Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Peru did it, UK did it, next, Rudi, tell him to do it too.

Peru did it, UK did it, next, Rudi, tell him to do it too.

Why does the President of USA doesn’t do what Peru did? Then what the Prime minister of United Kingdom did?

…what did they do? …close Congress!  Nut people intent to do nut things.

Would you like some comments, here a couple:


Published on Oct 9, 2019

Subscribed 7.63M

President Trump is calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell up to three times a day and lashing out at Republican senators, a source says, as the impeachment inquiry grows.

...Donald J. Trump: the short term king of USA.

...the president of USA not only blackmail Ukraine, but Mexico, that was why this nation sent troops to safeguard its frontier with USA cuz Trump menaced them if they didn't do so, Mexico complied ...and no one noticed it, so he did it with Ukraine next: find dirt on an American Citizen or else, they would not get a grant already destined to protect their nation. ...mafia style, got it?

...loyal to whom, to him or the constitution?

j walsh 2 hours ago

Republicans are disloyal to the American people just like their orange leader Trump. 🇷🇺🤡🎪

James Greer 2 hours ago

Trump is the most disloyal person on the planet. He needs to stop using that word

Ciara ooh 2 hours agoDisloyal to tRump means LOYAL to America and democracy ...Demeter ! 2 hours agoYou know who has loyalty tests? Dictators.

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