Thursday, July 16, 2020

Natural Selection of Space in respect to Earth orbit^


 Spinning of this plannet creates its seasons.

Position of plannet earth, third from left to right after this star.  It shows its size in comparison to all others including its star, the Sun.  Its distance creates its internal temperature: a habitable planet, with living creatures in it: a plannet.

Note: moons are missing here


Natural Selection of Space in respect to Earth orbit.

Earth is the third plannet around the center star, the Sun.  Just imagine that this earth moved a few less than a hundred miles toward the Star.  Glacial are melting, hurricane much often is been created, plenty of quakes…cuz of nuclear experiment done before right here.  Nanowaves work better in association with the mutual gravity of the star and earth.  The eclipse created varies in spacetime too.

Why so many fishes, whales, dolphins as well as birds are dying in large quantities, is the cause of 5G wavelengths; it extends much further than humans can sense it.  5G waves dislocates the natural guidance of animals, mostly those guided within the soft substance of Earth: liquid and air.

Plannet Earth is getting closer to the Star Sun. 

The higher mountain pics are melting its frozen water sooner and faster than designed by nature, the natural environment created billions of years ago and still been created.

The moon just moved a little bit further …it is not noticeable cuz the distance from earth varies depending on the exact distance of earth to the Sun: its 12 months counted per day or hours.  But the distance from the moon on earth as of now is not the same.  The moon could either move toward the Sun, fast, very fast or move away from the Sun, slow, very slow.  The last seem been occurring as of now.

Cuz the earth is closing to the Sun, glacial are melting.  Cause of all that: past nuclear test done by some nations.

Note sent to NASA.GOV:

C'mon people!

Could you create a downloadable video and pics (pictures) of the solar system?  It does not cost billions of dollars but pennies in your budget.

...see in it: how the solar system moves around, how the plannet earth moves around the star sun and how the moon moves around the plannet earth and the blah, blah, blah of that.

Downloadable in video, in pictures (pics), muted videos, muted pics... conversational videos as in a movie and conversational pics discussing things on Plannet Earth: quakes, hurricanes, floods ...standstill the videos, take a pic of its still images in it.  Do whatever the user wants to do to make a presentation for elders, adults, young adults, children and/or professionals for researches, expositions or to make a theory or to invent new ways to travel in space.  To circle the Plannet or the Plannet's moon.

C'mon people!  NASA is the greatest ever scientific "SpaceSchool" already in existence on this Plannet!

Notice: a plannet is a planet inhabit by humans or living creatures ...all others are planets.

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