Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Donald’s boogey man.

Donald’s boogey man.

When the Pres wants to square scare a politician, he brings his boogey man on his slips, telling lies of the politician or anyone associated with them.

…so he said that Biden’s son has some dirty laundries in Ukraine; now his followers, this is, some politicians, assume it is true, and that Mr. liar has reason to do so, therefore, the best thing to do is protecting Donald by defending him cuz they need that for Republicans to win next election if his picked as next candidate in the party.  The Republicans has a candidate, if chosen for that, who has a boogey man in between his leaps and use that monster whenever is needed as needed.  The opposition is scare of that Boogey man.

Figure 1 Trump's boogey man

 The opposition is scared of a false terrible killer: Trump’s Boogey man, a shadow of a beast.

…in the long run, the truth is that he is toy of his lies.

…the political commentator below said a truth: https://youtu.be/-Ben1XdGg40?t=1585 …that politicians are more in perception of their future rather than the future of the nation, as it is been interpreted here in this work or blog.

…also, it is not easy to confront the tongue of a demon.

Working on it, wait and see.

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