This is not war but mass killing.

Putin killed my ma and my pa

Putin, why you hate Ukrainians

Putin, kill not my parents

Ma, where is pa?

Please, stop this war

Am orphan, Putin killed them
Do not make me kill my brothers
Stop killing people, Putin

Russia crying for Ukraine, cuz of you Putin

Putin killed my husband
World, save my country, Ukraine

Why you kill us, Putin

Am Russian but, would kill Putin if I see him
Putin killed pa and ma
Putin, it hurst, it hurst, it hurst, you are killing these people

Ukraine, I leave you but, will come back to free you
Putin, you are killing the people that fought for Russia in World War 2

Cuz he went to fight for you darling.
The world is with you dear husband, defend Ukraine, now go, go, go, protect me, your family, your country

Russians and Ukrainians, sent to death cuz Putin want it so. Why? Russian, still don't understand.
Putin, why you go to their houses and kill thousands of Ukrainians, why?
Are you not a criminal?
Ma, where is pa?
Ma, where is pa?

Pa is... on the front, protecting, you, my son.
what is the front ma?
The gate to enter and destroy us all.
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