Monday, October 02, 2023

History repeats itself.



5 minutes ago (edited)

systematic blast of existence or fragmentation
Gov backfire
Social outburst
Population explosion
Nuclear explosion
Social explosion

...might be, few people would agree with this here said, even though the CCP has done whatsoever wrong, it is not good that the Chinese people end up in total poverty. That would create a world chaos cuz too many of them will try to leave their country and will become and emigrating catastrophe for the Western nations worse than that of too many Latinos trying to enter the USA. They, in total, are more or less one and a half billion people of which many youths, well educated, and prepared, do not find a job. Many in the millions will end up emigrating to countries around the world. ...all that cuz the West had removed most of its business off mainland China and natural phenomenon that had destroyed too many of the Chinese agriculture. these factors and the persistence of the Chinese gov in forcing onto its citizens negative and destructive non-sense laws and the gov abuses to impose them, is setting the entire Chinese gov into its self-destruction. Poverty, miseries and calamities is going to end into intestinal war that could end up affecting the Western nations, Asia and Eastern nations directly from just an easter country: China itself. By the year 2047 a nuclear war will or might start from this situation initiated by Iran, the point that will be feed by Russia and China to start it. (cuz of ignorance?). ...but the Chinese gov will get down to its own grave. New small associated states will be reborn out of this chaotic situation. The end of Communism as known. Many countries will around the planet will be destroyed unless Russia's actual leader and China are assassinated by its own people as happened with Julious Caesar. History repeats itself.

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