Friday, March 15, 2019

File your comments, that's your complain on Brexit.


...a no Brexit person: keep throwing the coin until you get my wanted side ...a yes Brexit person: do not do any other throwing of the coin, I got my wanted side of the coin. The no Brexit person: I want a re-match, so we would be even, if you win the second time, that would, remember, would, be okayed with me. But if I win, we are even, so won I stay. The yes Brexit person: if you win, I am going to ask for a third throwing of the coin as a final decision making to accept that. Is that okayed with you? The other watching the coin throwers: I do not follow you both, you all are a mess! ...the people do not understand what you all politicians game-players of coin throwing on decision making with us, the nations of kingdoms, us all still confuse. Please politicians explain to me (us all and the world what is going on here!)

...the mess: Brexit, first voting: yes. I like that, don't want a second vote. Brexit, first voting: yes. I do not like that, want a second vote., ain't Brexit a mess?

Do we really have an extension? Lol did we grant it to ourselves

probably wouldn't choose the woman in the red dress to negotiate any commercial contracts for me  

Brexit is simple. The referendum said leave or remain not negotiate a new deal.  

Theresa May is a village idiot dressed in a clowns outfit 🤡 wearing a dunce's hat BETRAYAL UNDEMOCRACTIC FOOL

That’s all folks!

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