Monday, March 18, 2019

Brexit in my view.

Brexit in my view.

...wane know what I think on Brexit?  ...this: it is a cart stock in mud, with a lady running it, with two bulls pulling it out but in opposite directions facing their backs one to the other.  That's Brexit.  Brexit is a nonsense direction given to the people of UK lacking any reason but full of personal ego: "patriotism" my comrades!  Pa' lante y pa'lante y al que no le guste que tome purgante! (forward and forward, whoever doesn't like it, serve them laxative!). Note:" pa' lante" is the apostrophe of" para Adelante" or "Hacia Adelante" -very common of used by communist in Latin America, around the 1970's - in vulgar Spanish.  In Spanish: "somos Brexitiers pa'lante y pa'lante y al que no le guste que tome purgante!" is a petty seen such elegant people of the Reinos Unidos pulling on different directions their cart, their country!  Just to please the personal will of someone call "Fara", I think.  A person who is a hater of the European Union people! Spanish-American and would under no condition would hurt this, my country.  Why an England-person's love was able to put the UK in a MESS of MUD SO DEEP?  Why the people of UK, after fighting many wars amongst them and seeing their grandfathers and grandmothers marrying amongst kingdoms, now their descendants put all their Kingdoms in a mess in deep mud?  Why, why, and why I ask.  I love the UK, I respect them, I know their history cuz I study the European History since the intermediate school until I got in love with studies in an university in Spanish and then in the English language; I learned that Europe is too a nursery of scientist in all science even in religion. Why you all UK wants to destroy UK, Great Britain and Scotland and Northern Ireland and Wales, this is the Briton People: you all are Europeans, you are not Africans or Asians, or Latino Americans or Americans neither you are from the moon or Mars!  You are all: ¡E U R O P E A N S! ¡Unidos Vencerán! Desunidos Perderan!  Viva Europa!

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