Saturday, March 30, 2019

Brexit, "at the American style"

Brexit, at "the American style", breaking away off the world. said before, will say it now: this is the best chance Russia has to expand into Latin America, cuz his best friend is the President of the United States of America, he'll do nothing to avoid it, but many blah, blah, blah of menacing while Russia put a foot hold in America. Got it? ...Muller could be blamed on that cuz everything is linked here: "I' do nothing, 'he' does nothing, 'she' does nothing and 'them' do something, 'they' do something and 'Putin' (the verb put in) does 'it' all" ...people, this is a new verb to learn from now on, so update yourselves ...the verb "link-to-do nothing" and the verb: "Putin-does-it all" in comparison with "Trump-link-blah-blah-blah" verb. The new verb created by anyone who is a Republican, democrats (with small letter), doesn't like that, but "that" is not a verb. Got it?

Putin, you got paid (by Trump’s strategies).

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