Sunday, March 03, 2019

Walking on the jungle of the Federal Government.

Walking on the jungle of the Federal Government.

I used to walk on large national parks around the nation but, one day as approaching on of those parks I saw a large sign that said: Warning, the community has declare this former national park and graded it as a jungle, if you continue into the woods be aware and if find some large SWAMPS, follow instructions posted nearby.

…well, cuz am curious, continued walking in.

Noticed a strange smell, never sense it other times but, kept walking deep, trusting my navigation.  As went deep and deeper saw a small cabin with a very dim light that read: Muller’s office, if you enter and see no one, come back, he is on vacation.

…well, thought to myself, makes sense, and moved deeper into this jungle.

Next found a large meeting yard, it was empty, like been abandoned.  I stopped, took a look at it and remembered: this use a happy place to be.  There used to be many people, smoking a cigar, drinking fresh wine, eating healthy food and most of all, interlocking themselves with productive dialogues base on solutions on the surrounding communities.  Now, it is an empty section of this jungle, full of dust, all the seats in here are rotten, dirty, full of fungus.

…kept my touring, next read a sign: don’t come to close to this swamp.  There are many of them in this abandon national park.  Beware!

Mmm, why are those signs posted here?  I kept my eyes looking further on its surface and saw this that made me run at full speed out of this jungle:

…saw a lady, siting and surrounded by strange people talking to her.  This was a swam, there were so many people asking question to that lady, she kept quiet, like “I don’t care” of attention served to them …and as I saw all that, I heard this:

This sign was posted outside.

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen House Judiciary Hearing, Dec 20 2018

Published on Dec 20, 2018

Following a vote break, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony from Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who discussed her agency’s border security actions and immigration enforcement policies. Secretary Nielsen expressed her condolences to the family of the 7-year-old migrant girl who died of dehydration and shock after being apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In addition, she announced new administration measures involving migrants seeking asylum in the United States. Secretary Nielsen said, “Individuals arriving in

…and the comments witnesses said:

Republicans are MONSTERS!!! And DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is the best example.

These repulicans must belong to the CCC Criminals Christ Cash while they do the dirty handed declare their religion and think their are doing gods work

Why am I watching this.. They're all playing us like a fiddle doing the Hokey Pokey and spinning it all about if you know what I mean

Why hasn't the Congress charged Nielsen with Crimes Against Humanity? She is such a despicable creature. I am sure there is a special place in Hell for this loathsome witch. not blame her, this woman never been a politician, nor she ever read any news on things related to immigration.  All she knows base on her silence shown here are her own feelings, her own opinion and her own impression of what immigration is or should be.  Lacking on knowledge on the laws of USA border control.  She knows nothing, nothing, and nothing.   But one thing now: she is learning! You visitor to this site, observing her and having sense on realities of what this country is, feel wow on the ignorance of this poor low educated woman, have pity on her.  The problem is that as she learns, many humans suffer her ignorance: children die, adults are heavily mistreated and the world sees USA the same as USA see the horrendous abuses committed in other parts of the world such as raping, killing with machete many people and things like that.  In here, US kill undocumented people with bullets, rape their children and so on and no one knows of it.  Due to the ignorance of this woman and the ignorance of her base. Only Congress could solve that, but as you should know: many Senators are too busy and preoccupied with '"who is going to be the next President" of the USA and what to do, it be one of themselves, their party. Got that?

...most Senators are shacked with the ignorance of this poor analphabet woman in the laws and custom of this nation, and the poor minded of this thing, a female human if you permit me to call her that: this thing.

...don't worry, in next government, many people who raped and kill many illegal crossing human, will be prosecuted and put in jail.


The above was a swam I visited, thinking it was a National Park of those locate in USA.  Walking on the jungle of the Federal Government.

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