Monday, July 27, 2020

History of Medicine for politicians, lawyers, and others.

History of Medicine for politicians, lawyers, and others.

To be human is to be one entity, they are the essence of nature; there are other entities which differs from humans. They belong to other natural kingdoms of the animal type.  There are a third, fourth and more kingdoms which is not of our interest to discuss here.
…as man, which involves a female or a male, human had developed the power of reasoning and logic, not just thinking.  Animals think too but have not reasoning and logic. That is what makes man different from just animals though man is animal too.
Man evolved acclimating to various environments until it, man, started to use reasoning which forced man to develop logic.  It was a labyrinth of error and trial.  In order for man to protect itself, it had to create small groups of different proportion and assignments, the one with the more reasoning became a leader. That man use logic to explain others the why of things …all men had, at the beginning and still until today, the power of thinking.  See here that other animals, different from man had and still have the power of thinking with some exception that differentiate them from man: man have organs such as fingers, nail tips, thumbs, feet, mouse and specialty in walking erect that only few other animal could do it the way man does it.  Only man can walk upright in two legs, move around fast or slow, eat all type or kind of food and cook it to make it easier to digest.  All animals get ill, this is, sick cuz of the environment in which man has to survive.  The most important food man consume is proteins and water.  Cuz man cook the proteins it consumes, man needs to acquire the vitamins it contains from other sources, non-human animals have not too cuz they eat proteins in its raw states which contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.  With the use of fire to cook for the first time by man, man started to use its three well developed power of reasoning, logic and thinking totally different from all other animals.  That’s when the animal man started to develop into a much superior beast, much powerful and much more able in the survival of the fittest.  And man became the fittest.
…after all the above happened to man via millions of years, possible by adaptation through its physical appearance via mutation, man evolved a psychology that made him superior to regular natural animals cuz its embryology and genetics were the first things that started in making man totally different than the rest of other animals.  Man became intellectual
…as man became intellectual, it started to control its environments, the weather, earthquake, floods and the like cuz man started to create a different environment to protect itself from those environments first known as created by a God, accepted and nothing could be done but ask for mercy from that God but at the same time, man started doing other things such as building structures capable to withhold a natural quake, a flood  strong winds and the likes, create the wheel, blades, knife, guns and put other animals together to raise them for man itself to have plenty of protein, created things to accumulate water, grow different plants to get its energy in form of vitamins and so on of things like that .  As man evolved from a primitive form of living to an artificial man’s created environment, men got ill, so, a la par man used its reasoning, logic and thinking to create remedies for that destructive unknown illness of a disease at first a disease that only God could help to cure, if cured, then called the remedy a miracle.  Man put its power together and started to create cures for those illness “control by God”, and man did control those diseases such as tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria and other illnesses.  Man discovered that most plagues were the causes of miasma, not God wishes, that atmosphere of airborne germs do travel via the air, that malaria was cause by transmission via special mosquitoes living in specific harmful environment mostly within the poor population and the blah, blah, blah of environments.
When man confronted epidemics and pestilence that swept across the globe, such as the bubonic plague during the years 430-427 BC, million and millions of men and women died until man realized its cause, they attributed to “God punishing man”.  Now it is known that it was typhoid, not a punishment of God to man.  Caused by Salmonella typhosa spread by food or water contaminated with that bacillus.  The solution: creating new form of hygiene and procedure on how to handle this things by creating as of now, rules of hygiene touch by educating the population and controlling industries that deal with food and water in their procedure of production, packaging, and distribution.  Not an act of “God”. salmonella - rod-shaped Gram-negative enterobacteria; cause typhoid fever and food poisoning; can be used as a bioweapon.
…it is a bacterium which dwell in the intestine causing its secretion in the intestine: Death to man.
 See inside something like a long worm, that is a bacterium, the one of Salmonella typhi.  That killed in the year 430-427 BC, 5,000 people a day in Constantinople and the rest of Europe.  Started in Egypt and traveled to Europe.  Also known as the “Plague of Justinian”; on that time and epoch, nothing could be done …government could do “nothing, nada” people just died by the “lot”.
With today man intellectual understanding of the above, it is irrisory for someone with political power to tell the society where he/she has that power: wait, it will go away by itself, cuz it has too.  And do nothing.  Doctors, whether be them scientists or not, could advice a leader on what to do, and the leader has to lead with that advice.
…to be continued.

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