Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why Latin America is going to end up into Socialist States.

Why Latin America is going to end up, by itself, without Fidel Castro influence, into a Confederation of Socialist States.
Yes, Flag, can you participate in this dialog?
Yes, I can.
Good… so let US start.
Let it be Egnio.
Flag, I’ve been, indirectly, but now directly, pressuring you to start work making heavy investing in that part of the American Continent that lies at your backyard… as you are there backyard. I am doing so to avoid the problem about to arise between you and Latin America the day at which the year 2047 approaches. A lot of soldiers are going to be needed to handle the big one.
Okay, breakfast me Egnio.
Egnio, it is the first data of the day, food before lunch and then lunch before dinner.
Dinner is what Iran and or North Korea are going to give you by that time.
What do you mean?
I’ll breakfast you then. Take a seat and just listen.
Done and listening.
Are you all ears?
As an elephant.
But I thought you were a donkey, an ass looking where it can peace… the whole… world.
What are you trying to say?
I am not saying whatever you are thinking Flag… am a delicate and decent man.
It sounds as if I am an anus looking where to urinate in the hole… then you add: world.
Flag, anus are not peanuts.
You want war with me, isn’t it?
Naturally! No!
Continue with your diatribe.
What’s that?
Egnio, open the American Heritage Dictionary and kill that ass of yours.
Yes, kill that mule or donkey you seems to be.
You are insulting me.
Did not you too?
Do you wanna fight Flag?
It is you whom looking for war Egnio.
But I do not want war Flag.
So watch yourself and your wording Egnio.
It’s not my fall, it is the English language fall.
Do not say like that.
How then?
“It’s not my fault; it is the English language fault”
Hee, hee, ha! Even you admit it!
No-o-o, I am correcting you!
I thought you mean it.
Don’t you notice the quotation marks?
How on the earth am I to know that? You did not say it.
You, Flag, should say: Quotation mark, it is not my fault; it is the English language fault, quotation mark.
Egnio, go to the scenario you started and stop your diatribe please.
And what’s that?
Forgot to tell you: “A bitter, abusive denunciation.
[Latin diatriba, learned discourse, from Greek diatribē, pastime, lecture, from diatrībein, to consume, wear away : dia-, intensive pref. ; see dia- + trībein, to rub; see terə-1 in Indo-European roots.]
Word History: Listening to a lengthy diatribe may seem like a waste of time, an attitude for which there is some etymological justification. The Greek word diatribē, the ultimate source of our word, is derived from the verb diatrībein, made up of the prefix dia-, "completely," and trībein, "to rub," "to wear away, spend, or waste time," "to be busy.” The verb diatrībein meant "to rub hard," "to spend or waste time," and the noun diatribē meant "wearing away of time, amusement, serious occupation, study," as well as "discourse, short ethical treatise or lecture, debate, argument.” It is the serious occupation of time in discourse, lecture, and debate that gave us the first use of diatribe recorded in English (1581), in the now archaic sense "discourse, critical dissertation.” The critical element of this kind of diatribe must often have been uppermost, explaining the origin of the current sense of diatribe, "a bitter criticism."
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.” You wear me away with that, Egnio.
Okay, I’ll go to the scenario then:
Latin America is striving against a very old colonialism inherited by the descendants of the Spanish conquerors of the New World; they own everything… and when a native and mixed Latino takes power, such as Hugo Chavez, they revel against that classical old colonialism and embrace the ideology of Socialism and/or Communism as Fidel Castro did, though Castro is more of an European than a Latino. He, this man, went through the same as above. I, self, feel like that. You, Flag, turn your back to problems where problem is. By this, I mean: where problem will erupt, and you do not take care of that until late dinner… then you cannot sleep in peace and war comes. I am warning you for the following dots on the ie’s “the Che”. A great fighter for the wrong cause.
Now you started well, please continue.
Well, the Che and Latin America should be the title of this dialog, Flag… or Latin America, stepping on the tail of North America or something similar like that. So my investigation rendered to you for you to undertake future decisions, but you are ignoring my studies… any way, I shall continue:
Studies and analysis of the why Latin America is turning Socialist.
The Latino’s culture is moving away from Democracy, inverting the “Orden Democratico.” Capitalism follows by Free Enterprise, follows by Socialism, follows by Communism, and follows by Dictatorship. Man is a social ENT, this is, he poses himself. This creature acts, socially, like an Amoeba in order to adopt, eats, and survive to die individually; but survives as a whole: the Gestalt. This is the natural order of Nature, its Niche, is its environment. Nature is a set of ambiental forces and natural phenomena, expression of matter. Matter, comes out of its stages of chaos, gets order and produce life. Nature control man’s conduct and Man is Matter, thinking life (it is God, it is the Whole, and it is all). So, man has five facets (above mentioned and summed up in Democracy, as been in just one stage that is continuously evolving). Democracy, falls in the state of joy from birth to death and restarting its transformation into a new thinking matter… a revolution through time recorded in books, software and therefore through history.
Man arrest Democracy and discompose it into its parts: Capitalism, Free Enterprise, Socialism, communism, and Dictatorship. These parts, by themselves do not work. One of them cannot go along without the other. Man, then fix itself in one stage of Democracy as Jean Piaget describes in child psychology on intellectual and cognitive development… any stage as in the sucking or anus stage. Therefore, some cultures do not want to leave the stage of Socialism or Communism or they return to dictatorship as on time of cave dwellers when the strongest was the boss and the weaker one, the slave. Latin America is fixing in any of those stages, not seen them all as one: Democracy… that is the Cuban case with Fidel Castro.
Democracy is compress of hard voluntary work; the harder one works, the more one gets. Knowledge is the tool to get the most with the least. Nations like the United States of America, have that tool, and that tool is technology… Latin America is a techno importer, just like that.
As its population increase, food gets scarcer; competition increases, lot of wars undertake such geographic location. The lesser the food, more the war; tech is needed here… but it becomes a burden to acquire that.
For a Honduran, or a Salvadorian or Equatorial to by a computer, for example, that cost here one thousand dollars (printer, monitor, case and software; one of not a good processor lacking a lot of capacity) he or she must put on a lot of labor work to do that. For instance, a Dominican in any agriculture field, a farm, or working in a farm, if his/her own, it takes from six to eight month to grow about 100 plantain plants to collect 100x 30-50 plantains= 3000-5000 plantains sold at 10 pesos (35pesos= 1dollar) or 3,500cents/100cents= 35dominican-cents= 1unitedstates-cent. This is, the Dominican farmer, if decide to by a computer for his daughter or son to use, the farmer has to find one thousand dollars or 35, thousand pesos= to 35,000/10= to3,500 plantains harvested and sold or more or less planting, taking care and growing, 100 plantain plants and wait six to eight month for that.
How many computers are built in any factory the size that takes to grow 100 plantain plants? More or less in a 130 by 160 meters lot. In six to eight months?
For the farmer, to get just one computer, would take past ½-year work!
How could Latin America develop from poor to rich? Well, they are reaching the ideologies such as Socialism, if not, our society would fall deeper into poverty; too many illegal residents are seeking to live and work in places as New York City, Chicago, Detroit and most city on the North… same as in President Lincoln time.
The governors or Presidents of these nations are colonialist descendants… and those that are not directly connected, such as Hugo Chavez, in the name of survival of the fittest, embraces Socialism as the only light at the end of the tunnel to help its territory that were prey of Europeans. They are: its people, its land and its gold and mines… petroleum, just to mention one.
It is not only injustice that reign on those lands. I’ll mention just one case extracted from the life of Ernesto Che Guevara, the man that fought for a right cause using the wrong ideology: Socialism and Communism:
Translation will be done later:
“La casa proyectada por don Ernesto, que así reivindicaba sus frustrados estudios de arquitectura -Che’s father-, era precaria y solo se accedía a ella navegando por el rio Paraná. Allí afrontaran circunstancias difíciles, <> los llamara don Ernesto: <>. Además, debido a que romperá las reglas de juego de los patrones del lugar y pagara a sus peones con dinero y no con vales, sus cultivos y equipos sufrirán saboteos por parte de quienes sienten amenazado ese rentable sistema de explotación feudal.”
Page 20 of “La Vida Por Un Mundo Mejor: Pacho O’Donnell. Printed by Plaza James.
English now.
Notice how some riches act attacking other riches, this is, the competition, in a totally illegal-criminal manner in lands which Democracy is just of the pseudo type with dictatorial tendency in their 4 to 5 years “free elected governments” that are just 4 or 5 years of dictatorship. Hugo Chavez took over from President Calderon in Venezuela, thinking he could correct that. He is now a small dictator whom expects to convert all of Latin America into his followers, where Fidel Castro did not succeed.
Will continue.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Knife is a special type of Blog that I'll post from time to time; here I'll tell things as they are said around the world, including the US, and I do not mean my donkey or ass as some people like to call them... wait, there is a thing similar to "human rights abuse" in mainland Unite States of America?... just to brief you: Police killing! of the "black American people" whether be one of their own (a black policemen), a black "any black" american citizen, a black Latino, African, Asian too? Hee, hee, ha! "Ya are black! I mean: are ya black?, Ya are dead!

As I just said, the above is just a sample of the "police staple" the minority human being (humans). As discribe in my donkeyKiller (mata burro)the American English diccionary language (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition) "A basic or principal element or feature" served by some "mayor"s in certain "forbidden to writte" abusive cities of this "Great Nation" of US.
do ya know what I mean? I do not understand myself, ya explain it to me. I think that what I mean is that that is a police staple in some cities including New York City, yes, this one... they can.
Distinguished Citizen "President" Barack Oh! bad man, you are not part of the staple, ya are some type of Zebra. Ya specialty: to be used by somes to governm and conquer your own kinds, not for peace on the surface of earth except: -Iran, rest in peace, ya'll be able to do all "whatever" ya want with that formula created by US, to use it on our ASS, do not care, this donkey or ASS, whichever you call it, will not attack ya, remember, Russia back ya; no, I mean, Russia is in your back; or what "on the earth" i wanna say? Well... I want say that, and this, and all that too: do not worry on Iran, the Persians are great, they have this ASS hold by just theirs; sorry for the errata, correction: USS, not ASS, and if so, another errata: donkey for ass. our "President" under no circunstances would permit US drilling ooofff-sure... stay off the bitch, how do you spell that, beach? what on the "knife" I wanna cut?

surely, I mean: sorry, I want to say or mean: offshore; so, Iran, ya know! as long ass us keep this position, this ASS will no-no, and no, can nut -i meant can not, not nut, it is ya the reader that read right-wrong, all the time ya do that; well, surely, as long as us keep that, you, Iran, can not be attack! Ya got that oil on US depend on your (wow! that's black too! kill it! kill it! kill it) black gold, you can kick our ASS -and I am pointing that donkey, as many times us you want... no offshore drilling policy, it seems to be Allah blessing policy for Iran, Kan wait, I mean: Kuwait? or is it that I mean: can wait? well, take "it" or leave "it", I'll leave it like that.

Allah's great "President!" He, die (thy)for US... or is it that US thy for Allah? Wait and see, Iran is making "that". Allah choosen ya to be our (what?) "President"

Allah's the greatest of all Gods... soom all Asia will be arm to their tooth, no, to all their teeth, with nukes enough to be use; what cool a police do when they see a terrorist with a nuke attached to his/her vest and asking for demands? is said: cool, cool... of off it goes; nooo, bad, yes that what I mean. Well, no offshore drilling, "Yes, we can" maintain that.

President Bush, I miss you!

Alleluya! kill them all! Vote for him! -whom do I mean, the "major" one? T's not the mayor, I mean, the major of all, the older one or the majority? Bad, hee, hee, ha! is the boss of all police force, vote for that... I am not white, did ya know that? Again, try to defer, I mean: decipher what's in THIS IS KNIFE.

de·ci·pher (dĭ-sīfər)
tr.v. de·ci·phered, de·ci·pher·ing, de·ci·phers

1. To read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter). See Synonyms at solve.
2. To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode.

de·cipher·a·ble adj.
de·cipher·er n.
de·cipher·ment n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition