Sunday, October 06, 2019

Official song for freedomsdmocracy1st:

Official song for this blog:  eh-eh-eh, I on my way eh-eh-eh, I on my way"

...will buy it at whichever cost...

...believe me, am looking my way home. Crying 😢 for it.

I love this song down to my bones.

enjoy these videos, in different modes:
The Lion 🦁 Sleeps Tonight:
 The Lion 🦁 Sleeps Tonight, "He lives in You", is as if this song  brought me back to Earth:
By searching for varieties of the Lion King, found this Malaika (Angel) of a song.  Now I think, why some people hate this Malaika of people?  I feel as of now, in love for them.  Should black people learn of the antecedent? They are full of Malaika (Angels):
Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Concert of Paul Simon in Zimbabwe:

The only institution that could help most of humans, mostly the black skin colours humans is the United Nations ...but it is more of a political institution that works with bullets and bombs to force criminal Nation States in respecting the human rights of those humiliated by other humans.
To the United Nations:
With this humbler petition, I ask to  you all, distribute songs in different languages all around the plannet earth for people to hear them.  Purpose: to soften their hearts to hate, racism, discriminations and mass killing from one to a group.  To avoid more Adolf Hitlers been born: songs, not bullets.  Reasonings, meetings, agreements and respect. You all have a lot of work to do with those Nation States enslavers all around Plannet Earth.  Do your job.

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