Monday, May 30, 2022

...if one day I could become a journalist



2 years ago (edited)

...if one day I could become a journalist, I would use this one as a patron: she makes analyses, not superfluous ones but deep ones; she makes comparisons, reasoning including very heavy educated opinions, all based on reality and gives to politicians and others what they deserve to the point and period., here am going to add something slight different than her so well analyzed on our President Trump as compared to one of our past President Nixon (whom I have the greatest respect though he did 100% wrong, he did not sell this nation to Russia or China nor enriched himself his family and friends, aside, did not violated the constitution, rather renounced to his duties in office), did wrong although worked with body and soul to success against the "Domino Theory" of Communism/socialism ideology. Below is mentioned the big different between yesterday politicians, mainly Republicans, people of honor and today's Republicans which too many of them had become "Unti-Constitutionalists", see the case below: Sunday, January 26, 2020 "Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutionalists." Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutionalists. The country had been divided in two sections: the Democrats, who defend and apply the Constitution to the letter and the Republicans who defend the party and apply the Constitution base on their own needs, when their needs is affected by the Constitution, it is put aside making their own interpretation or avoiding expressing the application of a constitutional mandate, the President decide, not the Constitution. By just observing both parties when they are interviewed by broadcaster, anyone would notice the above.  Up to now the USA courts are taking the position of “the tree monkeys” don’t see, don’t hear, don’t speak.  The nation is in disarray after Donald J. Trump toke over the Presidency of this nation. The above has been secretly injected by the intervention of Russia by false propaganda via the internet, an internet owned by extreme greedy CEO, mostly young entrepreneur with a very poor understanding of the social fabric of what is the United States of America; they had become not only part of the social fabric that work and benefit of this networked society, but unconsciously had become into a parasite that infect democracy.  Basically, cuz their poor understanding of the evolution of the history of this nation, the poor education gained in schools that they did not finish at all never getting a proper education.  Because the extraordinary abundance of money they possess, all they know is throwing some money to private institutions as donation and in that way turning the attention of the educated elite as been (the donators) a good intention group of people in our Democracy.  These social economic phenomena had contributed profoundly in the support of the new “race” of Unti-Constitutionalists politicians. Posted by Freedom'sDmocracy1st at 7:54 AM P.S.: this work was done on the time written above but posted here on the time shown by this program.


Note: this work-comment was written two (2) years ago but, edited now. get more senators, more congresspeople in power we can change the law get more senators, more congresspeople in power we can change the law. People, that said by Michael Hershorn (Hirshorn?) is the way charlatan present themselves.

A short analysis: that means that the status quo of the Republican position in congress will stay as such, doing nothing in changing the actual laws on citizens gun possessions unless they get the majority of senators in next elections.

As imply by this person, he infers that Republicans are against the way actual laws are elaborated that does not permit a good control of gun ownership cuz Democrats have made that type of laws that is causing this chaotic death massacre in public schools, which is false. Gun regulation laws were created by Republicans in the era of former Trump gov with plain support of Trump. Democrats were squished and flatten on the floor like roaches. Now Republicans weakens whatever propositions Democrats put on the floor of congress ...they still oppose changing the law.

People: if you turn your eyes as an eagle eye, will notice that in that interview, it is a propaganda interview, not just an open elected interview to question someone to express its feeling on the massacre last done in Texas in which over one and a half dozen of people were killed by a mad racist (which, in my personal suggestion, authorities never make a blood test to the killer to see if he/she might be influenced by drugs too). Said in other words: a party propaganda made using the children killed in one primary school to benefit a party expecting gaining control of congress on next elections but, doing nothing now when needed, as needed to eliminate this fanatism of killing schooling people in this nation, by mad and/or under the influence of drug by racists or just mad people.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

instant decision in the mind of assassins-racist in power

 This critique, is put here in the name of those innocents killed in "

...some people believe am not racist. Hee, hee, haa!

This man fueled racism during his governance of the USA, menace eliminating USA out of NATO, tried to stop food stamp and instead, give to the people food already packed in shopping bags to the poor by private companies (thinking to give large amount of money to those big sharks to redistribute food in shopping bag to millions of Americans; made mock of a news writer who was once on Trump election campaign messaging lies to all present, the news writer had the intention to ask him few questions, it was a handicap person.  This man Trump asked his fanatics, to lynch a black man present in the group of people.
This man, fueled racism, now giving new root to people to kill non-whites as just happened the killing of more of a dozen primary young girls and boys including some of their teachers.
I might be proved wrong cuz some are big politicians, am just a simple person.  Prove wrong with falsehood from Texans authorities and members of the Congress of the United States of America.
US criticize China is killing an ethnic group in the millions.
US do nothing on those killing our own children. 
...wait and see.

instant decision in the mind of assassins-racist in power

...I might be proved wrong. With falsehood from Texas authorities but, will remove the blanket covering the dead children: when the chief police were alerted that in a primary school there was or were someone with a machine gun, possible killing school age kids, and the authority right on the place waiting that department orders for them to enter in action, the police chief ordered them not to take any action ...the purpose, to give time whoever gun man was in there, kill as many non-white children as possible cuz of the police in charge of the school section, one or many, were racist. Of course, that man in charge did not know that already many children were killed, including some adults that happened to be their teachers. whichever authorities were present at the school, by 12:03 pm, decided to take actions cuz the waiting time for the "go, go, go" was too long. That authority entered and killed the assassin racist one. On this all mess of killing children, it is the preconceived state of feeling of the police being a racist in charge of the protection of the civilian population with indirect accomplished been the governor of Texas. It is well clear that some authorities exploit the situation when it arrives in relation to racism. Smart criminal- move by a racist in power of an institutional department to enforce the law. In this case, clever manipulation of the laws is applied.

...if the one with the authority to give direct orders to the officials to enter the school is questioned, let us say by congress, he/she is going to face some of them that are racist too and asked interrogations that carries in it, cover up decision favoring racists. Be it known that the police are well trained to confront situations like that. There is no need that other department wait for the FBI to go into action even though it could go into actions at the same time local authorities take the already known actions to take place.

...delay time, as many children are killed, instant decision in the mind of assassins-racist in power. Period

...people think am not a racist.  Hee, hee, haa!
Americans are crying the killing of American children:

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Does Putin have mental problems?

Does Putin have mental problems? ...if so, he is a danger for the existence of Russia and the world.


Too many countries possess nuclear arsenal.  Putin wants to destroy the planet by pushing a nuclear war amongst all, thinking Russia would not be affected or he does not care for the existence of the people in Russia.  Cuz of that, someone of his most closed ones shall kill him on the spot and save this planet.

That one will be a world hero, forever remembered, as the one that saved the future of Planet Earth.

Vladimir Putin knows he is going to die soon as of now but, wants to kill as many people as possible for him not to die alone. Generals of Russian, save your country and many others in the world! Or die together with Putin cuz you too go with the rest.  Think twice, make the act, THIS IS THE TIME!

Note: below is the entity that published: "Russia Raises Territorial Questions For Finland Ahead of NATO Application and presented in"

Russia Raises Territorial Questions For Finland Ahead of NATO Application

Russia Raises Territorial Questions For Finland Ahead of NATO Application (

Written by: Gerrard Kaonga  

Freedom! Mother is looking for you.

 For the world to read.

Freedom! Mother is looking for you. I surprised? Why? Cuz all my life had been defending Democracy but always saw it with a male face, Democracy was male. Now, after seen so many women fighting for democracy directly from their own backyard, now, for the first time, I see Democracy with a women face, that Democracy is a woman too. It is so beautiful, so pleasant seeing Democracy is female too. I am following each, and learning each and every day, that Democracy has a human face: Female and Male. And am surprised too, that they fight for freedom with a smiled on their lips, in their face, with no fear, no backup, with their heart, with their soul with love for freedom. These women are the new generation of fighters. They in the way it is seen by me, are turning into the root of Democracy, mothers of Democracy that we men had, historically, stained with dictatorship. But women came to the rescue. Freedom! Mother is looking for you. and see this too, in the Russian language.

... ¿estoy sorprendido? ¿Por qué? Porque toda mi vida había estado defendiendo la Democracia, pero siempre la veía con un rostro masculino, la Democracia era masculina. Ahora, después de ver a tantas mujeres luchando por la democracia directamente desde su propio patio trasero, ahora, por primera vez, veo Democracia con cara de mujer, que la Democracia también es una mujer. Es tan hermoso, tan agradable ver que la democracia también es femenina. Estoy siguiendo a cada uno, y aprendiendo todos los días, que la Democracia tiene un rostro humano: Femenino y Masculino. Y me sorprende también que luchen por la libertad con una sonrisa en los labios, en la cara, sin miedo, sin respaldo, con el corazón, con el alma con amor por la libertad. Estas mujeres son la nueva generación de luchadoras. Ellos, tal como yo lo veo, se están convirtiendo en la raíz de la Democracia, madres de la Democracia que los hombres tuvimos, históricamente, manchados de dictadura. Pero las mujeres vinieron al rescate. ¡Libertad! La madre te está buscando


... suis-je surpris? Pourquoi? Cuz toute ma vie a défendu la démocratie mais l’a toujours vue avec un visage masculin, la démocratie était un homme. Maintenant, après avoir vu tant de femmes se battre pour la démocratie directement depuis leur propre cour, maintenant, pour la première fois, je vois la démocratie avec un visage de femme, que la démocratie est aussi une femme. C’est si beau, si agréable de voir que la démocratie est aussi une femme. Je suis chacun, et j’apprends chaque jour, que la démocratie a un visage humain : féminin et masculin. Et je suis surpris aussi qu’ils se battent pour la liberté avec un sourire aux lèvres, dans leur visage, sans peur, sans sauvegarde, avec leur cœur, avec leur âme avec amour pour la liberté. Ces femmes sont la nouvelle génération de combattantes. De la façon dont je le vois, ils deviennent la racine de la démocratie, des mères de la démocratie que nous, les hommes, avions, historiquement, souillées par la dictature. Mais les femmes sont venues à la rescousse. Liberté! Maman vous cherche


... sono sorpreso? Perché? Cuz per tutta la vita ho difeso la democrazia ma l'ho sempre vista con una faccia maschile, la democrazia era maschile. Ora, dopo aver visto così tante donne lottare per la democrazia direttamente dal proprio cortile, ora, per la prima volta, vedo la democrazia con un volto femminile, che anche la democrazia è una donna. È così bello, così piacevole vedere che anche la democrazia è femminile. Sto seguendo ciascuno, e imparando ogni giorno, che la democrazia ha un volto umano: femminile e maschile. E sono anche sorpreso che lottino per la libertà con un sorriso sulle labbra, in faccia, senza paura, senza sostegno, con il cuore, con l'anima con l'amore per la libertà. Queste donne sono la nuova generazione di combattenti. Loro, nel modo in cui è visto da me, si stanno trasformando nella radice della Democrazia, madri della Democrazia che noi uomini avevamo, storicamente, macchiato di dittatura. Ma le donne sono venute in soccorso. Libertà! La mamma ti sta cercando


... Harritu egiten nau? Zergatik? Cuz bizitza osoan egona zen Demokrazia defendatzen, baina beti ikusten nuen gizonezko aurpegi batekin, Demokrazia maskulinoa zen. Orain, hainbeste emakume demokraziaren alde zuzenean atzeko patiotik borrokan ikusi ondoren, orain, lehen aldiz, Demokrazia emakume-aurpegiarekin ikusten dut, Demokrazia ere emakume bat dela. Hain da ederra, hain atsegina demokrazia ere emakumezkoa dela ikustea. Bakoitzari jarraitzen ari naiz, eta egunero ikasten, Demokraziak giza aurpegia duela: Emakumezkoak eta Gizonezkoak. Eta harritu egiten nau, halaber, askatasunaren alde borrokatzeak, irribarre bat ezpainetan, aurpegian, beldurrik gabe, babesik gabe, bihotzarekin, arima askatasunarekiko maitasunarekin. Emakume hauek dira borrokalari belaunaldi berria. Haiek, nik ikusten dudan bezala, Demokraziaren sustrai bihurtzen ari dira, gizonok historikoki diktaduraz zikinduta izan genituen Demokraziaren ama. Baina emakumeak erreskatera etorri ziren. Askatasuna! Ama zure bila dabil


... Estic sorprès? Per què? Cuz tota la meva vida havia estat defensant la Democràcia, però sempre la veia amb cara masculina, la democràcia era masculina. Ara, després de veure tantes dones lluitant per la democràcia directament des del seu propi pati del darrere, ara, per primera vegada, veig democràcia amb rostre de dona, que la democràcia també és una dona. És tan bonic, tan agradable veure que la democràcia també és femenina. Estic seguint a cada un, i aprenent cada dia, que la democràcia té un rostre humà: dona i home. I també em sorprèn que lluitin per la llibertat amb un somriure als llavis, a la cara, sense por, sense suport, amb el cor, amb la seva ànima amb amor per la llibertat. Aquestes dones són la nova generació de lluitadors. En la forma en què és vist per mi, s'estan convertint en l'arrel de la Democràcia, mares de la democràcia que els homes teníem, històricament, tacades de dictadura. Les dones van venir al rescat. Llibertat! La mare et busca




... Sou surpresa? Porquê? Porque toda a minha vida defendia a Democracia, mas sempre a via com um rosto masculino, a democracia era masculina. Agora, depois de tantas mulheres a lutarem pela democracia diretamente do seu próprio quintal, agora, pela primeira vez, vejo a Democracia com a cara de mulher, que a Democracia também é uma mulher. É tão bonito, tão agradável ver a democracia também é feminina. Estou a seguir cada um, e a aprender todos os dias, que a Democracia tem um rosto humano: mulher e macho. E também estou surpreendida por lutarem pela liberdade com um sorrição nos lábios, na cara, sem medo, sem apoio, com o coração, com a alma com amor pela liberdade. Estas mulheres são a nova geração de lutadores. Eles, da maneira que me vêem, estão a transformar-se na raiz da Democracia, mães da Democracia que nós, historicamente, mantivemos com a ditadura. Mas as mulheres vieram resgatá-lo. Liberdade, liberdade! A mãe está te procurando.


... Я здивований? Чому? Куз все своє життя захищав демократію, але завжди бачив її з чоловічим обличчям, демократія була чоловічою. Тепер, побачивши так багато жінок, які борються за демократію безпосередньо зі свого власного подвір'я, тепер, вперше, я бачу демократію з жіночим обличчям, що демократія також є жінкою. Це так красиво, так приємно бачити демократію теж жінки. Я стежу за кожним днем і дізнаюся, що демократія має людське обличчя: жіноче і чоловіче. І я також здивований, що вони борються за свободу з посмішкою на устах, в обличчя, без страху, без резервного копіювання, серцем, душею з любов'ю до свободи. Ці жінки – нове покоління бійців. Вони в тому вигляді, в якому він мене бачить, перетворюються на корінь демократії, матерів демократії, які ми, чоловіки, історично заплямовані диктатурою. На допомогу прийшли жінки. Свобода! Мама шукає тебе


... مەن ھەيران قالدىممۇ؟ نېمە ئۈچۈن؟ چۈنكى بىر ئۆمۈر دېموكراتىيىنى قوغدايتتى، ئەمما دائىم ئەركەك چىراي بىلەن كۆرەتتى، دېموكىراتىيە ئەركەك ئىدى. ھازىر شۇنچە كۆپ ئاياللارنىڭ دېموكىراتىيە ئۈچۈن ئۆز ئارقا ھويلىسىدىن بىۋاسىتە كۈرەش قىغانلىقىنى كۆرگەندىن كېيىن، ھازىر تۇنجى قېتىم دېموكراتىيىنى ئاياللارنىڭ چىرايى بىلەن، دېموكراتىيىنىڭمۇ بىر ئايال ئىكەنلىكىنى كۆردۈم. شۇنداق چىرايلىق، دېموكراتىيىنى كۆرۈپ شۇنچىلىك كۆڭۈللۈك كۆرۈنىدۇكى، ئۇمۇ ئايال ئىكەن. مەن ھەر بىر ئادەمگە ئەگىشىۋاتىمەن، ھەر كۈنى ۋە ھەر كۈنى شۇنى ئۆگىنىمەنكى، دېموكراتىيىنىڭ ئىنسان قىياپىتى بار: ئايال ۋە ئەر. يەنە كېلىپ ھەيرانمەنكى، ئۇلار ئەركىنلىك ئۈچۈن لەۋلىرىگە كۈلۈمسىرەپ، چىرايىدا قورقۇش، زاپاسلاش يوق، قەلبى بىلەن ئەركىنلىككە بولغان مۇھەببىتى بىلەن كۈرەش قىلىدۇ. بۇ ئاياللار يېڭى بىر ئەۋلاد كۈرەشچى. ئۇلار مەن كۆرگەن ئۇسۇلدا دېموكىراتىيەنىڭ يىلتىزىغا ئايلىنىۋاتىدۇ، بىزدە بار بولغان دېموكىراتىيەنىڭ ئانىلىرى تارىختىن بۇيان مۇستەبىتلىك بىلەن داغلىنىدۇ. بىراق، ئاياللار قۇتقۇزۇشقا كەلدى. ئەركىنلىك! ئاپا سېنى ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ


... Är jag förvånad? Varför? Cuz hela mitt liv hade försvarat demokratin men alltid sett den med ett manligt ansikte, demokratin var manlig. Nu, efter att ha sett så många kvinnor kämpa för demokrati direkt från sin egen bakgård, ser jag nu för första gången Demokrati med ett kvinnligt ansikte, att demokrati också är en kvinna. Det är så vackert, så trevligt att se demokrati är kvinnligt också. Jag följer var och en och lär mig varje dag att demokratin har ett mänskligt ansikte: kvinnligt och manligt. Och jag är också förvånad över att de kämpar för frihet med ett leende på läpparna, i ansiktet, utan rädsla, utan backup, med sitt hjärta, med sin själ med kärlek till frihet. Dessa kvinnor är den nya generationen fighters. De håller på att, som jag ser det, förvandlas till demokratins rot, demokratins mödrar som vi män historiskt sett haft fläckade av diktatur. Men kvinnor kom till undsättning. Frihet! Mor letar efter dig


... Я удивлен? Почему? Куз всю свою жизнь защищал демократию, но всегда видел ее с мужским лицом, демократия была мужской. Теперь, после того, как я увидел так много женщин, борющихся за демократию прямо со своего собственного заднего двора, теперь, впервые, я вижу демократию с женским лицом, что демократия - это тоже женщина. Это так красиво, так приятно видеть, что Демократия тоже женщина. Я слежу за каждым и каждый день узнаю, что демократия имеет человеческое лицо: женское и мужское. И меня тоже удивляет, что они борются за свободу с улыбкой на губах, в лице, без страха, без поддержки, с сердцем, с душой с любовью к свободе. Эти женщины являются бойцами нового поколения. Они, как я вижу, превращаются в корень демократии, матерей демократии, которую мы, мужчины, исторически запятнали диктатурой. Но на помощь пришли женщины. Свобода! Мама ищет тебя


... Prekvapuje ma to? Prečo? Cuz celý život bránil demokraciu, ale vždy som ju videl s mužskou tvárou, demokracia bola mužská. Teraz, keď som videl toľko žien bojujúcich za demokraciu priamo z vlastného dvora, teraz, po prvýkrát, vidím demokraciu so ženskou tvárou, že demokracia je tiež žena. Je to tak krásne, tak príjemné vidieť demokraciu je tiež žena. Sledujem každého z nich a každý deň sa učím, že demokracia má ľudskú tvár: ženu a muža. A tiež ma prekvapuje, že bojujú za slobodu s úsmevom na perách, v tvári, bez strachu, bez zálohy, srdcom, s dušou s láskou k slobode. Tieto ženy sú novou generáciou bojovníkov. Oni spôsobom, akým to vnímam ja, sa menia na koreň demokracie, matky demokracie, ktoré sme my muži historicky poškvrnili diktatúrou. Ženy prišli na pomoc. Sloboda! Matka ťa hľadá


... ང་རང་ཧ་ལས་སོང་ངམ། རྒྱུ་མཚན་ཅི་ཡིན་ཞེ་ན ངའི་མི་ཚེ་གང་བོར་དམངས་གཙོ་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་བྱེད་ཀྱིན་ཡོད་མོད། འོན་ཀྱང་ཐོག་མཐའ་བར་གསུམ་དུ་སྐྱེས་པའི་ངོ་གདོང་ནས་དམངས་གཙོ་ནི་སྐྱེས་པ་ཡིན། ད་ལྟ་བུད་མེད་དེ་འདྲ་མང་པོ་ཞིག་གིས་རང་ཁྱིམ་གྱི་སྒོ་རའི་ནང་ནས་ཐད་ཀར་དམངས་གཙོའི་དོན་དུ་འཐབ་རྩོད་བྱེད་པ་མཐོང་རྗེས། ད་ལྟ་ངས་ཐེངས་དང་པོར་བུད་མེད་ཀྱི་ངོ་གདོང་ནས་དམངས་གཙོ་མཐོང་བ་དང་། དམངས་གཙོ་ཡང་བུད་མེད་ཅིག་རེད། དེ་ནི་དངོས་གནས་མཛེས་སྡུག་ལྡན་པ་ཞིག་རེད། དམངས་གཙོ་ནི་བུད་མེད་ཅིག་ཡིན་པ་མཐོང་བས་དགའ་སྤྲོ་ཚད་མེད ངས་ཉིན་ལྟར་སློབ་སྦྱོང་བྱེད་བཞིན་ཡོད། དམངས་གཙོའི་རིང་ལུགས་ལ་མིའི་ངོ་གདོང་ཞིག་ཡོད་པ་ནི་བུད་མེད་དང་ཕོ་རིགས་ཡིན། ཁོ་ཚོས་རང་དབང་བརྩོན་ལེན་བྱེད་པ་དང་། རང་དབང་ལ་དགའ་ཞེན་བྱེད་པ། རང་དབང་ལ་དགའ་ཞེན་བྱེད་པ་བཅས་ཀྱི་སྒོ་ནས་རང་དབང་བརྩོན་ལེན་བྱེད་པར་ཡང་ཡ་མཚན་ཆེན་པོ་སྐྱེས་བྱུང་། བུད་མེད་འདི་དག་ནི་མི་རབས་གསར་བའི་འཐབ་འཛིང་པ་ཡིན། ཁོ་ཚོས་ངས་མཐོང་བའི་བྱེད་སྟངས་ལྟར་དམངས་གཙོའི་འབྱུང་རྩ་དང་། ང་ཚོའི་སྐྱེས་པར་ཡོད་པའི་དམངས་གཙོའི་ཨ་མ། ལོ་རྒྱུས་ཐོག་སྲིད་དབང་སྒེར་འཛིན་གྱི་ནག་ཐིག་བཅས་སུ་འགྱུར་བཞིན་ཡོད། འོན་ཀྱང་བུད་མེད་རྣམས་མྱུར་སྐྱོབ་བྱེད་པར་ཡོང་བ་རེད། རང་དབང་། ཨ་མས་ཁྱོད་བཙལ་བཞིན་ཡོད།


... ကျွန်မ အံ့သြပါသလား။ ယေ ဟော ဝါ နှုတ်မြ ကျွန်တော့်ဘဝတစ်လျှောက်လုံး ဒီမိုကရေစီကို ခုခံကာကွယ်ခဲ့ပေမဲ့ အမျိုးသားမျက်နှာနဲ့ အမြဲတွေ့ခဲ့ရတယ်၊ ဒီမိုကရေစီဟာ အမျိုးသားပါ။ အခုတော့ ဒီမိုကရေစီအတွက် တိုက်ရိုက် တိုက်ရိုက် တိုက်ခိုက်နေကြတဲ့ အမျိုးသမီးတွေ အများကြီးကို မြင်ပြီးတဲ့နောက်၊ အခုတော့ အမျိုးသမီးတွေနဲ့ ဒီမိုကရေစီကို ပထမဆုံးအကြိမ် တွေ့ရတယ်၊ ဒီမိုကရေစီဟာလည်း အမျိုးသမီးတစ်ယောက်ပါ။ ဒီမိုကရေစီကို မြင်ရတာလည်း အရမ်းလှပါတယ်။ ဒီမိုကရေစီမှာ လူ့မျက်နှာရှိတယ်ဆိုတာ နေ့တိုင်း သင်ယူနေပါတယ်။ လွတ်လပ်မှုကိုချစ်တဲ့စိတ်နဲ့ နှုတ်ခမ်းကို ပြုံးပြပြီး လွတ်လပ်စွာ တိုက်ပွဲဝင်ကြတာကိုလည်း အံ့ဩသွားကြတယ်။ ဒီအမျိုးသမီးတွေဟာ တိုက်ခိုက်ရေးသမားမျိုးဆက်သစ်တွေပါ။ ဒီမိုကရေစီရဲ့ မိခင်တွေဟာ သမိုင်းအရ အာဏာရှင်စနစ်နဲ့ စွန်းထင်းနေတဲ့ ဒီမိုကရေစီရဲ့ အရင်းခံအဖြစ် ပြောင်းလဲနေပါတယ်။ ဒါပေမဲ့ အမျိုးသမီးတွေကတော့ ကယ်ဆယ်ဖို့ ရောက်လာကြတယ်။ လွတ်လပ်မှု! အမေက ခင်ဗျားကို ရှာနေတာပါ။




... هل أنا متفاجئ؟ لماذا؟ كان كوز طوال حياتي يدافع عن الديمقراطية ولكن دائما ما أراها بوجه ذكوري ، كانت الديمقراطية ذكرا. الآن، بعد أن رأيت الكثير من النساء يناضلن من أجل الديمقراطية مباشرة من الفناء الخلفي الخاص بهن، الآن، ولأول مرة، أرى الديمقراطية ذات الوجه النسائي، أن الديمقراطية هي امرأة أيضا. إنه جميل جدا ، لطيف جدا رؤية الديمقراطية أنثى أيضا. أنا أتابع كل منهما، وأتعلم كل يوم، أن الديمقراطية لها وجه إنساني: أنثى وذكر. وأنا مندهش أيضا، لأنهم يناضلون من أجل الحرية بابتسامة على شفاههم، في وجوههم، دون خوف، ولا دعم، بقلوبهم، وروحهم مع حب الحرية. هؤلاء النساء هن الجيل الجديد من المقاتلين. إنهم بالطريقة التي أراها بها ، يتحولون إلى جذر الديمقراطية ، أمهات الديمقراطية التي كنا نحن الرجال ، تاريخيا ، ملطخين بالديكتاتورية. لكن النساء جئن للإنقاذ. حريه! الأم تبحث عنك


... هل أنا متفاجئ؟ لماذا؟ كان كوز طوال حياتي يدافع عن الديمقراطية ولكن دائما ما أراها بوجه ذكوري ، كانت الديمقراطية ذكرا. الآن، بعد أن رأيت الكثير من النساء يناضلن من أجل الديمقراطية مباشرة من الفناء الخلفي الخاص بهن، الآن، ولأول مرة، أرى الديمقراطية ذات الوجه النسائي، أن الديمقراطية هي امرأة أيضا. إنه جميل جدا ، لطيف جدا رؤية الديمقراطية أنثى أيضا. أنا أتابع كل منهما، وأتعلم كل يوم، أن الديمقراطية لها وجه إنساني: أنثى وذكر. وأنا مندهش أيضا، لأنهم يناضلون من أجل الحرية بابتسامة على شفاههم، في وجوههم، دون خوف، ولا دعم، بقلوبهم، وروحهم مع حب الحرية. هؤلاء النساء هن الجيل الجديد من المقاتلين. إنهم بالطريقة التي أراها بها ، يتحولون إلى جذر الديمقراطية ، أمهات الديمقراطية التي كنا نحن الرجال ، تاريخيا ، ملطخين بالديكتاتورية. لكن النساء جئن للإنقاذ. حريه! الأم تبحث عنك