Friday, March 29, 2019

Theresa May wants this, the video, not the comments

Theresa May want this, not the video, the comments.

Theresa May and UK parliament, each has a coin to throw: Parliament a coin with too face in it: UK in one side and EU in the other; Parliament ask May to throw on the ground that coin, May refuses, she wants to throw her own: a coin with two face but one face of  UK in one side and UK in the other side.  Parliament tell her they will not play with her coin but theirs, she responds mine is a better coin than yours, let’s play with mine. not like the EU, but love their common and single market ...EU, I wanne go away from you, but want to keep your market. Take it or leave it. Deal? EU: is that your deal? ...listen UK, leave the EU with no deal.


Theresa May: elected leader of UK, I say what is correct and what is wrong, and I said it is unconstitutional for the people of UK to have a second referendum, if so, I will not renounce the gov ...but if UK break away from the EU, well then I quit, cuz that what I want and let the mess into someone else hands.


Theresa May, Prime Minister of UK: "I decide what Democracy is, not the people.


...Democracy in England was made to fit Theresa May, not all the others.


My left ear really enjoyed this video

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