Friday, August 14, 2020

Europe, USA, Rich Arab nations get ready


Europe, USA, Rich Arab nations get ready


...if the Chinese people ask for help, help must be given as long as it is not via the CCP, the people must and shall make their own government, eradicate the thing of CCP; its military shall come to assist the people of China, not go out to make wars ...the people would be in need very soon. The world should start to get ready to help them. Should start to prepare now, not then or too many Chinese will die.

UN must start implementing a secret plan to avoid those death. US, EU and Arab rich nations must and are obligated to help the people of China ...but its people must have gut to remove the CCP, then the world should send help: medicine, food, equipment and canvas-homemade to assists. The world shall get ready now.

Or else, what are humans for? Wars, wars, and wars?

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