Monday, October 16, 2023

Not all politicians are born to be...

Not all politicians are born to be, but most of them are self-made to. Parting from this theory, let’s present to onlookers one case as been the best example to prove the above:

Let’s undertake this: a man is judge for what he/she tells and for what he/she does, more for what he/she does than for what they say. Based on that, do you think a politician who possible never been in the military or at war, hang a general military? …well, that had been seen in a deranged society that is not a Democracy. But this self-made political guru predicate that. This all just prove this politician low power of thinking and he, who is supposed to be a leader of the groupe he is representing, is misleading most people of that group. Election comes and election goes, and people like that still remain in power. Why? Simple to say is, cuz those that elect him are busy doing work, taking care of their families, or possible, doing some studies to better their lives. Those are the, mostly, ones that vote for that analphabet enumerating that a general should be hang. It is a pity to see that good working people, unknowingly, elect such a type of American citizen to lead and help that small or large community. It is a pity. If that type of onlooking are reading these written words, they should think twice when giving their powerful vote to elect that type of person again and again… just think twice before throwing a vote. Your work is valuable for that type of person to speak in that manner on an American General that had dedicated his life in benefit of the American people. Think twice before casting a vote.

The above so said on October the 16 of the year 2023 at 9:00 p.m. in the City of New York, the Big Apple to the onlookers of this mighty country.

Freedom is Democracy.

A person is judged for what is said and what is done, more for what done than said.

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