...that is "your real
issue", not the real issue. For u 2 say that, 1 make the analyses, then
explain it topic by topic, next make u r conclusions and put it the title:
"The real issue here is the Media's demand for racists outweighing the
supply" ...and u'll be done. Nothing of the above can u tell; that's why I
tell u: ...that is "your real issue" ...talking with no subject to support
it. Got it? Most people comes to places like this one to tell things lacking
reasoning the same as Donald the duck. Any of various wild or domesticated
waterbirds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad flat bill,
short legs, and webbed feet. Slang A person, especially one thought of as
peculiar. ...got my analyses on your comment? Learn from me, not from
Trump-oso. ...notices: I even use a dictionary, "TheFreeDictionary by
Farlex" ...next, do that to support that empty comment.
Am wondering as an outsider... Is it
a requirement for all Americans to love Israel? 
...why do you love Israel? I
question, why? ...explain.
Seriously the media took the bait.
They are focusing on the tweets which Trumps base could not care less about and
only devoted 1 sentence to the face that he is passing a law saying that no
central american can be taken as a refugee.
Trump just played Democrats and the
Media like a fiddle.
Of course central americans are not
refugees. It’s just people immigrating for economic purposes. Stop saying
EVERYONE is a refugee. It takes away the importance of ACTUAL persecuted
innocent people around the world
That's only partial true. There are people from South American countriess
(Venezuela for example) who are fleeing their country for political reasons and
who are legitimate refugees.
Yeah Jack! the dems & media took
the bait hook line & sinker. You know, personally when I want to get away
with something I like to cover it up with racially charged genius like saying,
whites are an inferior race or sometimes, if the situation calls, murder.. But
hey as long as I get my way I call it a skillful diversion!

...laws are created by Congress; the
President issues "executive orders", that can be revoked by another
president, the President of USA can't make laws. Got that? ...know this now:
that was why President Obama wanted Congress to vote for a law to protect
undocumented people and reform Immigration Laws but, Congress ignored him at
all, Republicans were the majority in both chamber. ...do you comprehend the
said above? ...if not, check on any dictionary or consult a student on laws or
a lawyer (if he/she would take their precious time to instruct you, they might
tell you: check on the internet or a dictionary but I tell you, check in Wikipedia.org for the definition of "laws and/or
executive orders", something like that. You could do that cuz you came
here, so go there. Kill yourself by learning before writing on the web. I took
my time to answer your comment, it cost me time and effort, in Spanish we call
that: use the Mataburro. Like that?
...laws are created by Congress; the
President issues "executive orders", that can be revoked by another
president, the President of USA can't make laws. Got that? ...know this now:
that was why President Obama wanted Congress to vote for a law to protect
undocumented people and reform Immigration Laws but, Congress ignored him at
all, Republicans were the majority in both chamber. ...do you comprehend the
said above? ...if not, check on any dictionary or consult a student on laws or
a lawyer (if he/she would take their precious time to instruct you, they might
tell you: check on the internet or a dictionary but I tell you, check in Wikipedia.org for the definition of "laws and/or
executive orders", something like that. You could do that cuz you came
here, so go there. Kill yourself by learning before writing on the web. I took
my time to answer your comment, it cost me time and effort, in Spanish we call
that: use the Mataburro. Like that?
So we listen to May who throws
people in jail for reporting the news, screws the entire country out of Brexit,
and allows 3rd world immigrants to destroy what is left of the UK.
Why did Lindsey Graham mention
Israel before America? (Rhetorical question; we ALL know the answer!)
He Started With saying Obama was Not
Born in USA, Why People forget so quick!
...correct! Why people forgot so
quick? ...that that man is a master liar!
The video: https://youtu.be/mRnBOzbN4nM
See n’ belief

...I, the President of USA have powers that even is not written in any constitution, then my lawyers fabricate them, so I have power ...and 99.99% of Republicans are with me, they have CEO helping them. Got it?
Virgen de Guadalupe, help us foreigners work here in this USA, help the USA and help our families. All we are looking for is a decent job to help our families and contribute with our effort for the better-ness of USA so, by helping USA with our labor we are helping our families. AMEN.
We are making America great again, but it is costing our dear daughters and sons, their blood. They are been killed alive in USA jail. Help us, we deposit our soul in your hands. Waiting for your bless Virgen de Guadalupe.
 ...we republicans with a smile in one hand for others and with a stone in the other hand for the same's. It hurts to them, not to our gang of a party.
Donald J. Trump new Republican doctrine.
...how am doing?
...if not: call your local governors.
...if not: call your mayors.
...if not, don't call the White House.
Didn't u know of my strategies?
...I don't have time for that friend, better see the one I put as the administrator of all federal project building controlled by the federal gov. He is black like you, and see how he's thinking, complain to him, not me. He is the boss.
...am doing better than him, he gave people's money to banks when banks needed, not their CEO, am giving it directly to their CEO, needed or not: was it 120 billion dollars? Now they will compensate me in winning next elections, and they will get still more money each and every year ...what about that? ...if they are with me, who against me?
Signed your beloved President Donald J. Trump. Note: am a second descendant of a "German immigrant" only my kind can own this nation, not those criminals I don't want here, wait and see...
...am a CEO too, don't forget.
...my followers behind me? They are not CEO, they are just followers, nothing else. Take a look at them when I make political propaganda: do you see any CEO?
...am the king that always thinks he is wearing the best designed clothes in his kingdom, can't you see that here? ...if I see it, why you don't?
...cuz you don't love me!
...but my followers do!
...Donald J. Trump for President 2020-2024.
P.S.: I don’t
like all this offensive pics but,
am force to respond to our President of
the United States of America due the reason, logic, and the right to respond to
his atrocities he’s committing to a great portion of Americans and many of its
institutions that had been targeted by his bigot, ignorant attitude and lack of
respect to so many Congress people. That
give me the unthinkable right to respond.
Tell you again, don’t like to publish this pics, a President does not
deserve it but him. He, this man, had
been senseless with so many USA authorities on which I am forced to protect
with my fumble writings cuz they
themselves can not do what I am doing here.
…so I tell
you all those Donald J. Trump’s insulted noble former and actual authorities, I
am answering to this mad man some of the offenses you had suffered that by end, are offenses committed to the
State Nation of the United States of America.
Again, too many of my comments many times hurt my own morals; but who
could try to put the cascabel to the cat?
And to our
President Donald J. Trump, please, respect this nation that elected you to protect,
respect and guide. The way you, sir, do,
is of extremely poor and low morals full of hate toward the inhabitants of this
Nation States. Aside, you put this
nation in the loop of other Nation State to humiliate US all. I am of a proud spirit when it comes on
Patriotism. I defend this land at all
cost. Be it known to whom ever comes and
read my writings.
My work are
critique to the manner you, Mr.
President, handle the government and so many authorities elected and
non-elected by laws and the power to designate them in public position.
I apology to
the Supreme Court of the USA, the highest substance that is the tongue of the
Constitution, the Magna Carta of this Nation State. Also apology to Russia and China, Iran and
others especially important Nation States inhabited by millions and millions
humans. My apology again to all of you,
people of extraordinary great Nation States, my love to all of you from the
bottom of my heart. Love you all.
My special apologies to your wife son and daughter, my most respect to you all.
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