Sunday, October 15, 2023

US has too many analphabets been helping to help US in the gov, let's not feed them.


Elon Musk is not prepared or educated in politics even though he is very good at business, but in politics. When Vladimir Putin told him that the USA was at risk to be bombarded with nuclear weapons on the reason that he, Musk, was permitted to equipe Ukrainians to use his internet network to control air drones to attack Russia's territories (lands invaded by Russia's militaries), he, Musk, did not understand what in reality Putin meant but that Putin was saying things that he would do. So, Musk geofenced all locations where Ukrainians were directing their attacks using Musk Wi-Fi network so Russia militaries would be saved. That action undertaken by Musk, was done cuz he does not know a dot on war strategy, and he bought Putin strategy; that action hurt US, the Ukrainians and all of Europe. Then the European Union started to change its strategy in safeguarding the liberty of the Ukrainians and started thinking in favour of Russia's. He, Musk did not now of what a MAD is, or self-destruction cuz no government can use nuclear bombs to attack any part of the planet on the reason that there are automatic nuclear response to that nation producing the attack ...that is so, that Russia was prescribing its self-destruction as someone in bed, sleeping, and feeling on the mid of the night a robber inside his/her home but with the light off, aiming a shot gun to the foot head of the bed to shoot but shooting their own food instead., he is following a political strategy that is to talk bad of any other politician in order to attract attention to the mass of people watching some politicians talking of what they think is well done. Commenting on other politicians has been totally wrong in dealing with matter of facts. Be it known that this man is not versed in politics nor historical event but on risking vast amounts of money, working hard to achieve his entrepreneur to achieve and idea. Now his asking to the gov for money to do things, things the Pentagon knows better than he does.

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