Saturday, July 11, 2020

American society is divided in more or less three mental state of mind

...based on some observation already done by me, I noticed (even it could varied) that the North American society is divided in more or less three mental state of mind: those that are aware of happenings around them, those that are slow to respond to happening around them and the clumsy one.
Aware of happenings around them are people capable of taking preside decisions when an emergency occurs.  Example.: a fire, in presence of someone needing extreme help, and decision taking.
Those that are slow to respond to happening around them.  Are some people that if encounter the same situation as explained above, do nothing cuz they do not know if taking actions or not is what has to be done cuz they can not take any actions yet they could be right on the spot of the occurrence …the undecided.
The clumsy one.  Those that do not dare to take any action, short of reasoning, the one that always say a common word: “Oh my God!” used by a great majority of the population and common as of now, in all three mental state of mind.  They could be present in the scenario but, act as if they were a hundred miles away from it.
Some politicians take advantages of that, advantages given to themselves or by some body else.  They use that to conquer more votes in their favor and win any election of any type in any social groups.  Advertising is their best tool of deliver of to those social groups.
Based on my observation of real social matters.
Based on the three mental states you just read, and as a test cuz school is closed as of now due to the Chinese killing flue, to which mental state this below belong of a woman calling 911 asking for help?

Another observation but, remember, "Observations" here are difficult to discern, will give you just a hint: watch for the clumsy one.
click on it.

The above link demonstrate, clearly, how some people think of themselves, inventing statements of their owns, lies, laughing stock of things and all the "I know what am saying, you don't know my law I'm creating on the spot (a clumsy person mentality) ...and things like: a president is impeachable or a president is not ruled by any law, for he's the "Law" (a king?).

As a demonstration, let us watch this video: it corroborates my OBSERVATION:


…but, just for you, start from the beginning: beginning


…addressing the ¨BLACK LIVES MATTER¨.

…IT IS THE TIME WHEN YOU, AS A BLACK SKIN HUMAN BEEN, LEARN TO VOTE.  Just do two things, just two things and it is, watch this documentary plus each and every time a Latino or another black skin people tell you that they are going to vote again for the same one to repeat over the same dish, first thing to do is, spit on the floor as a sign of rejection of that intent.

…and remember, history repeats, let us not permit that history repeats by understanding a vote less from the black people, is a vote in favor of HISTORY TO REPEAT.


Putting kids to study together with different ethnicity, is giving its fruits.  Now whites are fighting together for the freedom´s of the blacks.  The old gen is dying, the new gen is united with all its ethnicity for the best of a real real better America.

Freedoms 1st.



For History not to repeat, Blacks shall go to vote.

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