Friday, October 18, 2019

The below is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone

The below is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone in order to protect the economy of this Nation State.


In Living Undocumented

Season 1: Ep. 4

The Crossing.

…timeline at 36:00,

“The Dunoyer family had a scheduled meeting with ICE

to receive a final decision on their deportation.”

“However, ICE recently postponed the meeting and has not rescheduled. Kenia and Noah. The Dunoyer family struggles in a legal limbo.”

[Pablo, in Spanish]

Has the lawyer said anything?

Wife: Nothing.

Pablo: “the only option for us at this moment is the US, and we believe in the laws of the US, and we believe our case deserves to be analyzed differently from the  others, because we haven’t made any mistakes. We’ve invested in the US. We have a house… -the wife intervenes and add:  And we have such a good credit that they loaned us half a million dollars for this house. They don’t do that for any illegal or undocumented immigrant. The bank wouldn’t loan them half a million dollars to buy property.

-their son intervenes and response: Mom, you always emphasize, enphatisar …Mon correct him: “enphatizar”, Emphasize that we benefit the economy. I hate having to emphasize that.

The point here: if you keep seen and listening the topic here, you’ll notice the prejudice many people that been living in a beneficial social environment have of other people that had not the   to get that same social environment, and as said above, that’s PREJUDICE, clear and loud, from wall to wall.

Not only that, the prejudice is to put a seal or tag to others that had not have the same “opportunities”, this is, a good environment in order of achieving success in their lives even at acceptable standards.  These type of people exists at all level of any society, at all level of education and they are of short thigh in judging any individual different from them.

True is that undocumented ones are going through hell, just to solve their social status.  If those people ever get a social position in any institution which work is to assists people, they would use their prejudice as a rule of thumb to grant any help to those people …as a proof here to mention how wrong this woman is.

First, she is judging other people base on her own status as if people, all, are in the same situation as they -her family is-

Second, she thinks that everyone is the way she tells: people that don’t want success in their lives, that they do not want to be independents, so as not to change their social status to be always helped by some institution be it public or not.

…and thirdly, doesn’t pay attentions nor value other people angle of viewing social problems as her son expect her to view too.

…yet she needs help too and as you onlookers could notice: here in this documentary of “Living Undocumented” there is a small company that has a gross income, annually, of 2,000,000 dollars per year, and growing, and had been denied to one of its owners, the status to stay in America to get a legal documentation as a resident.  Just this small piece of evidence, for you and set in this documentary, is enough proof of what a Prejudice PERSON MENTALITY IS LIKE.

That’s how the KKK, racists, ignorant people and our President of the USA think and all those ones he gives them position to guide him and takes decisions for him as the actual person in charge of Housing Authority of the Fed thinks and a lot of ather ones that fill up the Government Swamp, rich or nuts.  With a diploma or nuts.

The above is the best example why the immigration department laws have to be redone in order to protect the economy of this Nation State.

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