Monday, June 13, 2022


 ...unbelievably, it is seen this way: Todays Ukrainians President made a prediction if they give up to Vladimir Putin's war against its nation.

The consequence: the rest of Europe will follow.

Asking that: but Europe and USA and others are protected by the agreement of: "one for all, all for one". Meaning: if an enemy country attacks any NATO country, NATO will use all its resources to destroy that enemy state.

...then, how on earth could Putin slowly invade all former allies to the former Soviet dead nation?

The answer is tricky. Propaganda, cyber-attack to banks, the militaries, hospitals, central and local government followed with denials and accusing the west of conspiring against the sovereign of Russia. Adding agitation to overthrow other government as it did in the USA using its President (Donald Trump) in January/6, 2021 (Putin made a plain and coordinated visit during Donald government, telling him of the strategy to use to remain in power, at least for two terms, guarantee)-surprising all departments of National Security with that visit, orchestrated by Putin's secrete agents with Donald Trump’s family members (did not know they were set) and with occult signals by congratulating one to the other. Including a beautiful young girl that became a member of the National Rifle Association Club in USA turned girlfriend of an American with influence in USA politics -common strategy Russia's government use with beautiful female-spies to get what they need, from foreigner businesspeople- Putin did the same when once Donald Trump visited Russia's on a business trip. That is the way Russia's Putin strategies are designed but now cuz he is desperate in creating Russia a grandiose country before he dies has been implemented at a faster rate. Putin is ill, soon to die in a couple of years. Cuz of that, Ukraine has been conquered in a rush. It is firing back, his strategy, yet the West cannot keep all its blockades to debilitate Putin's ownership of Russia and make Ukrainians win the war. The help given to Ukraine is too costly for the world... Putin is winning by improvising war strategies ...only the USA and a few other nations could invest huge quantity of war capital (tanks, airplanes, ammunition, guns, food, and cash) to help and win. If US loses Ukraine, US lost Taiwan and its leadership to Democracy, including most of Eastern Europe.

The winds of a third war in 2047 are on its way to all of Europe and the USA. They and US with many poor sovereign states in development, will turn to return to a primitive order civilization with the disappearing of Russia, China, and USA all together in just few days.

...USA, the UK, European and Australia must inject time, money, and war material if they and all the rest in world plan to save the Ukrainians' people land and the world.

...this is not a prediction, but a fact of conclusion that took over years and years of research after the destruction of the Twins Towel building in USA by fanatic's religious people in the 911 plot. Ukraine, next Taiwan, next and final: WW3 unless this warning is used to save the future and the good-hearted people of Russia, Ukrainians, Europe as a whole and US from the senseless strategy of the Vladimir Putin Caesar, unless a Russian kill him as done to Julius Caesar, cuz history repeats. Learn from it.

The United States of America is not interested in destroying Russia nor China …US is interested in the freedom of all Humans, their understanding as the only intelligent raze that should exists in Liberty, Peace, and Hope.  That no human belongs to other humans but to themselves. Cuz we are alone in this solar system. Let us live in peace, reproduce, and expand here before it is too late. Democracy is the code word.

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