This is a suggestion given to
Microsoft. The case is figuring out a
way on “how to stop, avoid or handicap powerful institution into violating
people’s privacy without the people concern.
There are many ways how-to, but it is
the user that has to perceive it and give what they think. True it is that many people don’t care but, others
On Privacy:
Below, it is the way privacy is as of now.

This is seen in “All feedback My feedback Drafts’
Give us feedback to make Windows better.”
1. Your feedback
Summarize your feedback
“On Privacies and the so famous third
parties.” most cases, for the operating system to render some work needed by the user, the system must know the user location (Windows is second party, the user is first party if am not wrong). It happens that the user goes to a site or into a program use by external parties, let's say: social security (a third party); it is windows that have to let know that third party whatever location is using the user, first party, and it is windows that should deposit a cookie into first party computer, control by Windows under "yes" or "no" first party acceptance when the first party accept each and every time first party needs. Should not the third party deposit into the user compu a cookie, freely, to spy on the user when the user is not visiting any of the third party site or location ...said so, this is the only guarantee that the user has that he/she is not going to be "spied" by third party in order to present to them advertising. This would be the best protection Windows could give.
Will post publicly as From the Desk of E. Don’t add personal info.
Ad on: if Msft makes the cookie and it is deposited in the user computer but with the user right to control that “Msft made cookie”, the dance of the user been known by any third party is impossible for them to know unless the user permits to.
I mean this: from the user computer he/she goes, after visiting the Department of Social Security, she goes, let’s invent, goes to any another institution. That institution, if she wants, could see her Msft cookies but, she could block that specific institution in “seeing” that cookie too. Suppose it is X’s very famous site, well, she/he could navigate in it except that they could not link, participate, or share any data from my compu into anyone compu, including x’s very famous site itself cuz none of them (X’s site) could “see” Thy Cookie with them personal data. Say he/she wants to be part of anything in that X’s site, then they should open my “Thy Cookie” to be shared and still could specify to Thy Cookie, for example: don’t share my location and my age. Others should use, but not storage in their arsenals, whatever needed of their privacies in order to make justify use of their person, of their self-data born with them, not belonging to X’s site’s hieroglyphic of algorithm using it later to call and offer ads via their cellphone or just pop up in their computer screen showing their products of which they might not be looking for. Yes, if looking, let’s say: buying a pair of shoes; X’s site has no right to show anything unless been asked or order into their computer by themselves: “show to me anyone selling shoes at this price and in a varieties of colours and materials”. It is them that should ask the computer; there are infinite sites that might contain that for them, which they would like. Could for, say, any or just ask for any nearby my store by their job, home, their mother’s home, girlfriend or boyfriend house, and things like that.
…the computer, their computer, but not any specific site like X’s site, would open and search for what been asked for.
“Thy Cookie” does the work! That’s artificial intelligence! That is not spying! That’s computing! That’s freedom!
The above would be the end of third party right intervening and selling the user’s privacy data to others.
…final end of big companies exposing users’ data been used against them, find them and if needed, kill them as Russia is doing with their former citizens that renounce to their laws and adapt other Nation States laws they feel are better respected.
Why a third party carry my self-born inalienable data? …but myself?
Got the point? Got the idea? Period!
…and for the above, you might save your personal data in the CLOUD by having your metadata in it only for your use (mother, sister, brothers, and friend’s name. The Cloud has the rest of data such as stores, type of shoes if any in those stores and the blah, blah, blah of data, as if it were a showroom for your AI “Thy Cookie” to use in accordance to your needs or have all that data in your compu or your compu go into their compus (those stores that contains the products you wants, and “look around, present to the onlooker whatsoever’s directly into the onlooking compu as if he/she were in live “seeing” that.
…it is the reverse: the user enters X’s site compus and decide, not them. Their compus would just have AI in order to present the product to the “onlooker”: size, colours, price and materials, etc. etc. etc.
Or if the user wants, let them (third parties) do whatever they please the user personal spirit.
You make the choice.
AI is the future of Human Freedom: getting rid of third parties and you taking decisions, not them, on your Privacy.
Wane know what? See this: visit any site and read what is the privacy they give to you: nothing!
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