Monday, May 30, 2022

...if one day I could become a journalist



2 years ago (edited)

...if one day I could become a journalist, I would use this one as a patron: she makes analyses, not superfluous ones but deep ones; she makes comparisons, reasoning including very heavy educated opinions, all based on reality and gives to politicians and others what they deserve to the point and period., here am going to add something slight different than her so well analyzed on our President Trump as compared to one of our past President Nixon (whom I have the greatest respect though he did 100% wrong, he did not sell this nation to Russia or China nor enriched himself his family and friends, aside, did not violated the constitution, rather renounced to his duties in office), did wrong although worked with body and soul to success against the "Domino Theory" of Communism/socialism ideology. Below is mentioned the big different between yesterday politicians, mainly Republicans, people of honor and today's Republicans which too many of them had become "Unti-Constitutionalists", see the case below: Sunday, January 26, 2020 "Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutionalists." Constitutionalists and Unti-Constitutionalists. The country had been divided in two sections: the Democrats, who defend and apply the Constitution to the letter and the Republicans who defend the party and apply the Constitution base on their own needs, when their needs is affected by the Constitution, it is put aside making their own interpretation or avoiding expressing the application of a constitutional mandate, the President decide, not the Constitution. By just observing both parties when they are interviewed by broadcaster, anyone would notice the above.  Up to now the USA courts are taking the position of “the tree monkeys” don’t see, don’t hear, don’t speak.  The nation is in disarray after Donald J. Trump toke over the Presidency of this nation. The above has been secretly injected by the intervention of Russia by false propaganda via the internet, an internet owned by extreme greedy CEO, mostly young entrepreneur with a very poor understanding of the social fabric of what is the United States of America; they had become not only part of the social fabric that work and benefit of this networked society, but unconsciously had become into a parasite that infect democracy.  Basically, cuz their poor understanding of the evolution of the history of this nation, the poor education gained in schools that they did not finish at all never getting a proper education.  Because the extraordinary abundance of money they possess, all they know is throwing some money to private institutions as donation and in that way turning the attention of the educated elite as been (the donators) a good intention group of people in our Democracy.  These social economic phenomena had contributed profoundly in the support of the new “race” of Unti-Constitutionalists politicians. Posted by Freedom'sDmocracy1st at 7:54 AM P.S.: this work was done on the time written above but posted here on the time shown by this program.


Note: this work-comment was written two (2) years ago but, edited now.

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