Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Freedom! Mother is looking for you.

 ...am I surprised? Why? Cuz all my life had been defending Democracy but always saw it with a male face, Democracy was male. Now, after seen so many women fighting for democracy directly from their own backyard, now, for the first time, I see Democracy with a women face, that Democracy is a woman too. It is so beautiful, so pleasant seeing Democracy is female too. I am following each and every, and learning each and every day, that Democracy has a human face: Female and Male. And am surprised too, that they fight for freedom with a smiled on their leaps, in their face, with no fear, no backup, with their heart, with their soul with love for freedom. These women are the new generation of fighters. They in the way it is seen by me, are turning into the root of Democracy, mothers of Democracy that we men had, historically, stained with dictatorship. But women came to the rescue. Freedom! Mother is looking for you.

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