Saturday, August 15, 2020

This is this

This is this: sometimes ago, the head of state of Germany came to visit US, as she and the US president sat down in front of the camera and presented a very short dialog, the head of state of Germany extended her hands to greet US president and US president did not respond to the greeting.

The rest of the world observed the insult a leader of Germany suffered.  Germany did not politically and diplomatically respond to US by the time been.  Now see below.

WARSAW (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday sealed a defense cooperation deal with Polish officials that will pave the way for the redeployment of American troops from Germany to Poland. 

The above by itself tells a lot …do you understand?

…if not, do not ever discuss matters related to politics and national security, cuz you are not fit for that.

…if you are a politician elected by your constituents to represent a geopolitical American State, renounce to your post, and let someone else do that work to “make amerika great again” Got the point? …no?  if not, please leave your post as soon as possible.

This is this.

This is this too: for idiots only: all the above means, that cuz one of the main leader of Germany was offended in front of international cameras (Margaret Markel) by US President (Donald J. Trump), it cost the United States of America a geomilitary, geopolitical and advance defense for all of Europe and consequentially US strategic war position in protecting all Democratic Nation States against the imposed menacing strategies of some other nation.  Still don't follow?  …bah, get out of here you idiot!

Still more: just go to and find about Germany.  An immensely proud people scientifically and politically with a very well-developed history in Europe, very intellectual and respectful society (for a psycho to offend them, and US need them).

Still do not understand?  Kill yourself learning, stupid.

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