...many Russians do not know what a nuclear bomb is, so it is described here: Make a platform good enough to carry two dozen people, one dozen on one side the other opposite to that one. So, A is the opposite to B. Each person would be standing on a small floor door, but each floor door is connected to the opposite of A and or B. When the first-floor door opens, the person on top of it has a rope on his/her neck, the weight of that person opens the opposite of A and or B and the opposite of A and or B will open one of the small floor-door of the opposite one and so on and on until all small floor-doors are open as each and every one person rest hanging on their own rope. But only one of them, from either A and or B, has the trigger mechanism to create this domino of hanging all of them from A and or B group. It happens that either A and or B of people, are the ones that advise the one able to pull the small shaft or pestillo connecting all floor-doors where they are standing, on top. The one holding the pestillo, listened to all his eleven others standing on top of that small platform with a rope around their necks. ...if one of either platforms, A or B, advises the trigger man: hey man, pull the trigger to hang on of those twelves of A, or B, let's say. Do you think that the man with the trigger attached on his/her fingers (five fingers on each hand), would pull on that pestillo? Would all others in the group let him/her do that? Don't you think all the others of the eleven to be hanged, would not conspire to kill first, the trigger man, to save themselves to be hanged just to kill the opposite one be it A or B group? Now, think and think twice or trice {[v.t. triced, tric•ing. Naut. 1. to pull or haul with a rope. 2. to haul up and fasten with a rope (usu. fol. by up). [1350–1400; Middle English trisen < Middle Dutch trīsen to hoist, derivative of trīse pulley]} "unless we are absolute idiots." ...if no absolute idiots we are, then the best thing to do is to kill the one with the trigger enlaced on his fingers or cut off his hands all his fingers (from both hand), as to save our own lives. ...if you or me were the one holding the pestillo to trigger the hanging of the opposite group, would you do that? What would I do if you intent to do that? ...talk each other and agree either you would kill me first together with the rest of my group or I would kill you first in agreement with the rest of your group, but you or I, if wish to kill all the other, would be unable to do so unless we or you are fanatic religion people that expect to get 72 virgen girls on haven, after death. That is where a real danger is, not amongst us all twelve of A or B. Now, do we know what it is to use nuclear bombs against our so-called enemies? Note: a pestillo is a small shaft used to hold a bathroom door closed so it cannot be open from the outside. ...my personal conclusion, if we do not understand the written above, do not, I mean, do not make any comment on using a nuclear bomb to attack our so-called enemies (this refer to those Russian militaries menacing to attack others with nuke, stop been CHARLATANS!)
...add-on as of Saturday, June 11, 2022 @ 3:43 am.
Pestillo: Spanish to Bolt
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bolt 1
...well, if a nuke hit US in NYC tomorrow, a nuke would hit Moscu
too, tomorrow. ...I will be done with thousands of New Yorkers, and Putin will
be done with thousands of Muscovites like fried potatoes.
We aren’t closer or further away from a nuclear war since humanity
developed such weapons. It doesn't matter who has them or not. The mistake of
having them developed is not going away. The stupidity of having them and still
being developed is astounding.
View 3 replies
Bombs more than 10Mg tons tend to send a large amount of its
blast energy into space so very large bombs are not as effective. Also the
blast radius is cubic root of the energy of the blast. So a bomb has to be 1000
larger in power to have a blast radius 10 larger.

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