Monday, December 25, 2023

...that's why Japanese language teaching schools are full to the top!


...Japan wanes increase its population at any cost!
...Heard that? ...wait, wait, wait! Don't run so fast to Japan! ...hah hah hah! Wow! What's the hurry?

Tourists are targets no matter where they are its up to
the individual to watch out for themselves and stay
away from countries that do not protect tourists
or take advantage of them.
...who, the tourist or the Japanese girls?
Hello @thejapanreporter Thank you so much for covering this topic via our
service! We know there are various opinions (pros and cons) to
sexual service in Japan – or any other countries,
but as long as it is legal, we will work to make it safe
for all people. Please keep up the awesome work and hope to see
you again soon! Thank you! Best regards, JHGC Team
Honestly I'm just glad that the women who want
to be in this line of work have safe places to do so.
Clients needing to be tested, able to get tests
themselves, feeling safe to not do something.
That's how more things should be for the sex industry.
It's not going away so its better to make is safer for
all than trying to shut it down and have things
go south.

...mmm, might be the Japanese government
will support the newborn, no? ...cuz tourist would turn into road runners. 🤣hah, hah, hah am going to die laughing!
🤐 ...don't throw sone to me!
Easy rule to remember: if you don't speak the
language or know the unspoken rules, don't solicit
sex in foreign countries. If you rely on someone else
to provide a service to you without any self-defense
like knowledge or protection, you're gonna
get clapped or scammed or both regardless of how
safe a place is.
...remember, Japanese fathers are
natural born Confuse' fighters, I mean,
those people that know MARTIAL ART!

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