Thursday, July 11, 2019

The President reculó

The President reculó...

Published on Jun 17, 2019

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Iran has warned that, within days, it will breach the limit on its stockpile of enriched uranium, a central element of the Iran nuclear deal. (Subscribe:"

"But it added there was still time for European countries to prevent this by providing protection from US sanctions. This was met by accusation of "nuclear blackmail" from the White House. It comes a year after the US President Donald Trump abandoned the nuclear deal and at a time when tensions between the two countries are rising still further over attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf."

...yes, within days, haa, haa, hee! Iran already had done so; it is only justifying its existence of already nuclear enriched uranium. What next: it already started building its first nuclear bomb ...meanwhile, Iran makes believe it will not make a deal with US unless US loosen its grip on their economy "US force Iran to build its first nuclear bomb just to be used if US attacks the Iranian people. Who would they menace to attack? ...US? no way, still had not built its transportation for that, it still working on that: attack Saudi Arabia! Yes, it is part of the world economy to make that nation hostage to its strategy finish building the transporter for nuclear payload to be placed in ...what next: proof to the world that Allah is Great! and USE IT! ...who to blame? USA cuz did not attack Iran when it had too, Donald Trump backed down 10 minutes before attacking. Why? Russia made a one to one call and indirectly menace him in attacking USA if USA does so. Russia would back Iranians with its own military arsenal and attack any military deployment in the Golf. What? Yes, that. ...the president decided to back down. In Spanish it is: "recular" (move one's ass back from the word: culo -ano, asshole -"ass" and re: as in regret ...back off the ass, move the ass further back: recular)


Culo, in Italian and Spanish, means the buttocks (and in Gujarati, kulo or kullo means the same); it may also refer to:
  • Čulo, a Croatian surname
  • "Culo (song)", a song by rapper Pitbull from his 2004 album M.I.A.M.I..
  • Culo (book), a coffee-table book by photographer Raphael Mazzucco
This article is copied from an article on Wikipedia® - the free encyclopedia created and edited by its online user community. The text was not checked or edited by anyone on our staff. Although the vast majority of Wikipedia® encyclopedia articles provide accurate and timely information, please do not assume the accuracy of any particular article. This article is distributed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License.
In reality Culo means exactly: ass hole anus and nothing else.


(Anatomy) the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.
[C16: from Latin]

Vladimir Putin is using his best to destroy USA without shooting a bullet.

…see why US president is an inept president?  …now see part of the result: working by his own, not accepting advises by US Pentagon, advises by war strategists, attacking the CIA, attacking the FBI, attacking whoever oppose him including bloggers.  Did I say bloggers?  How?  …well, he is managing and sending people who would feel comfortable destroying some others with their living standards in making their lives horrible like their car insurance been denied continuing their coverage.  Is that true?  …don’t believe it?  Mmm, its difficult to prove it, but only those involve had notice certain situation affecting them that had no real justification.  How that could be?  Well, I might be wrong, but it is happening to some people.  Am I dreaming?  Could be and could be not.

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