Saturday, June 04, 2022

Distinguished Flag.


Head note: The Time is Now, many things will be exposed in "Plot", for humans to understand, mostly by those which are "absolute idiots" and are politicians and others that vote for them. 

"The Time is Now" refers to Nuclear Wisdom... Some top-secret docs will not be published, cuz they are the future, research not known yet by the human populate could cause panic as such.

This is part of Plot, a dialog with Flag ...the purpose why this small insertion of the document that started to be written over 15 years ago, is to demonstrate that, strategies shall be based, in parts, with "history repeats", as for history not to be repeated but corrected in the future.

Too many politicians and political advisers do the "grand error" in giving to a stateman, advises that are groundless but emotionally fed, then history repeats as is happening as of now in the 21st. Century in Putin's government. My intention is to correct them.  So here just on example written in 2011 at the beginning of this century.  

Distinguished Flag.

I understand, clearly and perfect, the Democratic domino theory as it happens in the Middle East. Due that so many people tend to be adverse that you intervene in any way into those territories, and due to my observation on the Group of 8 (the Delian League) and the (wars –past and present) in Iraq, Afghanistan and territories that would be conquered by fanatic Islamic terrorists –enemy combatants (Peloponnesian war enemies like) and in order for some of the failures that are well known by history knower, and in order to avoid that all the past history repeat as always it does… I ask of from you: to fully energize the Patriot Act. This tool, which has kept peace, internally in USA and EU states, is worth observing to be executed (though carefully) to success with the destruction of Qaeda. Remember that of the defeat in the Peloponnesian war in the year 404 was caused:

1st. Because, as Athens was growing in power and influence during the fifth century, intellectual individuals moved to Athens, and they were in doubt whether Athens was sincere to others such as in their respect to their traditional understanding of their Gods. see First Peloponnesian War.

So, US have to create some form of propaganda within the Arab community, that US, highly respect their religious believes… although US have done so, it is not enough; US must demonstrate to the Islamic world that: most of their religious people are highly respected in Europe and US, by presenting video live-movies on the way they, the religious Islamic, live in those mentioned countries.  Once many Islamic people observe that, they then would, openly, oppose all those who are massacring   many others who are not part of their Islamic believe. American, included, most be shown that Islamic believer are well respect here and other places, as really, they are… but there is no propaganda to show that. In many Islamic religious territories, they define Europe and America. America is call by them as a Christian dominated territory, so why not they, then can have an Islamic Nation as said in their Qur’an that every Islamic must fight for that?

When to Muslim women, in Europe, it is forbidden to use a veil that covers most of her face, European nations must explain to them that it is done so, on the fear that: a fanatic Islamic terrorist could hide with that veil to commit human atrocities against others. But that, after the fight to eradicate the possibility of any terrorist doing that, that practice of forbidden that use, would be removed. And Islamic or Muslins must help in the fight to eliminate the killing of innocent victims due to religious believe, for, even though a terrorist might claim that is a command emanating from their belief, it is not true that Allah wants to kill people who do not practice their religion. That bibles use a lot of Metaphors, to venue the practice and respect of them. Metaphors shall be discussed from a philosophical argument as a mean to preserve individuals and enhance their existence when those metaphors carry a religious point of observation.

Rich and highly educated Islamic and/or Muslins do not make killing of any type as a fact. Some fanatic religious person does that, but only on the reason that they are poorly formed. Religious propaganda will teach other religious people that the Islamic religion and/or muslins are beautiful, good God creatures. Stop, then, making mock on believes that when they die, they will get 72 virgins in haven.  If they believe so, so it will happen. Religious must be respected by all.

So, by observing on the Peloponnesian war and how Athens grew in power as well as in all wars in this historical earth, peace will be achieved.

The Democratic domino theory, then will conquer the heart of those suffering by the abuses done by their “Kings and Prince”, New Kings and Prince” will arise to be as the type of those of Spain and England and other well-developed nations an end to Islamic terrorism.

..."The point in time when an action, an event, or a phenomenon ceases or is completed; the conclusion: the end of the day”

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

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