Tuesday, July 30, 2019

…remember, I told you

...remember, I told you!

...are you living in England? Are you going to pay a mortgage in full now? Buying a car? or pay a lot (land property); well, do it right now, if not, transfer all the little money you have in any England bank, sterling pound, into Euro or Dollar but, now! In 72 hours, to make the same transaction would cost you the money you have available now plus more than half its total ...rendering your wishes, desires, and acquisitions impossible to fulfill. Do it now or forget about your future.


…remember, I told you!

Friday, July 26, 2019

In a government of lies.

In a government of lies.

In the art of fabricating by way of manipulating laws (legalizing lies) that seems incongruent with the spirit of laws enacted by the Magna Carta of a Nation, any nation, the first thing a government does is creating or changing the way the Justice Department rule itself, to benefit the ruler.  Thing exceedingly popular in Vulgar Governments (a gov directed by inexperience or evil doers, this is racists or bigot individuals)

…when the Justice Department and the Constitution of a Nation States preach different communes in the spirit of their laws by way of changing one of them, resulting in changing them both of them.

Why same public news channels seems to be correct.

...the Mueller Report was not based on Justice Department rules of codes; the Mueller Report was based on the Constitution of the United States of America rule of codes which is totally different than the Justice Department rules of codes which is been changing each and every day the President of the United States of America appoint different Justice Department "boss" ...instead, the Constitution had not been changed since 1776, the declaration of the Independence of USA, therefore whichever comparison is made, you the onlooker would notice a great disparaging conflict amongst both. Cleverly, slowly and with precision the people assigned by the President of US, had been changing the traditional rule of codes based on Constitutional power. ...hope the above is clear enough for onlookers to notice why in this program of (the same here presented) "https://youtu.be/9MHCZ89I77M", it seems this program is correct. And that is called: manipulation of the media by altering the facts via controlling and creating false arguments as Vulgar Government does around the world by which they first change their National Constitution in order for their government perpetuate in power, which is not possible in USA.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

...send a text to the Traitor.

…send a text to the Traitor.

...can't understand those that are saying Donald J. Trump did not interfere in the November 2016 election to turn votes on his favour ...he asked a foreign power to interfere in that election; I even heard him saying something like: Russia, if you can find those 30 thousands emails of Mrs. Clinton, find them! Something like that. He, Trump, asked Russia to interfere! ...and some politicians say he, Trump, did not violated any electoral laws on the way elections is run in this country! Wow! Wow! and Wow! ...if the whole nation is a nation of stupid's or nuts, I am not stupid or nuts. Send him to jail, jail, jail! This man is not an idiot as I thought, he is a con man! ...a man that does not respect the laws of my country! Why? Cuz many of the Republican's politicians are people not to trust. Too many of them don't love our nation, our country, our constitution! ...is there a Supreme Court in the United States of America? ...where are them? ...if so, I, via this pace, accuse Donald Trump of violating the Constitution of the United States of America. ...if you agree with me text him a million complain or more via his "twitter account" with the words: "TRAITOR! CON MAN! MUST BE IMPEACHED!" he must receive about 200 million text via his Twitter account and sent that directly to the White House. For those people that can afford to pay a few dollars for a public add in all USA newspaper, put the add with just the nine words above written with no explanation of the add. Just publish it like that on the printed press, send emails to all politicians in his party. ...let the people express its frustration publicly. ...write it on the back windshield of your car. ...carry a sign above your car license plates. ...publish those nine words just like that. Don't give any explanation of that. ...inundate the news with that! ...the Supreme Court of this land must study this horrendous violation of our sacred Magna Carta, the Constitution of the United States of America that gives US the right to appoint a leader for 4 years. It too, gives US the right to remove that leader or any politician elected to any office, to be removed from that office.

To Russia with love, here again to next elections part2

The video: https://youtu.be/mRnBOzbN4nM


See n’ belief

Pasted here from BBC for you to be the jury:

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer has called for an investigation into FaceApp, which alters users' photos to make them look older or younger.

In a letter posted on Twitter, Mr Schumer called it "deeply troubling" that personal data of US citizens could go to a "hostile foreign power".
Privacy concerns have been raised about the Russian company which developed the app after it went viral in recent days.

FaceApp has previously denied the allegations.

Wireless Lab, a company based in St. Petersburg, says it does not permanently store images, and does not collect troves of data - only uploading specific photos selected by users for editing.

"Even though the core R&D team is located in Russia, the user data is not transferred to Russia," a company statement reported by news site TechCrunch said.

Mr Schumer however has asked that the FBI and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigate FaceApp.

"I have serious concerns regarding both the protection of the data that is being aggregated as well as whether users are aware of who may have access to it," his letter reads.

…is it that foreign states are much astute than US?

Are you using this app?



See this: …now listen this: Russia had sent to kill many of its former citizens residing abroad, like those living in England, and killed them with very strong poisons paralyzing their lungs and dying of asphyxia or stopping their hearts or just poisoning all their organs as when a poisonous serpent bite you.

…now next: they, the Russians, a Net Russian Company out of the US hands to corroborate whatever they say, is distributing a marvelous application (app) to be used by careless or not careless American inhabitants to enjoy a great picture of themselves of possible past or future look-like.  Good, wonderful!  But, what is the written guarantee by which an American inhabitant could use and take to court the developers of such an app?  Can any USA inhabitant enforce the USA coding of laws to any foreign institution?  When President Barack Obama issue arrest orders to those Russians in Russia, was the US able to execute those or that warrants?

…these and many questions could be asked here, with no reason for any Russian institution to give an answer that could satisfy any American court of law in protecting American inhabitants from any abuse committed by them.

…still more: Russia could get face recognition not only from you, but from someone else who has not agree, after all, to use his face in FaceApp and not even know Russia is compiling millions of people faces on other lands, cuz that program read faces not only the live ones, but from pics too.

How Russia got that app?  Forgot that one of our citizens is living in Russia and he was register in NSA as an employee?  …think his name is, …is, well, something like snowing, sounds like that.  Now, remember?

From here I conclude they, the Russians got part of the configuration of that app from him which the NSA uses here but is regulated by the gov of USA, not Russia.  So this story now: once there were a newsman who left a nation and entered into other nation and set his home right over there.  He wanted to get married but needed some personal docs to make a marry the way the laws of the host gov stipulate.  Went into another country and into the embassy of the country he was born to get a legal birth certificate needed for that purpose.  That country’s spy agents, serving the personal interest of a specific authority, found, and identified that man as his face was recognized by their embassy cams.  Their man had to comeback for his papers and instead he was crucified by the spy agents who were given orders to kill him; they cut him in pieces so small, small enough to put his body parts into a hydro acid compound and flush it via the embassy toilets.  He disappeared from the surface of the plannet never to be know of him, ever.  The end of the story.

Russia outsmart them, Russia truck its victims and  send secret agents to kill them right on the spot, then leave with no trace to show who did the killing.  It works better, less proof to track and many more orders are imparted to follow as needed.  No Russians are saved out of Vladimir Putin’s hand, the King of the Russian’s mafia.  Not even USA President.  He, himself said it before he was elected President of USA.  Cuz he knows how that mafia acts internationally when a user of their money does not pay the money owns.  The: ggg, ggoohg gggrrr their throat and the user of that throat never breathes again.  Amen.

…ask him of the story he himself said of the Russian Mafia, he knows.  Now they have on their control: FaceApp

…blame: https://www.bbc.com/ they sent to me an e, and I ended up with all the political mess above said.  It’s their fault cuz gave me some roots for me to blog  about.  Enjoy!

…tell me something and I end it with snooping, messing it, and weaponizing it to render it here with all of  my blah, blah, blah of truths, no spying on data please.

The Truth and Nothing Else but The Truth, so help me God!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ø Avoiding a conflict in those Seas that could end up into a major war.

Ø Avoiding a conflict in those Seas that could end up into a major war.

...what the interlocutor suggest seems to be a good strategist in transporting oil out of the canal that runs along Iran: Ms. Lindsey Hilsum tells that oil ships should run in packs, possible of 30 each as to protect themselves from been hijacked by mercenaries or militaries of other nations. My suggestion is that not only that, but a military small convoy travels head-on in front of that small oil ship flotilla using fast small well-armed boats and a couple of military helicopters in those flotilla. If a military ship approaches the flotilla, the heavy armed military would fire upon the "enemy ships" if they do not keep a distance, enough as to guarantee they will not pirate the oil flotilla. One other thing that could be done: hire private international mercenaries capable of confronting in a fight any unwanted sea ship approaching the oil flotilla. A total of 100 mercenaries integrated by different nations and acting via a rule enacted by the United Nations in order to protect its individuals making that armed convoy. Specific instructions should be given to them, should carry video cameras with open channels for anyone to view whatever they are doing when any ship tries to stop, arrest or highjack any oil flotilla. The cost should be covered by the companies involved in the transfer of oil out of these conflicted nations. ...this is a win-win act. Real military ships would keep a safe distance off any strange unwanted "pirate" ship and would act if they see the private militia are unable to handle the situation and if they call for help. ...there should be an unwritten accord that would accept these paramilitaries internalize into national limits just to help any person, other militia or militaries that ask for help in case of an accident but not intruding into any coast by self-decision unless done by electronic or human errors. Iran, England and anyone else would not then participate into any rescue onto any oilship-flotilla, yet their presence would be there if they please under the rule of free navigation, yet help the heavy armed paramilitary if, and only if, ask for help for any of its personnel, any military army around could help if they decide to do so.


Now, watch this video from BBC.  It is the intervention of Iran into an oil-ship, it does not show whether it is in international “ground' or not”, just the intervention, therefore it proves nothing.  Based on reasoning, it just proves Iranian are trying to show the world their rights to intervene on oil shipments yet can not “prove” why: in international waters or not?

Iran seems to be manipulating or trying to manipulate their “illegal” or “legal” detention of oil shipment to other nations as it seems that Iran is bulling USA to confront US. Why?  Cuz it doubts the war capacity of USA and had deposited its full trust in the Russia Federation State via Vladimir Putin who is using or try to use other countries to fastigiate USA.

Putin must be removed from power, should be done by their own citizens to establish peace and dignity into the Russian population and bring stability onto other nations.

Powerful nations are in the brink of a nuclear war but, some leaders are teasing USA to initiate that war cuz they know they are losers, economically, due to their aberration on how power is injected into international onlookers, this is, other Nation States.  They, those aberrated economic Nation States want to make belief USA is at fault of their failing economy, so they are manipulators of the truth been put USA the origen of their failing and hiding the truth their abuse of power that make their nation fail, socially, economically and in tech.  There are too many “Napoleons and mass war criminals” governing the world.  Some of them have established or inherited Nation States of Slaves.

War seems to be imminent, that’s why some Nation States have to get rid of their commanders in chief or they will die in that “catastrophe to come ‘soon”, it’s not a prediction, it is a prevention.

…it is menester destroying Iran to its ground and establish a free new nation Islamic or not Islamic gov, but a free nation after all.


Democracy will triumph over Socialist China and dictatorship religious states.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Be US the Jury

Be US the Jury

...Robert Mueller, not only a former politician but, an emblem of Democracy. A man who makes the strategy of a work to be done, makes the operation and let the people decide the result: guilty or not guilty. US the people, had been converted by Mueller into a jury. Let your conscious work under logic, under reasoning, under facts not emotions. Has the President been removed from office as the Magna Carta dictate or has the President stay in office? Mueller Report carries the fact of the decision "We the people..." to take cuz "We the People..." are the United States of America and our Constitution the rule of laws, a Constitutional Bible, the word of Democracy here eternal to preserve the existence of the United States of America.
Be US the Jury

To Russia with love, here again to next elections

...that is "your real issue", not the real issue. For u 2 say that, 1 make the analyses, then explain it topic by topic, next make u r conclusions and put it the title: "The real issue here is the Media's demand for racists outweighing the supply" ...and u'll be done. Nothing of the above can u tell; that's why I tell u: ...that is "your real issue" ...talking with no subject to support it. Got it? Most people comes to places like this one to tell things lacking reasoning the same as Donald the duck. Any of various wild or domesticated waterbirds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet. Slang A person, especially one thought of as peculiar. ...got my analyses on your comment? Learn from me, not from Trump-oso. ...notices: I even use a dictionary, "TheFreeDictionary by Farlex" ...next, do that to support that empty comment.

Am wondering as an outsider... Is it a requirement for all Americans to love Israel?  FreedomsDmocracy1st

...why do you love Israel? I question, why? ...explain.  

Jack Venables

Seriously the media took the bait. They are focusing on the tweets which Trumps base could not care less about and only devoted 1 sentence to the face that he is passing a law saying that no central american can be taken as a refugee.  

Trump just played Democrats and the Media like a fiddle.

Of course central americans are not refugees. It’s just people immigrating for economic purposes. Stop saying EVERYONE is a refugee. It takes away the importance of ACTUAL persecuted innocent people around the world

@AEIOU UOIEA That's only partial true. There are people from South American countriess (Venezuela for example) who are fleeing their country for political reasons and who are legitimate refugees.

Yeah Jack! the dems & media took the bait hook line & sinker. You know, personally when I want to get away with something I like to cover it up with racially charged genius like saying, whites are an inferior race or sometimes, if the situation calls, murder.. But hey as long as I get my way I call it a skillful diversion!

...laws are created by Congress; the President issues "executive orders", that can be revoked by another president, the President of USA can't make laws. Got that? ...know this now: that was why President Obama wanted Congress to vote for a law to protect undocumented people and reform Immigration Laws but, Congress ignored him at all, Republicans were the majority in both chamber. ...do you comprehend the said above? ...if not, check on any dictionary or consult a student on laws or a lawyer (if he/she would take their precious time to instruct you, they might tell you: check on the internet or a dictionary but I tell you, check in Wikipedia.org for the definition of "laws and/or executive orders", something like that. You could do that cuz you came here, so go there. Kill yourself by learning before writing on the web. I took my time to answer your comment, it cost me time and effort, in Spanish we call that: use the Mataburro. Like that?

...laws are created by Congress; the President issues "executive orders", that can be revoked by another president, the President of USA can't make laws. Got that? ...know this now: that was why President Obama wanted Congress to vote for a law to protect undocumented people and reform Immigration Laws but, Congress ignored him at all, Republicans were the majority in both chamber. ...do you comprehend the said above? ...if not, check on any dictionary or consult a student on laws or a lawyer (if he/she would take their precious time to instruct you, they might tell you: check on the internet or a dictionary but I tell you, check in Wikipedia.org for the definition of "laws and/or executive orders", something like that. You could do that cuz you came here, so go there. Kill yourself by learning before writing on the web. I took my time to answer your comment, it cost me time and effort, in Spanish we call that: use the Mataburro. Like that?

So we listen to May who throws people in jail for reporting the news, screws the entire country out of Brexit, and allows 3rd world immigrants to destroy what is left of the UK.


Why did Lindsey Graham mention Israel before America? (Rhetorical question; we ALL know the answer!)  

Thobias Marandu

He Started With saying Obama was Not Born in USA, Why People forget so quick!

...correct! Why people forgot so quick? ...that that man is a master liar!

The video: https://youtu.be/mRnBOzbN4nM


See n’ belief
...I, the President of USA have powers that even is not written in any constitution, then my lawyers fabricate them, so I have power ...and 99.99% of Republicans are with me, they have CEO helping them.  Got it?
Virgen de Guadalupe, help us foreigners work here in this USA, help the USA and help our families.  All we are looking for is a decent job to help our families and contribute with our effort for the better-ness of USA so, by helping USA with our labor we are helping our families.  AMEN.
We are making America great again, but it is costing our dear daughters and sons, their blood. They are been killed alive in USA jail.  Help us, we deposit our soul in your hands.  Waiting for your bless Virgen de Guadalupe.
...we republicans with a smile in one hand for others and with a stone in the other hand for the same's. It hurts to them, not to our gang of a party.
Donald J. Trump new Republican doctrine.
...how am doing?
...if not: call your local governors.
...if not: call your mayors.
...if not, don't call the White House.
Didn't u know of my strategies?
"...persist and win!"
...I don't have time for that friend, better see the one I put as the administrator of all federal project building controlled by the federal gov.  He is black like you, and see how he's thinking, complain to him, not me.  He is the boss.
...am doing better than him, he gave people's money to banks when banks needed,  not their CEO, am giving it directly to their CEO, needed or not: was it 120 billion dollars?  Now they will compensate me in winning next elections, and they will get still more money each and every year ...what about that?  ...if they are with me, who against me?
Signed your beloved President Donald J. Trump.  Note: am a second descendant of a "German immigrant" only my kind can own this nation, not those criminals I don't want here, wait and see...
...am a CEO too, don't forget.
...my followers behind me? They are not CEO, they are just followers, nothing else.  Take a look at them when I make political propaganda:  do you see any CEO?
...am the king that always thinks he is wearing the best designed clothes in his kingdom, can't you see that here? ...if I see it, why  you don't?
...cuz you don't love me!
...but my followers do!
...Donald J. Trump for President 2020-2024.

P.S.: I don’t like all this  offensive pics but, am  force to respond to our President of the United States of America due the reason, logic, and the right to respond to his atrocities he’s committing to a great portion of Americans and many of its institutions that had been targeted by his bigot, ignorant attitude and lack of respect to so many Congress people.  That give me the unthinkable right to respond.  Tell you again, don’t like to publish this pics, a President does not deserve it but him.  He, this man, had been senseless with so many USA authorities on which I am forced to protect with my fumble writings cuz they  themselves can not do what I am doing here.

…so I tell you all those Donald J. Trump’s insulted noble former and actual authorities, I am answering to this mad man some of the offenses you had suffered  that by end, are offenses committed to the State Nation of the United States of America.  Again, too many of my comments many times hurt my own morals; but who could try to put the cascabel to the cat?

And to our President Donald J. Trump, please, respect this nation that elected you to protect, respect and guide.  The way you, sir, do, is of extremely poor and low morals full of hate toward the inhabitants of this Nation States.  Aside, you put this nation in the loop of other Nation State to humiliate US all.  I am of a proud spirit when it comes on Patriotism.  I defend this land at all cost.  Be it known to whom ever comes and read my writings.

My work are critique to the manner you,  Mr. President, handle the government and so many authorities elected and non-elected by laws and the power to designate them in public position.

I apology to the Supreme Court of the USA, the highest substance that is the tongue of the Constitution, the Magna Carta of this Nation State.  Also apology to Russia and China, Iran and others especially important Nation States inhabited by millions and millions humans.  My apology again to all of you, people of extraordinary great Nation States, my love to all of you from the bottom of my heart.  Love you all.

My special apologies to your wife son and daughter, my most respect to you all.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The President of the United States of America.

The President of the United States of America.

People, the most, what they expect of their elected leaders.

A leader is a person that leads, guide, help and protect taking decisions to benefit the whole population of a Nation State, geographic region, or group.  Human Primate are the most advance ones following down to lower primates and other kingdoms.

All Nation States have leaders and self-made leaders as in the case of lower primates of which one of them takes that position by the use of force.  Humans are, as just said, the Primate most advanced, the show inept aptitudes as well as net aptitude gain through training and learning.  In adult humans those that did not have the trainings, or the learning, if elected to be a leader use their vulgar knowledge to lead.  Leading via vulgar knowledge creates too many friction with the society been lead cuz society itself is made of complex different learning approaches depending on the terrain and groups they learnt their aptitude but, studies correct the issue for the learnt serves as the unit that teaches the leader how to buffer the whole group benefiting the most and hurting the least.  Some leaders had not have any learnt or trained leadership be it through studies or experiences but their human knowledge, on a reason or the other, are superior than many leaders in decision making, so the leader in extraordinary situations that future generations grade them as national heroes or superb-intellectual natural born leaders.  The case here is when a people or group of peoples elect a person to lead having none of the above characteristics, but the elected leader governs with “VULGAR” LEADERSHIP which disparages the understanding of intellectuals, other leaders and thinkers on how to judge that leader, they find no name for that …and I call those types of leaders as ‘VULGAR LEADERS”.  There been many around the world and it is mostly shown and or noticed when a hurricane enters there territories, after that, too many people die during and after the hurricane enters, they, the leadership, deny acceptance of international help which surprise the rest of the nations around the earth …and all that happens due that some nations have “VULGAR LEADERS” either elected or self-elected as happens in dictatorships and  even in elected govs.

The President of the United States, elected in November 2016, is one of the types of “VULGAR LEADERS”.

Some countries around the world has a proper name for those types of leaders, it is not a name specific for the leader but, a name specific for the social type of person: “TIGERE.”  In order to understand this definition, I’ll mention one who governed the on the island of Santo Domingo, on the Dominican Republic, and his name still is, Hipolito Mejia nick named: Ñame con corbata (might explain who and how he governed in other section).  A Ñame is a tuberculous that grows underground, it is tasty, made 100% of natural starch, contains abundance of vitamins and minerals been part of the diet of that nation.  Well, a Ñame  does not think, so Hipolito Mejia was nick named: Ñame  con corbata ( Ñame a  with a tie).  And that is on what a tigere end in: a Ñame with a tie, too many of them turns dictators, killers, and human abusers.

Cuz the United States of America is a highly Democratic Nation, yet exactly that type of person doesn’t or is not form here, it is that type of tigere but not been a Ñame con corbata) a Ñame with a tie, but a racists, ignorant, low educated and abuser.

…that’s our elected leader, President of the United States of America one of the most powerful nation on the face of the Plannet.

Got it?  And that is why so many politicians can’t explain what type of person Donald J. Trump is here analyzed just for YOU!

...the above will be much better analyzed for readers to comprehend better.  Wait and see.
will continue next

Sunday, July 14, 2019

...as Earth turns

…as Earth turns.

...American investors have investments in Russia's civilians’ guns makers, what about that? ...round business ...well, the Russia's military is their best purchasers. Business is business amigo, next: Russia sells USA their most advance rockets; they need the money. US declined the purchase cuz someone leak it ...and that's war amigo. Enemy in front of you and me; best friends in secret. Kill yourself, just visit this docu and see what is said here:https://youtu.be/lbarjpJhSLw?t=3206
Noticed  the shake of hands and smile, publicly, when newsmen get their pics? ...if like the site, watch it all as to learn ...as Earth turns and why Extreme Capitalist governs the government.  Donald Trump, I gossiped, told Putin: "hey man, need some money, could you favor me some millions?  K, man, but don't report it to your IRS, with that condition ...why not? 

…no interest?

…no interest, what’s friends for.

Thanks Putin

Don't worry body.
...hee, hee, hee ...eh!
...gossiping with errata, no?
...next: "I tell you he told me I told him" (the Mueller investigation).
If you onlooker visit this site, will learn so much and understand what Extreme Capitalist is and how it works:https://youtu.be/lbarjpJhSLw
Note: many of you think I am praising utub, but I am not, am given to Caesar what belong to Caesar and to God what belong to God: YouTube.com is, and I mean it, an Universal University that facilitate "vulgar people as well as intellectuals one, finding facts, the truth and realities on Human Beings.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The President reculó

The President reculó...

Published on Jun 17, 2019

Subscribed 752K

Iran has warned that, within days, it will breach the limit on its stockpile of enriched uranium, a central element of the Iran nuclear deal. (Subscribe: https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)"

"But it added there was still time for European countries to prevent this by providing protection from US sanctions. This was met by accusation of "nuclear blackmail" from the White House. It comes a year after the US President Donald Trump abandoned the nuclear deal and at a time when tensions between the two countries are rising still further over attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf."

...yes, within days, haa, haa, hee! Iran already had done so; it is only justifying its existence of already nuclear enriched uranium. What next: it already started building its first nuclear bomb ...meanwhile, Iran makes believe it will not make a deal with US unless US loosen its grip on their economy ...next: "US force Iran to build its first nuclear bomb just to be used if US attacks the Iranian people. Who would they menace to attack? ...US? no way, still had not built its transportation for that, it still working on that: attack Saudi Arabia! Yes, it is part of the world economy to make that nation hostage to its strategy ...next: finish building the transporter for nuclear payload to be placed in ...what next: proof to the world that Allah is Great! and USE IT! ...who to blame? USA cuz did not attack Iran when it had too, Donald Trump backed down 10 minutes before attacking. Why? Russia made a one to one call and indirectly menace him in attacking USA if USA does so. Russia would back Iranians with its own military arsenal and attack any military deployment in the Golf. What? Yes, that. ...the president decided to back down. In Spanish it is: "recular" (move one's ass back from the word: culo -ano, asshole -"ass" and re: as in regret ...back off the ass, move the ass further back: recular)


Culo, in Italian and Spanish, means the buttocks (and in Gujarati, kulo or kullo means the same); it may also refer to:
  • Čulo, a Croatian surname
  • "Culo (song)", a song by rapper Pitbull from his 2004 album M.I.A.M.I..
  • Culo (book), a coffee-table book by photographer Raphael Mazzucco
This article is copied from an article on Wikipedia® - the free encyclopedia created and edited by its online user community. The text was not checked or edited by anyone on our staff. Although the vast majority of Wikipedia® encyclopedia articles provide accurate and timely information, please do not assume the accuracy of any particular article. This article is distributed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License.
In reality Culo means exactly: ass hole anus and nothing else.


(Anatomy) the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.
[C16: from Latin]


Vladimir Putin is using his best to destroy USA without shooting a bullet.

…see why US president is an inept president?  …now see part of the result: working by his own, not accepting advises by US Pentagon, advises by war strategists, attacking the CIA, attacking the FBI, attacking whoever oppose him including bloggers.  Did I say bloggers?  How?  …well, he is managing and sending people who would feel comfortable destroying some others with their living standards in making their lives horrible like their car insurance been denied continuing their coverage.  Is that true?  …don’t believe it?  Mmm, its difficult to prove it, but only those involve had notice certain situation affecting them that had no real justification.  How that could be?  Well, I might be wrong, but it is happening to some people.  Am I dreaming?  Could be and could be not.