Friday, June 10, 2022

 …answer to Msft editor, asking what you think of this add-on (“editor”) to word.

In reference to IT certificate (Information Technology manager, or Information Technology Person).


...I have it, but never got the IT permanent certificate (same text taken again) cuz I thought it was not to get a job with it but to hack myself, not others, this way I could know who is into my platform to delete them or kill them. My ultimate wish is the creation of a virus that could rest in my comp’s platform been mine immune to it but, if other outsider hackers (a pirate), enters my system, my virus, which I intent to name AIDs (SIDA in Spanish), would jump secretly into the intruder program and slowly would build into it to destroy it in such a way that files, folders, storages of coding would be erased, deleted and been unrecovered. So, the illegal pirates cannot continue doing evil things to other computers that have not given authorization to share data of whatever type exists in the legal carrier computer. It would work like tuberculosis, or any human viruses such as the epidemic one already the plannet had that came from a foreign country. Something like the "Olympic Game", but better cuz it works only if someone enters your system without your authorization. Good for universal security to protect nuclear devices controllers, bank servers, secret data and all the blah, blah, blah of devices, hard drives, equipment, and military departments.

...just a dream to stop hackers, mostly foreigners, but never started on doing that (needs more knowledge).

…am working by myself on further skills or development.

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