Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ø Avoiding a conflict in those Seas that could end up into a major war.

Ø Avoiding a conflict in those Seas that could end up into a major war.

...what the interlocutor suggest seems to be a good strategist in transporting oil out of the canal that runs along Iran: Ms. Lindsey Hilsum tells that oil ships should run in packs, possible of 30 each as to protect themselves from been hijacked by mercenaries or militaries of other nations. My suggestion is that not only that, but a military small convoy travels head-on in front of that small oil ship flotilla using fast small well-armed boats and a couple of military helicopters in those flotilla. If a military ship approaches the flotilla, the heavy armed military would fire upon the "enemy ships" if they do not keep a distance, enough as to guarantee they will not pirate the oil flotilla. One other thing that could be done: hire private international mercenaries capable of confronting in a fight any unwanted sea ship approaching the oil flotilla. A total of 100 mercenaries integrated by different nations and acting via a rule enacted by the United Nations in order to protect its individuals making that armed convoy. Specific instructions should be given to them, should carry video cameras with open channels for anyone to view whatever they are doing when any ship tries to stop, arrest or highjack any oil flotilla. The cost should be covered by the companies involved in the transfer of oil out of these conflicted nations. ...this is a win-win act. Real military ships would keep a safe distance off any strange unwanted "pirate" ship and would act if they see the private militia are unable to handle the situation and if they call for help. ...there should be an unwritten accord that would accept these paramilitaries internalize into national limits just to help any person, other militia or militaries that ask for help in case of an accident but not intruding into any coast by self-decision unless done by electronic or human errors. Iran, England and anyone else would not then participate into any rescue onto any oilship-flotilla, yet their presence would be there if they please under the rule of free navigation, yet help the heavy armed paramilitary if, and only if, ask for help for any of its personnel, any military army around could help if they decide to do so.

Now, watch this video from BBC.  It is the intervention of Iran into an oil-ship, it does not show whether it is in international “ground' or not”, just the intervention, therefore it proves nothing.  Based on reasoning, it just proves Iranian are trying to show the world their rights to intervene on oil shipments yet can not “prove” why: in international waters or not?

Iran seems to be manipulating or trying to manipulate their “illegal” or “legal” detention of oil shipment to other nations as it seems that Iran is bulling USA to confront US. Why?  Cuz it doubts the war capacity of USA and had deposited its full trust in the Russia Federation State via Vladimir Putin who is using or try to use other countries to fastigiate USA.

Putin must be removed from power, should be done by their own citizens to establish peace and dignity into the Russian population and bring stability onto other nations.

Powerful nations are in the brink of a nuclear war but, some leaders are teasing USA to initiate that war cuz they know they are losers, economically, due to their aberration on how power is injected into international onlookers, this is, other Nation States.  They, those aberrated economic Nation States want to make belief USA is at fault of their failing economy, so they are manipulators of the truth been put USA the origen of their failing and hiding the truth their abuse of power that make their nation fail, socially, economically and in tech.  There are too many “Napoleons and mass war criminals” governing the world.  Some of them have established or inherited Nation States of Slaves.

War seems to be imminent, that’s why some Nation States have to get rid of their commanders in chief or they will die in that “catastrophe to come ‘soon”, it’s not a prediction, it is a prevention.

…it is menester destroying Iran to its ground and establish a free new nation Islamic or not Islamic gov, but a free nation after all.

Democracy will triumph over Socialist China and dictatorship religious states.

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