Sunday, July 07, 2019

How to deceive the public using malicious agents.

How to deceive the public using malicious agents.

...there is a misconception here on the work of the FBI: in order for the FBI or any institution knowin' what happened some time ago, it must question, investigate, observe and whatever is needed to then make a conclusion of a happening or situation, of course that is spying in the sense of the word but, it is not an act of illegal spying as knowing what is not concerned to be known that falls within its scope. Spying, in the spirit of its word, is observing, questioning, and investigating of situations that does not pertain to the institution involved in doing that. If the institution involved in doing the above is part of a legal search/observation and finding of a situation as assigned by its own premises to do that, it cannot be called spying cuz here it is authorize by the institution on its own concern ...and the Magna Carta authorize it when it dictates that when an official of the government does not do its assigned duties, the official should be removed from that position and the pertaining laws be applied. In other words, if it is considered spying, it is totally a legal act. To be specific: Barr is misleading the meaning of Spying, in general, and applying it here in Trump's campaign which is a legal act on the finding of something that violates the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution itself says that when an elected official violates the trust given onto the office, the elected official can be removed from office. Now the irony: how on earth can the Constitution of USA remove someone from an elected governmental office if an investigation, observation and whatever is needed to then make a conclusion of a happening or situation is not done in order to assure the one in office had or had not committed a violation on the Constitution of the United States of America? ...notice here that Barr is playing with the meaning and semantic of the word "SPYING" and directing its spirit of the word to give it the wrong purpose, which include the word "SPYING", this is that: distorting the intelligent use of the word "SPYING" and using a negative, mean, malicious interpretation as used against President Donald J. Trump. In other words, Barr himself is a malicious interpreter of the USA MAGNA CARTA in order to protect and maintain a subject in office hurting and violating the CONSTITUTION itself; here the SPIRIT OF THE CONSTITUTION IS CONTINUOSLY BEEN VIOLATED. He, Barr, cannot and shall not be in the position of a FEDERAL JUDGE which is the substance interpreting that MAGNA CARTA.

This the proof of the above:

Here Mr. Barr in a Senate Hearing applying his tactics:

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