Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Manipulation on the reasoning of Democracy.

Manipulation on the reasoning of Democracy.


…onlookers should be aware on the game of words that lead to falsehood:  I could say that blacks (people not been the so called “whites,” are a majority in USA) are a majority in USA; how?  Just take two city population of the United States of North America, add up those city black populations and then conclude that blacks are a majority against the popular version that white people are the majority of this Nation State and then add-on that been “black is been a majority”, an white do not recognize them as such.

…on the said above there is a false statement inserted within a misleading premises in which comparison makes the false premises to look true.  A part of the Whole compared with the Whole itself to be the True (a misleading) of the Whole.

…or just take this other assumption: take two separate cities of any state of USA, make sure that in those two cities, the crime rate of black and or Hispanic people is very high and conclude that the rate of crimes in non-white people is higher than that of white people.  A cruel false statement proof turned into a true statement based on “Manipulation of reasoning of Democracy,” the same as Ms. Dambisa Moyo is doing in believing that “liberal democracy is under siege and requires a radical overhaul.” …a misleading reasoning.  High crime rate is a factor not of colour but of economy in a well developed society.
The existence of US is at risk
1. The possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger.
2. A factor, thing, element, or course involving uncertain danger; a hazard: "the usual risks of the desert: rattlesnakes, the heat, and lack of water" (Frank Clancy).
a. The danger or probability of loss to an insurer.
b. The amount that an insurance company stands to lose.
a. The variability of returns from an investment.
b. The chance of nonpayment of a debt.
5. One considered with respect to the possibility of loss: a poor risk.
tr.v. risked, risk·ing, risks
1. To expose to a chance of loss or damage; hazard. See Synonyms at endanger.
2. To incur the risk of: His action risked a sharp reprisal.

Prism had been created to protect US from damages from within and without people that are real enemies of USA existence, actual President elect Donald Trump had dedicated part of his government to destroy those institution and let USA exposed to further attacks.

US is competing with artificial intelligence in the Arm forces to increase the protection of you and me, they need over 20 billion dollars for that, but Trump, who doesn't take advises, instead dedicated 720 billions of dollars or more, for ware devices ignoring AI.  Bigot, an outdated educated person: 


(ˈbɪg ət)

a person who is extremely intolerant of another's creed, belief, or opinion.
China and Russia are heavily investing in AI

Much more than 100 billion dollars had been given away to the 1 or 2% of the super-rich population of which his family got a big portion of it.

Trump, a man who doesn't know of history at all.

Human Trafficking had been a product of the outdated Immigration laws of USA ...instead, they are accused of been criminals.

...see that?  It contains trillions of planets, Earth is just one of them, a dust of a very fine grain in a desert, US is there, as well as China, Russia and all of Europe amongst others, but all of them are Machiavelliest one to the other, USA used to be a leader in trying to unify the world but, Donald Trump abandoned that policy, cuz he doesn't know "how-to". 
a.1.Of or pertaining to Machiavelli, or to his supposed principles for conduct of government, as enunciated in his tract The Prince; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity, political expediency, unscrupulous cunning, or bad faith; crafty.
n.1.One who adopts the principles of Machiavelli; a cunning and unprincipled politician.

China, already in full control on all USA private institutions inside ...just in case a war start: internet goes "puff" into thin air.

That is the USA gov from 2016 to 2020, thanks to Mueller.

China, working hard, very hard, to revive the old communication that existed since: 
The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West. It was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries.[1][2][3] The Silk Road primarily refers to the terrestrial routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with East Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe.
The Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in silk carried out along its length, beginning in the Han dynasty (207 BCE–220 CE). The Han dynasty expanded the Central Asian section of the trade routes around 114 BCE through the missions and explorations of the Chinese imperial envoy Zhang Qian.[4] The Chinese took great interest in the safety of their trade products and extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the protection of the trade route.[5]
Trade on the Road played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, Korea,[6] Japan,[2] the Indian subcontinent, Iran/Persia, Europe, the Horn of Africa and Arabia, opening long-distance political and economic relations between the civilizations.[7] Though silk was the major trade item exported from China, many other goods were traded, as well as religions, syncretic philosophies, sciences, and technologies. Diseases, most notably plague, also spread along the Silk Road.[8] In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network.[9]
...cuz world trade organization had been killed by Mr. Trump, actual President of USA, China is reviving its very old "Silk Road"

Virgin Mary, pray for USA.

...see USA and others are "nothing" in the Universe?

Donald Trump, you are an immigrant, American Indians don't want you here, go back to your mother land please, you are unwanted!

Trump, you are not "Welcome"

...well, that's you Mr. President.

...desperate after been exploited by USA, Bolivians coming here for food, a job and money but then they are called "Criminals", who are the criminals, US or them?
While others dislike my "son Rey", my dog, a poor immigrant embrace him and play with him.  Couple of days ago those that hate him kicked him on his left arm until breaking it in pieces.  Now he is recuperating living on the street with no one help but Donald Trump asking some people to kill them all.  His Immigration are doing that, they already killed 3 or 5 immigrant by poison them with some virus, they died under the Immigration Department custody; there had not been issue any investigation on that.  Cuz someone, protected, undercover, and feeling to have the protection of the fed, is doing that.  Cuz Trump is asking the public to do that ...and he, trump, is the President of this nation.  It comes to my mind: Kosovo, Serbian, Massacres and the likes against the Muslims and others.  These is Trump's mentality.
That is our fed gov mentality under the control of one, just one mind: Donald Trump, behind him there are others whom he gave positions in the fed gov, and Russia and China knows that very well, they are taking advantages to conquer the world: 


Subi Reef being built by the PRC and transformed into an artificial island, May 2015

China has conducted a land reclamation project which had built at least seven artificial islands in the South China Sea totaling 2000 acres in size by mid 2015.[12] One artificial island built on Fiery Cross Reef near the Spratly Islands is now the site of a military barracks, lookout tower and a runway long enough to handle Chinese military aircraft.[13]
"...and the President of USA, cuz he doesn't know history and politics, doesn't know how to handle this specific situation.  China is taking advantages of that while Trump fires anyone who intent to give him any advise, cuz he is, Trump, a knowall"  -a person who does not need advices, cuz he is smarter than the rest-

...so, this is the begining on the end, a vicious circle: a person in a Democracy and not understanding Democracy, as many politicians live in.  They call themselves socialist, cuz do not understand Democracy and Democracy contains socialism within it but is not just "it"  My advice: learn or read the Magna Carta: the Constitution of any Nation State including this one: US.

A cruel false statement proof turned into a true statement based on “Manipulation of reasoning of Democracy,” the same as Ms. Dambisa Moyo is doing in believing that “liberal democracy is under siege and requires a radical overhaul.” …a misleading reasoning.  High crime rate is a factor not of colour but of economy in a well developed society.

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