Sunday, July 21, 2019

To Russia with love, here again to next elections part2

The video:


See n’ belief

Pasted here from BBC for you to be the jury:

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer has called for an investigation into FaceApp, which alters users' photos to make them look older or younger.

In a letter posted on Twitter, Mr Schumer called it "deeply troubling" that personal data of US citizens could go to a "hostile foreign power".
Privacy concerns have been raised about the Russian company which developed the app after it went viral in recent days.

FaceApp has previously denied the allegations.

Wireless Lab, a company based in St. Petersburg, says it does not permanently store images, and does not collect troves of data - only uploading specific photos selected by users for editing.

"Even though the core R&D team is located in Russia, the user data is not transferred to Russia," a company statement reported by news site TechCrunch said.

Mr Schumer however has asked that the FBI and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigate FaceApp.

"I have serious concerns regarding both the protection of the data that is being aggregated as well as whether users are aware of who may have access to it," his letter reads.

…is it that foreign states are much astute than US?

Are you using this app?



See this: …now listen this: Russia had sent to kill many of its former citizens residing abroad, like those living in England, and killed them with very strong poisons paralyzing their lungs and dying of asphyxia or stopping their hearts or just poisoning all their organs as when a poisonous serpent bite you.

…now next: they, the Russians, a Net Russian Company out of the US hands to corroborate whatever they say, is distributing a marvelous application (app) to be used by careless or not careless American inhabitants to enjoy a great picture of themselves of possible past or future look-like.  Good, wonderful!  But, what is the written guarantee by which an American inhabitant could use and take to court the developers of such an app?  Can any USA inhabitant enforce the USA coding of laws to any foreign institution?  When President Barack Obama issue arrest orders to those Russians in Russia, was the US able to execute those or that warrants?

…these and many questions could be asked here, with no reason for any Russian institution to give an answer that could satisfy any American court of law in protecting American inhabitants from any abuse committed by them.

…still more: Russia could get face recognition not only from you, but from someone else who has not agree, after all, to use his face in FaceApp and not even know Russia is compiling millions of people faces on other lands, cuz that program read faces not only the live ones, but from pics too.

How Russia got that app?  Forgot that one of our citizens is living in Russia and he was register in NSA as an employee?  …think his name is, …is, well, something like snowing, sounds like that.  Now, remember?

From here I conclude they, the Russians got part of the configuration of that app from him which the NSA uses here but is regulated by the gov of USA, not Russia.  So this story now: once there were a newsman who left a nation and entered into other nation and set his home right over there.  He wanted to get married but needed some personal docs to make a marry the way the laws of the host gov stipulate.  Went into another country and into the embassy of the country he was born to get a legal birth certificate needed for that purpose.  That country’s spy agents, serving the personal interest of a specific authority, found, and identified that man as his face was recognized by their embassy cams.  Their man had to comeback for his papers and instead he was crucified by the spy agents who were given orders to kill him; they cut him in pieces so small, small enough to put his body parts into a hydro acid compound and flush it via the embassy toilets.  He disappeared from the surface of the plannet never to be know of him, ever.  The end of the story.

Russia outsmart them, Russia truck its victims and  send secret agents to kill them right on the spot, then leave with no trace to show who did the killing.  It works better, less proof to track and many more orders are imparted to follow as needed.  No Russians are saved out of Vladimir Putin’s hand, the King of the Russian’s mafia.  Not even USA President.  He, himself said it before he was elected President of USA.  Cuz he knows how that mafia acts internationally when a user of their money does not pay the money owns.  The: ggg, ggoohg gggrrr their throat and the user of that throat never breathes again.  Amen.

…ask him of the story he himself said of the Russian Mafia, he knows.  Now they have on their control: FaceApp

…blame: they sent to me an e, and I ended up with all the political mess above said.  It’s their fault cuz gave me some roots for me to blog  about.  Enjoy!

…tell me something and I end it with snooping, messing it, and weaponizing it to render it here with all of  my blah, blah, blah of truths, no spying on data please.

The Truth and Nothing Else but The Truth, so help me God!

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