Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Problem, the NSA, the Russian -5 years ago


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The Problem, the NSA, the Russian.

Posted on 2015/10/26by Freedom is democracy 1st.

The Problem, the NSA, the Russian.

The Problem.

Russia’s military movement are carefully watched… even internally.

Traitors from inside US. Yes, I understand that many innocent civilians die and are not enemy combatants. And that some inside the US militaries pull the trigger to do that. Yes, I understand that. But do you, also, understand that from the enemy combatants there are those that not only pull the trigger to kill much more of too many innocents that are not combatants at war too?

Let’s put it this way: if some peace seeker sends to the Pentagon a video of some military killing civilians, as those facts stolen by “WikiLeaks of Afghanistan’s American militaries killing civilian, it shall be known that the Pentagon would correct the situation by court martialing whoever kill civilians based on evidence …yes, the Pentagon had the evidence, and from themselves, the militaries, was that Julian Assange in some way got that so disgraceful video of US militaries killing some civilians. But, should that be shown to the public? Wouldn’t that video create much more killing in a nearby future? Don’t you think that foreign nations such as Russia or China might use this data to intent to handicap US fight against terrorist? See what Russia just did some months ago: kill all the passengers of a civilian airplane going through the skies of Ukraine, a few couple of hundred civilians, did Julian Assange said a word of that? At least sending a letter to a nearby news carrier commenting on that… just commenting on US, not others at war who do commit mass execution.

One thing is that some criminal mind in US military does illegal killing of a few and some criminal mind in charge of a military elite and commanding a war, permit, accept and create a mass killing of passengers at airplanes passing by just to distract attention to the world of his invasion of other country’s territories.


So, the NSA must spy on others even on itself, in order to protect not only this nation, but others. If some within US do commit a crime, the best to do is to inform, calmly, the military of the wrong doing but not to expose the nation of US as a whole on the logic that within US military one criminal minded did what WikiLeaks exposed to the world: happenings in the killing of innocent civilians. But and there is a but worth to mention: did Julian Assange make some deep analyzing why things like that happens? This is: was the controller of the American attack helicopter overworked? Was he asleep when he misjudged a photographer large camera with a rifle? This happening is just error of wars. And errors of war are not a crime, but an error the same as a car private driver, accidentally, kills a pedestrian crossing a city street… the driver is not a criminal. Did Assange think of that? Why not? He just went to embarrass US. Same as did other traitor that took secrets from NSA and presented to the public then deflecting to China and ending in Russia.

See as of now: Russia is totally ignoring the world cry: “don’t invade foreign territories”Russia is invading and wants more. NSA must go deep within Russia’s military design and indulge all their intention just to make US ready if to attack them, just in case, if needed. As US do that, any data gain here is top secret… shall no one tell the world what’s NSA’s doing. Traitors do not welcome here, errors shall not be divulging to the public, falling whoever falls.

Insert video here: “WikiLeaks, war, Lies, and Videotapes”; a short set of it from Netflix.


Leaders of countries as mentioned above, are exploiting the concern of nations which does not want wars… yet some are forced to make wars against their will. Russia is putting US and the rest of the confederated EU to do that. Though Europeans are not yet a confederated union, they are about to be.

Be it known that developing the ability to control devices by decoding their programs and substituting them with new ones that can be controlled by the opposition, is just the best defense that US could employ against rough leaders as the one from Russia.

Nations of the above, want to intimidate powerful others with the perspective that they have a vast capacity of destruction and should therefore be respected if not, the use of force by them is imminent to others; that’s their view as it is seen from the point they infer.

First Russia started testing the readiness of the “enemy force”, these are those in a treaty of self-defense in case of war as the OTAN, NATO and others. Science in Russia is not been exploited as is been in America or the Confederated States of EU. Science had demonstrated to be a better means of war: controlling at will already existing algorithm to make devices behave as desire by the intervening force; not by use of gun powder as TNT and all its derivatives including NUKES. An airplane, a missile, or any device that had been programed to do a job, its job could be interfered to do other, not the desire one by its commanders.

US, could in a very near future, have the capability of neutralizing any device moving on air directed toward any place, by diverting or destroying its instructions and end up in doing the unwanted by controlling it with laser beams: burn it, change its instructions, change its route or just blowing it up in plain air… so, Russians warplanes would become obsolete things, and Russia would capitulate becoming just a simple beautiful region, at which people would not be afraid of. Rather, Russia would be a real political section of Europe at which people could freely choose to make business with or just emigrate to live over there as a German could emigrate to live in Spain without any political inconvenience or go to live in France or England as well. Russia, yes, Russia itself then will be a powerful state of the European Union. Thanks to science, not to NUKES or GUNPOWDER.

The internet will be a solid way of communication worldwide.

Extreme Capitalism had evolve into the tool that in a Democracy, is becoming the enemy, for it is seen as the enemy by others such as in a religious dictatorship this is, Iranians religious leaders, extremes religious people such as the so-call ISIL …even by extremes socialist and communist …extremism in any social group, is the enemy…

…and how could Democracy find out, measure and compete with those new human designed tools to exploit and change the world into an extreme capital market that will take the world and govern all social groups from within whether they are a Democracy, a dictatorship, or a religious government? It can be done only and only through a perfectly designed tool such as that one of the NSA using some type of “patriot act” as that one of the United States of America.

Any government that is a Democracy is as of now, obligated to join our “patriot act” through their own “NSA” and work as a whole, not a part in order to share data and feed their government whether a war is needed and or peace agreement can be done.

See Russia now. A moribund nation-state at is final end stages kept dead alive by only one man: today’s president on the year 2015. US has to choose between Extreme Capitalism and Global spying’: Global spyin’ won.

On the reason that there is only one Democracy, and just one, democratic nation-states became Global spies, and sharing is their state-glue device, not tool, that keep them together to avoid that system like their own as NSA and the one in England­­­­­­ GCHQ – In 2013, GCHQ received considerable media attention when the former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the agency was in the process of collecting all online and telephone data in the UK via the Tempora programme.[3] Snowden’s revelations began a spate of ongoing disclosures of global surveillance.- (The massive extent of the NSA’s spying, both foreign and domestic, was revealed to the public in a series of detailed disclosures of internal NSA documents beginning in June 2013. Most of the disclosures were leaked by former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden. – be taken by Extreme Capitalism.

Emblem of the NSA of the United States of America.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency –

In Netflix, a documentary that analyses extremes of the Capitalist, is a well documentary of what’s going on around the world… “Extremes” is, in reality what NSA and the GCHQ and others are fighting globally, not spying for the sake of spying to keep a social group or a family in power or just a monopoly. These natural evolved devices that are used as tools by their respective governments, are been constitutionally created as it is supported and maintained by US Constitution: the government has a right to maintain a soldier in every American house, when the government is in a state of war …and US been attacked by terrorist around the world and from within US. Now, Extreme Capitalism have to be kept under the eye of that constitution of America and that eye is NSA and PRISM, for Democracy is first than Capitalism, least the “extremes” As I had repeated many times: Democracy is Free Enterprise, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism and Dictatorship, but too many intellectuals don’t yet comprehend these axioms of Democracy as of now.

Let’s Make Money, is a documentary pic which well testifies part of my analysis of “Extreme Capitalism and “The Problem” …a situation now around the world that “Spying programs in Democratic systems are tryin’ to prevent.
Russia seems the only one which doesn’t participate in whatever Democracy designs, for its actual president, frustrated, tired and with rage, goes against the West, even at the cost of a war …just as the last respire for Russia to turn back into what it briefly was: USSR United States Socialist Republic, and Russia its leader.

There is a documentary in Netflix: “Let’s Make Money” that fully describes how the global trend of Capitalism had converted Capitalism into an extreme device to enrich more and more super rich people, ending up not only as super rich, but as undertaker-system of systems capable to undermine a government and control its will to impose their in a global way at which the governmental laws have to adjust to the Global needs of the extremes capitalists …China is one that adjusted to them and turned into a Capitalist-Communist Nation-State without converting into a Democracy. China, a poor and powerful Nation-State, now set to technically control the world. See now how dangerous the extremes are! …and that’s why NSA, PRISM, and the GCHQ including the one from Germany and others, had integrated theirs power to work together for Democracy.

Russia seems the only one which doesn’t participate in whatever Democracy designs, for its actual president, frustrated, tired and with rage, goes against the West even at the cost of a war …just as the last respire for Russia to turn back into what it briefly was: USSR United States Socialist Republic, and Russia its leader.

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