Monday, May 30, 2022 get more senators, more congresspeople in power we can change the law get more senators, more congresspeople in power we can change the law. People, that said by Michael Hershorn (Hirshorn?) is the way charlatan present themselves.

A short analysis: that means that the status quo of the Republican position in congress will stay as such, doing nothing in changing the actual laws on citizens gun possessions unless they get the majority of senators in next elections.

As imply by this person, he infers that Republicans are against the way actual laws are elaborated that does not permit a good control of gun ownership cuz Democrats have made that type of laws that is causing this chaotic death massacre in public schools, which is false. Gun regulation laws were created by Republicans in the era of former Trump gov with plain support of Trump. Democrats were squished and flatten on the floor like roaches. Now Republicans weakens whatever propositions Democrats put on the floor of congress ...they still oppose changing the law.

People: if you turn your eyes as an eagle eye, will notice that in that interview, it is a propaganda interview, not just an open elected interview to question someone to express its feeling on the massacre last done in Texas in which over one and a half dozen of people were killed by a mad racist (which, in my personal suggestion, authorities never make a blood test to the killer to see if he/she might be influenced by drugs too). Said in other words: a party propaganda made using the children killed in one primary school to benefit a party expecting gaining control of congress on next elections but, doing nothing now when needed, as needed to eliminate this fanatism of killing schooling people in this nation, by mad and/or under the influence of drug by racists or just mad people.

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