Saturday, June 04, 2022

…on these commentariats, I question: are politicians treated as gods or special citizens of USA?

…on these commentariats, I question: are politicians treated as gods or special citizens of USA?



1 second ago commentariats': give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God, what belongs to God: coup d'état noun overthrow, takeover, coup, rebellion, putsch, seizure of power, palace revolution the government put down an attempted coup d'état last week. Donald Trump failed in his self-coup d'état. No one commentariat and/politicians wants to admit it was a coup d'état or simply put COUP!


0 seconds ago

...correction in "The Republican Plot To Overturn The Next Election", should read: Donald Trump failed attempt in giving a 'Cup to the not yet formed of Next to Be President of USA"



7 hours ago

Getting treated like any regular citizen is unconstitutional, what a joke.

Nic Lewis

5 hours ago

The media needs to also focus on those trying to pass undemocratic Election laws quietly as much as they do the ones who make a lot of noise about it.


8 hours ago

Navarro: I was in the White House. How dare they treat me like a commoner? Clearly rich does not mean smart.

See the above in:

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