Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Manifesto of Democracy.


Manifesto of Democracy.

The USA Magna Carta is a Philosophical Absolute Constitution.

It is a letter specifically directed to the rule of the people on a land.

The Constitution

Of the United State of North America and its lands around the world.

It is not a law; it is a mandate of which laws are to be enacted as adjectives of this absolute philosophical letter.

This letter is based on the people’s right to exist amongst themselves without been enslaved by other human but their own will as a Democratic Republic governed by the people and serving its people and any people around the world as the USA pertains.

This letter accepts that all humans are equal born in rights as established by the human right of self-independence of any other entity and complying with the commandment of the Magna Carta based in a natural law for the preservation of humanity here called: Democracy.

…it is composed of five Axions: Free Enterprise.





Free Enterprise.

The right to undertake a business without the interference of the authorities assigned by the people and been supported by “We the People’s authorities under rules established.

The entity that owns an enterprise, can not use it to hurt the people or any other no matter whether they are within this Nation State or not. The enterprise created can respond the market needs by selling its products as demanded by the laws, not as the will of the entrepreneur in violation of any existing laws. The entrepreneur can respond as needed to the market, as the need of the market based on demands and offer.  Enterprises shall not violate human rights.


The right to invest in a business or participate with own capital be it by money injected to the business and not illegally obtained as mandated by the laws of the land or region at which it is located or as established by local or international laws as established.

The USA government shall not own any interest on that investment to benefit a single entity or individual using the money that belongs to the government and taking the benefit for personal use of any authority of the government or individual associated directly or indirectly with any governmental authority.

The government retain the right to invest in any capital enterprise as long as the government use any benefit of it, to be allocated to its use for the people or as established by its Congress created by its Constitutional mandates.

Any capital shall not be a benefit related in the oppression of people in order to create a benefit.



The distribution of the fruit of investment onto the people as established by the laws emitted by its Congress and the President of USA without the influence or act of discrimination amongst.

Example of socialism: investing in hospitals, schools, government infrastructure, and/or any other entity designed for the good environment of the country or as defined by its Congress and/or its president not involving friends, families or individuals not accepted by direct laws created by its Congress and not in violation of its laws.

Socialism is the distribution of the richness of the money of the people accumulated by established legal laws.


Is the right that the government contains to collect taxes by its institutions in order to comply with the needs of government and maintaining its entities as described by its laws, be them Federal, State or Local governments.


The enforcement of the laws created by the governments of the USA in order to maintain its existence and establish the safe existence of its inhabitants. The protection and enforcement of those laws just to assure happiness for all.

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