Sunday, October 27, 2019

...something missing here ...self-destruction can be stopped if humans want.

...something missing here ...self-destruction can be stopped if humans want.

...something missing here. Can't tell now. It will be told to the USA militaries to improve its capability of full enemies’ destruction in case of a nuclear war attack. Note: in a nuclear attack there is no winner but, it guarantees the enemy military capabilities will be eliminated forever if that enemy nation survives its system of government. 4 steps to follow: showing the consequences of a nuclear war to its citizens (the enemy nation) Second: Showing to those citizens (the enemy nation), that a nuclear war can be adverted. Third: Showing to these people that their nation militaries will fail in their use of atomic bombs and instead, themselves will be nuked and disappear cuz their persistence in using nukes. ...and thirdly, free radio and TV frequencies to all of their land to show them all of the above. Then carry a nuclear attack to them after all these warnings as a first strike unless their militaries and commander in chief get in direct contact with USA to prevent any nuclear war from both sides. The "...something missing here." had not been said yet.

What’s the differences between non-Democratic Nation States and Democratic ones:

Government by force of the few self-elected and Government by the people free elections.

Weapons USA is working in it in “secret”, as of now: well advanced.

Shown above as a possibility, false it is, it is under work, been done.

Humans self-destruction could be stopped if humans want.

Should humans burn cuz a politician decided to do so?  Not only one but millions?
Does Vladimir Putin has the right in destroying any other country but his?
Does China has the right to burn world's people face cuz they (the China gov) wants to own most of the South China Seas? ...using nukes? one has the right in destroying humans.
...see here a family at ground zero at the moment they evaporate, todays ground zero could be more or less around 20 miles (32.18 kilometers, approximately) approximately.
Nuclear fission of todays nukes are made of a much refined U-235 atomic element as was made on the bombs used in War world two, therefore yielding a much powerful radiative explosion 💥 and dispersing much more radiation ...further onto the location it blows up.
Example: take on teaspoon of sugar dispersed in onto 16 onces of water and compare it with 10 teaspoon of sugar dispersed in onto 16 onces of water, which is much stronger to the taste, much concentrated?  So are todays nukes, much concentrated ...much destruction: it carries much potential energy due to its pure concentration, so its kinetic energy (extension  of effect) is much of a duration and extension.  It is like using 16 nuclear bombs encapsulated within the same container, within the same volume but much more concentrated.  Got the idea?  There is something else here, what I call: passives effect, which is the effect of the Kinetic radiation, the extent of the radiation is much larger, takes much more space, it is much stronger, people decay much faster in lesser years, the burning 🔥 things including people, is much more profound, not to say effective, than the bombs used long time ago in Japan.
Today's scientists tell these bombs are dozen of times much stronger than the one used in War World TWO.  One bomb could kill millions in one second and multiple of millions in one generation onto the next gen due to ☢ irrigation on things that are ♾ permanent.
See all the above in this way: one person with a stick fighting 16 persons with guns.  Only in movies 🎥 a person kill 16 persons armed with guns, just in fantastic movies and cartoons.  Politicians, some, are of that kind.  Some Presidents too, don't think.
Nuclear arsenal shall be eradicated from the face of this plannet.
Or else the below.

...after a nuke from enemies country which want to conquer others seas if they (others sea travers nations), don't let them own the seas.
...this can be avoid.
...a person burning in fractions of a second after a nuclear attack by nations that care not for the existence of others.

...and that is why US fight against: fire with fire ...or respect of other lands and seas.
2047, the year of "wait and see".
...a nuclear war shall be avoid.
US getting ready for the fight if they continue bulling the World.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

People, just people.

People, just People.

…as humans evolve, happiness and desperation evolve with them.

Some, not too many, take over the responsibilities of governing.

Others, the few, carry on, acts pertaining to the protections of all humans.

Others, many, carry on acts pertaining the making of personal interest to themselves.

…and that is why rules, regulations and laws are made for all humans to follow.

But, some human don’t follow cuz they improvise, feel different than the rest.

But, if so, those humans differs from the rest, cuz they have different pics of the people.

Those humans, based on scientific studies, are not adjusted in creating happiness evolving the human people.  They don’t understand what desperation is for them.  Have no feelings and don’t understand what strategy is.  They cause chaos imposing decisions on whatever they are touch except if it is their own happiness, their self-esteem in their “me, I and always myself” mentality. Scientist call them Psychopath.

Those humans that don’t follow rules, regulations, and laws but their own then are saw by the social group as people affected by antisocial personality disorders.

…in reality is not such a thing, but most of the time is that.  Why this contradiction?

Yes, it is a contradiction, but it is that, cuz they fail in reasonings …they like “been God like humans”. Feel superior to other humans.

…and insist, as well fallow the route of self-enrichment disregarding the suffering of others: “a person having a character disorder distinguished by amoral or antisocial behaviour without feelings of remorse, psychopathic person …a rapist is very close to a psychopath yet could be not a psychopath, necessarily.

The same said above could be said of a person who uses any means, whatever means as possible to enrich him/her-self as is the case of Donald J. Trump as long he can reach to other people’s money.

People, just people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

On Privacy and third parties

This is a suggestion given to Microsoft.  The case is figuring out a way on “how to stop, avoid or handicap powerful institution into violating people’s privacy without the people concern.

There are many ways how-to, but it is the user that has to perceive it and give what they think.  True it is that many people don’t care but, others do.

On Privacy:
Below, it is the way privacy is as of now. concern people learn more and more of today's internet, they get scare and much scare as days pass on, so do politicians.

This is seen in “All feedback  My feedback  Drafts’

Give us feedback to make Windows better.”

1.     Your feedback

Summarize your feedback

“On Privacies and the so famous third parties.” most cases, for the operating system to render some work needed by the user, the system must know the user location (Windows is second party, the user is first party if am not wrong).  It happens that the user goes to a site or into a program use by external parties, let's say: social security (a third party); it is windows that have to let know that third party whatever location is using the user, first party,  and it is windows that should deposit a cookie into first party computer, control by Windows under "yes" or "no" first party acceptance when the first party accept each and every time first party needs.  Should not the third party deposit into the user compu a cookie, freely, to spy on the user when the user is not visiting any of the third party site or location  ...said so, this is the only guarantee that the user has that he/she is not going to be "spied" by third party in order to present to them advertising.  This would be the best protection Windows could give.

Will post publicly as From the Desk of E. Don’t add personal info.

Ad on: if Msft makes the cookie and it is deposited in the user computer but with the user right to control that “Msft made cookie”, the dance of the user been known by any third party is impossible for them to know unless the user permits to.

I mean this: from the user computer he/she goes, after visiting the Department of Social Security, she goes, let’s invent, goes to any another institution.  That institution, if she wants, could see her Msft cookies but,  she could block that specific institution in “seeing” that cookie too.  Suppose it is X’s very famous site, well, she/he could navigate in it except that they could not link, participate, or share any data from my compu into anyone compu, including x’s very famous site itself cuz none of them (X’s site) could “see” Thy Cookie with them personal data.  Say he/she wants to be part of anything in that X’s site, then they should open my “Thy Cookie” to be shared and still could specify to Thy Cookie, for example: don’t share my location and my age.  Others should use, but not storage in their arsenals, whatever needed of their privacies in order to make justify use of their person, of their self-data born with them, not belonging to X’s site’s hieroglyphic of algorithm using it later to call and offer ads via their cellphone or just pop up in their computer screen showing their products of which they might not be looking for.  Yes, if looking, let’s say: buying a pair of shoes; X’s site has no right to show anything unless been asked or order into their computer by themselves: “show to me anyone selling shoes at this price and in a varieties of colours and materials”.  It is them that should ask the computer; there are infinite sites that might contain that for them, which they would like. Could for, say, any or just ask for any nearby my store by their job, home, their mother’s home, girlfriend or boyfriend house, and things like that.

…the computer, their computer, but not any specific site like X’s site, would open and search for what been asked for.

“Thy Cookie” does the work!  That’s artificial intelligence! That is not spying!  That’s computing!  That’s freedom!

The above would be the end of third party right intervening and selling the user’s privacy data to others.

…final end of big companies exposing users’ data been used against them, find them and if needed, kill them as Russia is doing with their former citizens that renounce to their laws and adapt other Nation States laws they feel are better respected.

Why a third party carry my self-born inalienable data? …but myself?

Got the point?  Got the idea?  Period!

…and for the above, you might save your personal data in the CLOUD by having your metadata in it only for your use (mother, sister, brothers, and friend’s name. The Cloud has the rest of data such as stores, type of shoes if any in those stores and the blah, blah, blah of data, as if it were a showroom for your AI “Thy Cookie” to use in accordance to your needs or have all that data in your compu or your compu go into their compus (those stores that contains the products you wants, and “look around, present to the onlooker whatsoever’s directly into the onlooking compu as if he/she were in live “seeing” that.

…it is the reverse: the user enters X’s site compus and decide, not them.  Their compus would just have AI in order to present the product to the “onlooker”: size, colours, price and materials, etc. etc. etc.

Or if the user wants, let them (third parties) do whatever they please the user personal spirit.

You make the choice.

AI is the future of Human Freedom: getting rid of third parties and you taking decisions, not them, on your Privacy.

Wane know what? See this: visit any site and read what is the privacy they give to you: nothing!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

...hard facts on what is a "clean out" in Donald Trump words

...hard facts on what is a "clean out" in Donald Trump words on the Turks doing to the Kurds, this is that in numbers:
Killed children from 0 ages to 11 months old:                  20.
Killed children from 11+ to 5 yrs old                                   34.
Killed children from 5 yrs old to 9 yrs old                          99.
Killed children from 9+ yrs old to 15 yrs old                   105.
Killed children from 15+ yrs old to 18yrs old               2,000.
Killed people from 18+ yrs old to 21yrs old               20,000.
Killed adult people from 21+ yrs old to older             50,000.
Killed elderly people                                                            200.
All the above cuz our President gave a green light to the President of Turk to proceed with the killing., should you ask: Why?

Cuz there is no official figures of exactly how many Kurds have died on the command given to the Pres of the Nation State of the Turks to kill as many as possible Kurds could be accomplished, order given by our President removing US militaries in Northern Africa to authorize the Turk’s President to start the killing of people.
...facts discussed on the web ...above.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The below is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone

The below is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone in order to protect the economy of this Nation State.


In Living Undocumented

Season 1: Ep. 4

The Crossing.

…timeline at 36:00,

“The Dunoyer family had a scheduled meeting with ICE

to receive a final decision on their deportation.”

“However, ICE recently postponed the meeting and has not rescheduled. Kenia and Noah. The Dunoyer family struggles in a legal limbo.”

[Pablo, in Spanish]

Has the lawyer said anything?

Wife: Nothing.

Pablo: “the only option for us at this moment is the US, and we believe in the laws of the US, and we believe our case deserves to be analyzed differently from the  others, because we haven’t made any mistakes. We’ve invested in the US. We have a house… -the wife intervenes and add:  And we have such a good credit that they loaned us half a million dollars for this house. They don’t do that for any illegal or undocumented immigrant. The bank wouldn’t loan them half a million dollars to buy property.

-their son intervenes and response: Mom, you always emphasize, enphatisar …Mon correct him: “enphatizar”, Emphasize that we benefit the economy. I hate having to emphasize that.

The point here: if you keep seen and listening the topic here, you’ll notice the prejudice many people that been living in a beneficial social environment have of other people that had not the   to get that same social environment, and as said above, that’s PREJUDICE, clear and loud, from wall to wall.

Not only that, the prejudice is to put a seal or tag to others that had not have the same “opportunities”, this is, a good environment in order of achieving success in their lives even at acceptable standards.  These type of people exists at all level of any society, at all level of education and they are of short thigh in judging any individual different from them.

True is that undocumented ones are going through hell, just to solve their social status.  If those people ever get a social position in any institution which work is to assists people, they would use their prejudice as a rule of thumb to grant any help to those people …as a proof here to mention how wrong this woman is.

First, she is judging other people base on her own status as if people, all, are in the same situation as they -her family is-

Second, she thinks that everyone is the way she tells: people that don’t want success in their lives, that they do not want to be independents, so as not to change their social status to be always helped by some institution be it public or not.

…and thirdly, doesn’t pay attentions nor value other people angle of viewing social problems as her son expect her to view too.

…yet she needs help too and as you onlookers could notice: here in this documentary of “Living Undocumented” there is a small company that has a gross income, annually, of 2,000,000 dollars per year, and growing, and had been denied to one of its owners, the status to stay in America to get a legal documentation as a resident.  Just this small piece of evidence, for you and set in this documentary, is enough proof of what a Prejudice PERSON MENTALITY IS LIKE.

That’s how the KKK, racists, ignorant people and our President of the USA think and all those ones he gives them position to guide him and takes decisions for him as the actual person in charge of Housing Authority of the Fed thinks and a lot of ather ones that fill up the Government Swamp, rich or nuts.  With a diploma or nuts.

The above is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone in order to protect the economy of this Nation State.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

…am hardheaded

…am hardheaded time of Giuliani's City's mayor and City District Attorney, New York City was Gotham City, Giuliani was Batman
and the Joker were New York's mafia and the crime committee. Now, Giuliani removed his Batman mask and put on the Joker mask ...all for money ...on the 2016 general elections, Donald Trump said something: with money, you can buy
anyone ...thought he was wrong on the point, now found out the wrong one was I.

Am a strong believer
on Justice, Decency, Honor, and the Law of the Good.

...but the President of
the United States of North America proof me wrong …thought that money buys not
the Just, the Decent and the Man of Honor cuz they are made of Laws and the

Good Laws but, seen the White House the way Trump had it built, I discovered

wrong in that belief of myself.

…but am hardheaded, still insist. others are too:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

...two experienced pilots and science VS inexperienced President and his designated helpers.

How two experienced airplane pilots and science investigation solved a rare possible catastrophe to happen again with the possible loss of hundreds of lives.

…and what course is USA taking on its future.

The problem here with “of Cathay Pacific Flight 780’s that had two malfunctioning  A330 engine” as shown in Air disasters: Deadly Descent”.

By just observing 🔭, the conclusion is that this passenger airplane had a contaminated airplane fuel in its system, that damaged the  control valves of an airplane carrying few hundreds of people.  Two engines starting malfunctioning about to make the flying airplane collapse from the sky; which were stocked, and any command given could not make the piston in the valves work properly.  Watch this one:

…why this situation is posted here?

Simple: if a government such as that of the USA, fires many of its experienced authorities such as ambassadors, Federal Bureau director, and those dealing with the security of its nation such as of the National Security Agency, attacks its own legitimate Court System, its judges, its Congress and attacks its own Attorney General then install corrupted people in its place, ignorant people in the fields …what do you expect?

The whole Nation State will collapse in status internationally, economically (in respect to an expected inflation) and in prestige around the world.

…and its pilot flying the nation is unexperienced, a bigot, a racist and behaves as a psychopath …what do you expect?

Some USA politicians of both big parties shall be made responsible if they don’t make the proper investigation to avoid USA falls from up the skies into total failure.

…USA, in its system, as of now, has a SWAMP full of sharks draining and contaminating the rule of laws in this country that will create its future collapse.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

"Jewish character".

 "Jewish character". They don't explain what on earth is that, so it is left to the world on interpretation, and mine is: Races different than theirs are not tolerated within their roots, their cities, their social fabric ...if not, what on earth they mean? people are not accepted here. That is the meaning of the Jewish character. ...the same did Adolf Hitler with them: Jews are not accepted here and committed horrendous massacre. ...well, that's this plannet: me, I, and always myself one else. least if Israel intervene helping the black skin colour people directly in their countries by sending to them food, helping them in their economy and injecting help in their government, well, saying that is not a Jewish character, is valid cuz they are helping in other ways. ...sometimes a group of people belief in Giveme philosophy but, don't believe in Giveyou philosophy. Even black people don't help black people. There are many black people in USA and other nations, they do the same as Israelites do: Giveme Philosophy is the rule for all. ...poor black skin humans! Humanity evolved from them, even themselves! And now they live making wars, in a poor land, not too much water. ...China seems to be a hero trying to extract the last drop of substances from Black Africa, everyone is a believer of Saint Giveme. Wow! ...once I went to a devoted church of strange Saints. Once in it, found on my right a very well taken care of a statue of a saint: it was aromatic, clean, of course, of white colour. Lot of candle around it, flowers of all kinds brought from far away nations and a caretaker in guard making sure no one would intent damage it. ...and on my left, found an abandoned statue of a saint, it was smelly, dirty, of course, of black colour. No candles in any distance from it, there were some dirt next to it like waiting to place some flower that never were place there. Some stone taking from nearby yard holding the statue, its name was: Saint giveyou. Why? cuz one was White and the other was black, that was WHY.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

…thinking better than humans

…thinking better than humans.

...yes, AI will be superior to human learning. A human takes many years to become a doctor, an engineer or whatever to be a professional. AI can be that in the split of a second, in the blink of an eye., the reason that some professionals think that AI will never achieve the level of human thinking is cuz they think that (in their inner thoughts), human intellectuality is based cuz there is a spirit in the human body, a soul ...therefore a machine, a software in the form of AI cannot acquire a soul. Wrong those that might think that AI would have not a soul, cuz having a soul is an illusion created by religion and the desire to exist after death. said above, then AI would look as if they acquired: soul. On the logic that AI will be capable of reasoning (thinking) ...even AI itself would think it has a soul when it reach itself at the human level of reasoning, making logic, taking decisions. But, AI will conclude that there is no such a thing as a spirit but logic, reasoning. AI will "learn" to feel love, passion, hate and getting angry except that it could in the blink of an eye understand that that is a factor of reasoning, an emotion that could be easily control and changed into productivism of better and new "thinking". AI, in that respect will be superior to human intelligent.

Humans would take minutes, hours or even days to cool on their temperament while AI would take a split of an eye to go into the same stage as a human.

A judge would send a human into jail after finding many facts, taking decisions, and listening to many witnesses.

An AI would take seconds or less for the same thing (but would wait to “hear humans to show facts for the decision taking; AI can “see” the history line of both the accused and the accuser, yet would wait for other humans to do the same but already, AI, having the sentence or verdict ready to be known by flesh and bone humans.

Here above it would show that AI has a better soul than humans.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Unfit to lead, as I call this work...

Unfit to lead, as I call this work, is a very elegant analytic work of art of a writer in the e-news, the Web.

Just go there and kill yourself.


The United States of America is passing through one of its most troublesome epoch of malice directly from its politicians, but not only that, from a person who is considered to be a foreign mole if not a psychopath mole.

Enjoy what Democracy is up to for you all and me.  It gives “We the People…”, the opportunities to correct ourselves not only via a court of law but, by the people inalienable natural right to express their view, opinions, analysis, and conclusion of their politicians; so giving a seat for the constitution to act.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Anja! wrong investors are: just making money for them, while the population are getting some money, which in no way would equal the money made in rich economies of the west ...naturally, whatever they get or gain (the poor in China), is a lot for them but a miserable amount in the west. Let's put it in this form: one orange in China would cost, one third of a penny as of now, but would the cost stay like that in 10-25 years?! ...and this a cost just to make a comparison, not the real cost. Extreme capitalist move to China, to make more money until they would have to start paying higher taxes, expenses, and things like that while the Chinese people increases their demands cuz the cost of living. As of now, right now, there is abundance of money to enjoy in China. Remember, it is a Socialist-Communist-Capital system, they would not have any other choice to apply their dictatorship in order to distribute some money for the poor to enjoy ...anja!(pronounce unha! Same meaning as hmm! From Spanish Anja!) Where is that money going to come from? More taxes to the superrich or turn China into a Capitalist-Democracy as are most of the Western Nations. The end of Socialism and Communism forced by Superrich individuals. End of the story. ...once upon a time there was a system called Communism that evolved into Socialism to end into a Democracy controlled by the superrich, the extreme capitalist of the world as the rest of nation in this planet of ours. But China is not a system of free elections at the highest level but at lower level of which doesn't make it a true Democracy but, a fake one.

China is going thru the stages Democracy went but, and... and then there will be a revolution that will split the nation into smaller nations federated all of them same as US with elected leaders, the cause of the revolution.
...capitalism brought that.

The killing of Humans by God followers.

The killing of Humans.
By God followers, Thy Army.

Humans are the greatest criminals of all animals.

Mostly animals kill other animals for food, only when and if they are hungry.

Humans kill other humans for the way they perceive they reason …and the killing, assassinating and extermination starts.  What’s the different from Hitler, Pinochet of Chile, Amin in Africa, Mao in China, and Mussolini in Italy as of Starlin in Russia? What’s the different in murdering and being a murderer?

Killing people as killing roaches invading a kitchen.

…after AI takes over the Plannet, that will stop.

…self-thinking artificial intelligent 🧠 is the salvation of humans not eliminating themselves from the face of the Plannet.

Human war extermination is around the corner. 2047.

…religion is a curse for the existence of Homo sapiens until the convergence of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

…the culprits: God loving humans, the assassins.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Peru did it, UK did it, next, Rudi, tell him to do it too.

Peru did it, UK did it, next, Rudi, tell him to do it too.

Why does the President of USA doesn’t do what Peru did? Then what the Prime minister of United Kingdom did?

…what did they do? …close Congress!  Nut people intent to do nut things.

Would you like some comments, here a couple:


Published on Oct 9, 2019

Subscribed 7.63M

President Trump is calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell up to three times a day and lashing out at Republican senators, a source says, as the impeachment inquiry grows.

...Donald J. Trump: the short term king of USA.

...the president of USA not only blackmail Ukraine, but Mexico, that was why this nation sent troops to safeguard its frontier with USA cuz Trump menaced them if they didn't do so, Mexico complied ...and no one noticed it, so he did it with Ukraine next: find dirt on an American Citizen or else, they would not get a grant already destined to protect their nation. ...mafia style, got it?

...loyal to whom, to him or the constitution?

j walsh 2 hours ago

Republicans are disloyal to the American people just like their orange leader Trump. 🇷🇺🤡🎪

James Greer 2 hours ago

Trump is the most disloyal person on the planet. He needs to stop using that word

Ciara ooh 2 hours agoDisloyal to tRump means LOYAL to America and democracy ...Demeter ! 2 hours agoYou know who has loyalty tests? Dictators.

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Donald’s boogey man.

Donald’s boogey man.

When the Pres wants to square scare a politician, he brings his boogey man on his slips, telling lies of the politician or anyone associated with them.

…so he said that Biden’s son has some dirty laundries in Ukraine; now his followers, this is, some politicians, assume it is true, and that Mr. liar has reason to do so, therefore, the best thing to do is protecting Donald by defending him cuz they need that for Republicans to win next election if his picked as next candidate in the party.  The Republicans has a candidate, if chosen for that, who has a boogey man in between his leaps and use that monster whenever is needed as needed.  The opposition is scare of that Boogey man.

Figure 1 Trump's boogey man

 The opposition is scared of a false terrible killer: Trump’s Boogey man, a shadow of a beast.

…in the long run, the truth is that he is toy of his lies.

…the political commentator below said a truth: …that politicians are more in perception of their future rather than the future of the nation, as it is been interpreted here in this work or blog.

…also, it is not easy to confront the tongue of a demon.

Working on it, wait and see.

On Human trafficking: sex enslaved humans.

On Human trafficking: sex enslaved humans.

Why? could be questioned, but no answers why.

If a person could see on a clear day, someone enslaved, why government authorities see not the same? it the bureaucracy involved here? it that human trafficking is somewhat controlled by human trafficking form of mafia?  Who are involved here.  Could the authorities in charge of applying the laws to punish and disrupt human trafficking doing their duties?  Or are they underfunded by the local, state and fed govs?

...if one opinion could be given, this is the opinion: education, morals and love is not imparted in primary schooling, intermediate schooling, and high schooling.  In a country like ours, that so many people come to work and find happiness right here,  our own, some of them, our angels, the future of this land, can't find any happiness, any decent job, or live in a decent family but enslaved in sex trafficking controlled by someone, mostly a pin.  Why?

Cuz there must be answers, this is one of them: authorities are involved in sex trafficking and making millions of dollars out of it; next question: who are them? 


In school, school goers are taught mathematics, algebra, geography, and things like that but, not how to behave in situations when someone visit their home and is an accepted visitor appreciated by the family, let's say, an aunt, a cousin, a respected neighbor.

Many youngsters are not informed by their tutors or parent how to behave.  Family don't greet visitor family cuz they are already of their own fabric ...wrong.

it is the tutor that have to give some form of protocol of instructions to their dependents yet those adult have to be instructed too.

It always had been a dream of mine to create at least a very small book of about 30 or less pages and distribute them to school base on human protocol but, it would be expensive and have no authorities (I) to make that part of any school curriculum, it is the local and state government which should be obligated in doing that. If individuals produce such a book not authorized by the local and state gov. that book would stay in the creator shelves and would age until getting full of dust ending in a trash truck and disposed as garbage.  And that is what educating children at school age is: "garbage".

Then, when those children 🧒 are adult, many of them turn into prostitution, drug addicts, illegal trafficker of things, gangster and the blah, blah, blah of garbage people not productive to their society or social groups and  some feel superior to all other groups yet have a very poor mind not capable to help their own society by just turning into a burden to the local laws.

…will continue next.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Deep thinking. "On 'Houston, there is a problem". With Edward Snowden.

Deep thinking.

"On 'Houston there is a problem"

Houston there is a problem:

K, Edward Snowden is correct, he is right, he is noble and things like that.  But there is a problem. Thinking in a philosophical term is not a reality.  Thinking in a philosophical tern is the essence of deep thinkers and that’s what make them leaders or martyrs. It is in some way or the other somewhat hard to explain the above but am going to try. Please just try to follow me.

Life is a material word also defined as objective, not a suggestive word.  Material words are called realities, suggestive words are call fantasies. But there is always a dream in them: turning them into objective things. There is a catch here: if a person is gotten saying things with material words everything goes k, but if with suggestive  words, that person is cataloged as a dreamer, a person living in a fantasy (children live in a fantasy until material words change their way to act). If I could update Piaget theory, I would add a tenth one:

Suggestive-Objective theory

as define above.

Jean Piaget:

References in periodicals archive

Child psychologist and researcher Jean Piaget says that children cannot tell fantasy from reality until age 7 or 8.

Not surprisingly, Jean Piaget's ideas around the formation of thinking ability have been of particular interest to those seeking to better understand the development of children's intellectual abilities.

Below, Snowden thinking:

Now, congress, the United States Congress, is using the material words which is far away from opinions but, based on facts:, after seen that, and if wanted, go back to the beginning to have a much deeper understanding of what are "material words"; and this is what should be called: impeachment.
...cuz, supposing you saw Edward Snowden full video, what he said, express, and the manner he feels, is what is called: suggestive words, that is fantasy.
Taking those suggestive words and turning them into material words, the need to grow, physically and mentally, is the buffer between them.  Some humans don't grow, they stay in the "fantasy word" stage, why?
The answer is encased here: fantasy words can't be applied just to a sole nation, cuz others don't apply them to themselves ...therefore, the USA would be at a different level of self-protection by exposing itself to external physical and suggestive words attack, when referring to the physical one, USA is and would let others to intervene into its existence and get destroyed, physically.
...the above is the reason why USA shall create departments specifically to protect the Nation and keep them secret.  To do so, all its material words as well as its fantasy words shall be kept in a secret state of been for decades and decades until those folders with collected material words could be opened and exposed to the world, cuz the world as a whole, matured from its fantasy of words to material of words: each and every Nation States fantasies are been open to be known.
The world would know what Russia, China, USA, and others, what their intention were. reference to US, USA intention is to survive a nuclear attack, to survive a domestic attack elicited by any other sovereign Nation State ...and US, avoid, of course, a nuclear War of the third kind -WW3 ...imagine, with that tech in existence as of now: total annihilation worldwide.
Houston, there is a problem, and that problem is Edward Snowden.
Been these the situations, it should be understood that he,  this former NSA employee, should not had divulge the data he copied from the department he was working for.
Snowden had proven for a different and future control  of all secrets, that the saving of national state documents, must be done with much more precautions to avoid a "Snowden Problem" in arising again.  For no one to know.
...the same he did, is the same young human do by passing from a mental stage in Jean Piaget theory... Mr. Snowden was not yet mature to work in the NSA or in any US secret departments without a very strict supervision and with the right to carry on, forward, on his own, personal decisions with no given order by his superiors to do so.
...and it is why that when a person is going to work in a career of profession, a diploma or pertaining certificate is asked to be presented for the person to work on that field ...otherwise, accepted to work, the person must continue his/her education in the pertaining college or school specializing in the field as to have some understanding in psychology, physics, history and language, human protocol, mannerism and geography and sociology amongst other science fields as biology, anatomy and the  blah, blah, blah in knowledge, this is Liberal Arts.  Getting someone with training in those fields above, is thing hard to get but a special training could be created to educate people working in places such as the NSA, CIA, DNI and the FBI and others yet many of them are already trained cuz have a college degree be it a certificate or diploma.
Houston, we have a problem.