid gold mine to exploit to enrich itself while they enrich the few leaders of Venezuela, those in power and those that keep them in power.  This is easy to do cuz US are people that care for the implementation of Democracy, to be shared freely by the world but, don’t care in cleaning US backyard of which US is their backyard.

Why that?  Cuz US have an incompetent top government: The Federal Government.

                      Cuz US have many incompetent members of the Federal Government: appointed government directors, regulators and the likes who doesn’t know how to spell “Diplomacy”.

So, that’s why Russia and China are using not only SQL Injection into US Democratic System but, into US Fed system.

Got the point?

I just give the idea; you get the point.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Why Russians should abandon America, as well as Chinese or else.

Why Russians should abandon America, as well as Chinese or else.

Should the US get out of Latin America?

US should not, for they and US are the same though with different development,  US are not Russians but Europeans, Indians American turned to be a mixture of Europeans and Indians been Indians native and Europeans the invaders but Russians or Chinese.

...Porfirio Diaz never fought USA, his presidency was called: Porfirian era: Porfirian era (1876–1911) French-styled architecture in Benito Juárez, Mexico City, whose architectural legacy remains in the neighborhoods of Condesa, Zona Rosa, Centro Historico and Chapultepec. The gilded central foyer of the Palacio Postal, now used as the primary post office of central Mexico City. Events such as the Mexican–American War, the French Intervention and the Reform War left the city relatively untouched and it continued to grow, especially during the rule of President Porfirio Díaz. During this time, the city developed a modern infrastructure, such as roads, schools, transportation systems and communication systems. However, the regime concentrated resources and wealth into the city while the "rest of the country languished in poverty.", you have to learn to interpret whatever you read, cuz something wrong either with your vision or your mind. ...did you read: "the French intervention" and... above? Can you read Spanish or just mumble it? Can you interpret historical accounts? Can you relate a historical account, and other historical account the way it is., I would not see you as my chancellor nor as my advisor cuz you can't understand whatever you read. You have poor understanding of what you read. ...your mind is too close. Poor intelligent to interpret even in your own language as if you did not reach any grade in High School.

By the year 1800 and thereafter, nations invaded other nations due to socio-economic needs and land expansion.

Not only USA invaded nearby territories, but nearby territories invaded other lands.

In the case of Mexico, after it got its independence from Spain,  it had to confront France itself, at war.  Mexico on that time was a disorganized territory in respect to its Northern side with the USA.  Spain had on hold the Comanche and Apache tribes.  They, the original inhabitants of that section, felt invaded by Spain who founded Mexico.  In other words, the Mexican-Spanish were foreigners taking the Indian lands, and that was why Indians attacked all foreigners on the lands they use to have as a subsistence for hunting.  That cause the Indians to attack what was on that time: Mexico, after its independence from Spain.  The new government of Mexico could not control nor had the resources to organize that region as did Spain.  The newly born government did not take proper care of that undefined demarcation next to USA which was well organized and ruling the Northern part of North America.  Borders were not well demarked.  USA was fighting Indians territories and suggesting Indians land into its control.  Cuz Northern Mexico and Southern USA, were inhabited by Indians that used that land for hunting wild animals, USA decided to annex it to its territory.  Mexican themselves could not control the Indians such as the Comanche and others, but the land was mostly dwelled by Indians rather than the newly created Mexico.  USA proceeded to conquer that land while Mexico came in to protect that land for them.  That land was, really, a buffer zone controlled by Indians that were fighting both: Mexicans and Americans yet Spain proclaimed that land as theirs.

USA succeeded in acquiring the land, Mexico and the Indians lost it.  Mexicans Indians became Americans and the story depart from there on.  So, historically, Mexico lost the land to USA, yet Mexico could not rule it or control it.  The Indians did.

The above on its history is overly complex.  It was not that US invaded Mexico itself but, as Mexico confronted USA, the Indian’s land invaders, Mexico lost the land that belong to  the Indians that use it for hunting, a land of subsistence.  In reality, USA grabbed the Indian land before Mexico could govern it.  Mexico was an invader too of the Indian land. Each and everyone wanted a piece of the cake and USA won against the Indians and Mexico.  Some Indians stayed on the side of Mexico and others on the side of USA and change their languages from native Indians to Spanish in the South and English in the North (the south of USA).

Be it known that both nations were fighting against Indians to conquer its territories, what is today Mexico,  fought with the inquisition by killing thousands of Indians and USA fought with its army killing thousands of Indians too and taking its territories and defining a new frontier. Remember, the Spanish were first than the newly formed North America …and Mexico real name is North America too but with the Mexican Indians in it.

Really, it is a mess organized later as these nations organized themselves.

Now, Mexico tells straight and clear that USA invaded them but it was Indian territory not well defined by the invaders Spanish conquerors that gave origin to the Mexican State but totally abandon Indians establishments within, still abandon, neglected of hospitals, schools, roads and drinking healthy water as well as modern way of communication.  On the North American side, all that need had been met. Indians feel to be member of US, not enemies and US see them as equal citizens, not second class.

Mexican gov still discriminate them, the work as servants in big cities… many Indians had landed further south of the actual Americas and are Bolivians, Peruans and many others with specific languages, Indian languages.  The root of the original Indians, in South American, just were eliminated, disappeared: the Mayan, the Inca and the Tainos. Tainos still exists in Argentina and Venezuela yet those government ignore them in its totality as they disappear by mixing amongst the population: as if it were a “dead specie.”

They still exist in USA as a well-developed group.  In reality, USA did not invade Mexico, but Indian territory still in full bloom.   

Roots of the conflict in North Mexico[edit]

The 1832 boundaries of Comanchero, the Comanche homeland

Mexico's military and diplomatic capabilities declined after it attained independence from Spain in 1821 and left the northern one-half of the country vulnerable to the Comanche, Apache, and Navajo native Americans. The Comanche, in particular, took advantage of the Mexican state to undertake large-scale raids hundreds of miles into the country to acquire livestock for their own use and to supply an expanding market in Texas and the U.S.[12]

The northern area of Mexico was sparsely settled and not well controlled politically by the government based in Mexico City. After independence, Mexico contended with internal struggles that sometimes verged on civil war and the northern frontier was not a high priority. In northern Mexico, the end of Spanish rule was marked by the end of financing for presidios and for gifts to Native Americans to maintain the peace. The Comanche and Apache were successful in raiding for livestock and looting much of northern Mexico outside the scattered cities. Northern Mexico was a violent and chaotic area due to the Indian raids. The raids after 1821 resulted in the death of thousands of Mexicans, halted most transportation and communications, and decimated the ranching industry that was a mainstay of the northern economy. As a result, the demoralized civilian population of northern Mexico put up little resistance to the invading U.S. army.

You got cojones man!

You got cojones man!

...why not, it is time for Russia or China to get in ...well, it is time for US to take over Asia as China or Russia takes over Latin America. No? Then what do you mean? For US Latinos, USA is our back yard. So, US Latinos own that back yard, US Latinos do not have China or Russia as our back yard neither Europe. What is the front yard of a region, is a back yard of that "front yard"! So, please, don't change the wording giving it to it your evil interpretation. Am Latino, am telling you that while you are not a Latino, got that? Grabbed that? Want to know the meaning of a word? Grab a dict. Want to now the deep root including the spirit of a word? Ask the people that speak the language you want to know. Books don't carry that spirit. I learnt English, I live in an English-speaking land, I know both spirit of those language, so I tell you and forget of your word mis-interpretations. For you to know sometimes, in rare situations, I have to use a Spanish word in the English language cuz that language doesn't have its spirit word. For example: "you got cojones in presenting what you say here, cuz that is not the way. If you look for the word: "Cojones" in Spanish, it doesn't mean what I want to say; but in its spirit it means: you got testes in presenting what you say here ...and that means: you got testosterone in having the courage of making your presentation here the way you do. So, in Spanish, all that is summarize in: you got cojones. Got it! You got cojones carries the enrichment of what I am telling you here: just three words! Those three words carries the spirit of a semantic of meanings: for example: you got cojones in offering yourself as an astronaut to travel to the moon. You got cojones to offer yourself for that mission. You got cojones to kill that stranger. You got cojones in violating the law. Cojones is testosterones, the hormone secreted by the testis in the male organ, not in any women cuz they have on testis but ovules, it not produces testosterones but other type of hormones. Yet females have a very insignificant form of testosterones produced by their skin and the female hormones act as testosterones in extreme circumstances. Know that I lectured you: you got testosterones man! You got cojones man! In English only: You got balls man! Got that?

Manipulation on the reasoning of Democracy.

Manipulation on the reasoning of Democracy.

…onlookers should be aware on the game of words that lead to falsehood:  I could say that blacks (people not been the so called “whites,” are a majority in USA) are a majority in USA; how?  Just take two city population of the United States of North America, add up those city black populations and then conclude that blacks are a majority against the popular version that white people are the majority of this Nation State and then add-on that been “black is been a majority”, an white do not recognize them as such.

…on the said above there is a false statement inserted within a misleading premises in which comparison makes the false premises to look true.  A part of the Whole compared with the Whole itself to be the True (a misleading) of the Whole.

…or just take this other assumption: take two separate cities of any state of USA, make sure that in those two cities, the crime rate of black and or Hispanic people is very high and conclude that the rate of crimes in non-white people is higher than that of white people.  A cruel false statement proof turned into a true statement based on “Manipulation of reasoning of Democracy,” the same as Ms. Dambisa Moyo is doing in believing that “liberal democracy is under siege and requires a radical overhaul.” …a misleading reasoning.  High crime rate is a factor not of colour but of economy in a well developed society.
The existence of US is at risk
1. The possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger.
2. A factor, thing, element, or course involving uncertain danger; a hazard: "the usual risks of the desert: rattlesnakes, the heat, and lack of water" (Frank Clancy).
a. The danger or probability of loss to an insurer.
b. The amount that an insurance company stands to lose.
a. The variability of returns from an investment.
b. The chance of nonpayment of a debt.
5. One considered with respect to the possibility of loss: a poor risk.
tr.v. risked, risk·ing, risks
1. To expose to a chance of loss or damage; hazard. See Synonyms at endanger.
2. To incur the risk of: His action risked a sharp reprisal.

Prism had been created to protect US from damages from within and without people that are real enemies of USA existence, actual President elect Donald Trump had dedicated part of his government to destroy those institution and let USA exposed to further attacks.

US is competing with artificial intelligence in the Arm forces to increase the protection of you and me, they need over 20 billion dollars for that, but Trump, who doesn't take advises, instead dedicated 720 billions of dollars or more, for ware devices ignoring AI.  Bigot, an outdated educated person: 


(ˈbɪg ət)

a person who is extremely intolerant of another's creed, belief, or opinion.
China and Russia are heavily investing in AI

Much more than 100 billion dollars had been given away to the 1 or 2% of the super-rich population of which his family got a big portion of it.

Trump, a man who doesn't know of history at all.

Human Trafficking had been a product of the outdated Immigration laws of USA ...instead, they are accused of been criminals.

...see that?  It contains trillions of planets, Earth is just one of them, a dust of a very fine grain in a desert, US is there, as well as China, Russia and all of Europe amongst others, but all of them are Machiavelliest one to the other, USA used to be a leader in trying to unify the world but, Donald Trump abandoned that policy, cuz he doesn't know "how-to". 
a.1.Of or pertaining to Machiavelli, or to his supposed principles for conduct of government, as enunciated in his tract The Prince; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity, political expediency, unscrupulous cunning, or bad faith; crafty.
n.1.One who adopts the principles of Machiavelli; a cunning and unprincipled politician.

China, already in full control on all USA private institutions inside ...just in case a war start: internet goes "puff" into thin air.

That is the USA gov from 2016 to 2020, thanks to Mueller.

China, working hard, very hard, to revive the old communication that existed since: 
The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West. It was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries.[1][2][3] The Silk Road primarily refers to the terrestrial routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with East Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe.
The Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in silk carried out along its length, beginning in the Han dynasty (207 BCE–220 CE). The Han dynasty expanded the Central Asian section of the trade routes around 114 BCE through the missions and explorations of the Chinese imperial envoy Zhang Qian.[4] The Chinese took great interest in the safety of their trade products and extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the protection of the trade route.[5]
Trade on the Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, Korea,[6] Japan,[2] the Indian subcontinent, Iran/Persia, Europe, the Horn of Africa and Arabia, opening long-distance political and economic relations between the civilizations.[7] Though silk was the major trade item exported from China, many other goods were traded, as well as religions, syncretic philosophies, sciences, and technologies. Diseases, most notably plague, also spread along the Silk Road.[8] In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network.[9]
...cuz world trade organization had been killed by Mr. Trump, actual President of USA, China is reviving its very old "Silk Road"

Virgin Mary, pray for USA.

...see USA and others are "nothing" in the Universe?

Donald Trump, you are an immigrant, American Indians don't want you here, go back to your mother land please, you are unwanted!

Trump, you are not "Welcome"

...well, that's you Mr. President.

...desperate after been exploited by USA, Bolivians coming here for food, a job and money but then they are called "Criminals", who are the criminals, US or them?
While others dislike my "son Rey", my dog, a poor immigrant embrace him and play with him.  Couple of days ago those that hate him kicked him on his left arm until breaking it in pieces.  Now he is recuperating living on the street with no one help but Donald Trump asking some people to kill them all.  His Immigration are doing that, they already killed 3 or 5 immigrant by poison them with some virus, they died under the Immigration Department custody; there had not been issue any investigation on that.  Cuz someone, protected, undercover, and feeling to have the protection of the fed, is doing that.  Cuz Trump is asking the public to do that ...and he, trump, is the President of this nation.  It comes to my mind: Kosovo, Serbian, Massacres and the likes against the Muslims and others.  These is Trump's mentality.
That is our fed gov mentality under the control of one, just one mind: Donald Trump, behind him there are others whom he gave positions in the fed gov, and Russia and China knows that very well, they are taking advantages to conquer the world: 


Subi Reef being built by the PRC and transformed into an artificial island, May 2015

China has conducted a land reclamation project which had built at least seven artificial islands in the South China Sea totaling 2000 acres in size by mid 2015.[12] One artificial island built on Fiery Cross Reef near the Spratly Islands is now the site of a military barracks, lookout tower and a runway long enough to handle Chinese military aircraft.[13]
"...and the President of USA, cuz he doesn't know history and politics, doesn't know how to handle this specific situation.  China is taking advantages of that while Trump fires anyone who intent to give him any advise, cuz he is, Trump, a knowall"  -a person who does not need advices, cuz he is smarter than the rest-, this is the begining on the end, a vicious circle: a person in a Democracy and not understanding Democracy, as many politicians live in.  They call themselves socialist, cuz do not understand Democracy and Democracy contains socialism within it but is not just "it"  My advice: learn or read the Magna Carta: the Constitution of any Nation State including this one: US.

A cruel false statement proof turned into a true statement based on “Manipulation of reasoning of Democracy,” the same as Ms. Dambisa Moyo is doing in believing that “liberal democracy is under siege and requires a radical overhaul.” …a misleading reasoning.  High crime rate is a factor not of colour but of economy in a well developed society.