Saturday, August 15, 2020

From “America’s Book of Secrets ‘The Drug Wars”


How drug dealers are about to take over some of American authorities… but they are going awry.

-Note: went to the site indicated below as of today Sunday. August 16, 2020 ...and did not find back the documental talked here, on the contrary found a lot of interesting documental but, as said, not this one.  In there are a lot of interesting documental under America Book of Secrets and The Drug Wars.   Sorry to disappoint you but these are as god as the one observed here.  Sorry again.  Good luck.-

The influence of drug dealers is so great with the human population, that even in our own democratic diaspora some of our very powerful authorities had fallen to it… yet now, they persist, from the political influence created by our own politicians; first drug dealers tried our military, now our politicians, by converting some of them into drug users as had been saw in just one mayor in one of our state, that he himself declared he was a crack consumer or a thing like that.

But documentaries writers are yet helping this future politicians “drug dealers?” by enforcing the idea that the consumption of certain drugs is beneficial or at least, harmless to be used… as presented in: “America Book of Secrets, ‘The Drug wars” Season 2: episode 8”… Netflix.


This girl, under the effect of drugs, making a better world? From “America’s Book of Secrets ‘The Drug Wars”, in Netflix.

Many times, some of our best departments of security, this is, those designed to safeguard our citizens, from perverting themselves, as in fact is occurring in countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and lately in the Dominican Republic as well as in many other nations, did commit horrific mistakes due that wanted to fight the enemies using whatsoever tools to do that… and yet some of them did use those tools as trafficking with drugs to support noble causes, history is making those departments pay for it; pay for it because others as of now, are using those mistake committed by our on defenses, against our own government in order to convince most of our citizens, noble politicians, judges and the likes, that the consumption of any damaging drug is safer if legalized rather than penalized… and the government would save billions of dollars by doing that. The economic saving is what mostly is “seen” in the legalization of certain drugs, but not its social perversion of the nation inhabitants. Imagine, I smoke some drugs, let’s say: Marihuana, before driving some subterranean train; suddenly, before taking a curb on the railroad, I think that I am riding too slow and speed up the train to 80 miles per hour, the train derails and many of its passengers are killed including myself (in reality something like that happened some time ago)… do you think that the pilot that landed an airplane in the Hudson River in New York City, would had have save the lives of more than 200 passengers and himself if he had been under the influences of any drug? Think again.

A drug is not just water sugared soda to drink and still make your duties in either a private company or governmental company and be productive… it is falling under the effects of self-sodomy or better said: self-relaxing-complacency far away from the real situation and accidentally killing yourself and others.

There is no scientific evidence that the use, let’s say, of Marihuana, would make the person be super-active at business production and much more safe, on the contrary.

Well, that too many poor people had been falling under the habit of the use of drugs of any kind? As of alcohol, cigarettes or any tobacco derivative? True, rich people had fallen too, heavily, in the use of the same thing, but there is no record, for it is not easy to “see” that such and such member of a very rich family is a drug user… it is very difficult due to privacy and the researcher been sued for interfering in private matters, unless it is a politician.

The commentator in “America’s Book of Secrets ‘The Drug Wars” is an excellent historical fact finder and mostly, a good issue manipulator, never a sociologist-like individual. I’ll give him an “A” for his documentary and an “F” too, for that of lack of scientific evidence in the same matter… so a plus one minus one would become a cero grade to pass any social course dealing with Sociology.

The United State of America is about, in this 21st. Century, to fall on the hands of destructive drugs and lose its position of a noble and powerful nation due to drugs, pushers and libertinage capitalist that are, possible supported by the Drug Carter of foreign nations and our own. The irony of it is that those individuals are of the intention, first, to recommend governors, mayors and the media to create new laws to punish, even more, any one that had “committed a crime” in the past (retroactive punishment, as if they had not been punished yet), so that they themselves could appears as God mothers, when advising what and how the social network could be protected… yet pushing those governors, mayors and the media to ask and tell the public to petition their politicians to legalize Marihuana, for it is good for amusement. If marihuana falls under the power of prescription by knowledgeable and prepared professionals, no argument, they do handle the use of much more dangerous drugs as studies in their scientific researchers had shown. But to fall under the control of the free market? Well, it is suicidal without first using common sense presided by scientific studies. Professionals, not drug pushers.

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