Sunday, July 19, 2020

…please world people, please please help US

Her hair had been sold, will follow her organs (…please world people, please please help US!

Europe, America, help me!

Uighurs mass arrested in a concentration camp, a Chines man feeling remorse but, following orders.   
Uighur …about a nine years old child, a Uighur arrested too.

Mothers crying for mercy 
A child signaling for Uighurs to fight for freedom 

Uighurs mass extermination had not yet been addressed by the UN ...why?
These people are a threat to the human Chinese ethnology
…please world people, please please help US!

Do they look Chinese to you?
They are an easy pick from within the Chinese community to chose and kill cuz they endanger via genetic natural selection the existence of the now actual most popular Chinese people.
(Decision made by a computer program).

Is there money involved in it?
Had the mass killers of the CCP given money to some UN members to turn their face the other way?
Who is in charge to investigate and protect the UN?
Is the CCP also involved in taking over sensitive post within the UN?
How come, many legal authorities are taking decisive actions protecting and exposing the CCP but the United Nations? is easy to find out: just go straight forward inside the UN structure, not its international conglomerate of politicians but its functional structure of their internal net of protection within its structure and observe, take data, follow and tape their conversation in private just to find out.
...question: who has the legal authority to do that?
I guess none, just no-one.
The China Communist Party has some one behind itself who's meta-searching world biggest institution of which legal organization structures to control. The secret processor pointed: all big industrial business, all government of Africa, all of Latin America, almost all of Europe and in USA: all its institutional secret department and protectionist departments mostly those with the newest directors.
On the UN and USA, it gave the CCP all the names (which could be easily found on the internet but would take a grandiose amount of time and effort in its search), it gave all the biography of those integrators of those structures: names, age, origins, ambitions, salaries, years of schooling and then made the most striking "finger pointing" to their level of education and experience plus how they could be bribed based on the data.
...then the Chinese Communist Party elaborated a plan to go after them and buy them at any cost. The already bought some news broadcasters that move to China at the service of the CCP.
That processor in China is using all of apps created by the CCP and sent to be used by free around the world after they, the CCP computer engineers reversed engineered Microsoft, Google, AT&T. Verizon, Amazon... and a bunch of delicate applications not well internet guarded cuz they were using 58 and 128 encrypton for their programs. China cannot break in any 256 encrypton coding but it is making its greater effort to do that via large quantity of dollars in the thousands picking up those pointed by their computer mainframe (a top-secret project).
...the first that felt in that mouse trap were people from the news.
...wait and see.
...and that is why nanowaves are in full actions in China and waiting to increase in Russia and some side effect is dispersed in other part of the world.
...breaking news: the CCP just started to help Iran to upgrade itself to give them all the capacities to create its first nuclear bomb to be used (happening in October 27 of the year 2047).
True or false?
Uighurs first, the rest later.
Wait and see.
It is menester to destroy Carthage (Caton: to save Rome).

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