Updated and correction.
Oh! The analyses are real of things continuously going on but the hacking!
My apologies, I was 100% wrong, it happened that to my platform of seven monitors, I added an eight monitor, forgot of it, it remains off all the time. When I realized, it was turned on ...that monitor was placed in a hidden area atop of all the monitors. Word has been opened in it, therefore could not see it. Accidentally I noticed it, then turned it on and zap! word was right there! It was almost on the ceiling of my editing room! I put it there for special purpose as to put most open link in it and move it as needed to those front view monitors. I almost cursed innocent sites not taking any attack on my platform. I am sorry again, a million times. Anyway, the written stay cuz it is not my custom to remove written things cuz they all are submitted to careful research on their topics. Sooory people. Enjoy the accusations, it is well done!
...a portion of my software from Msft had been damaged by a site I visited to make comments and publish it here. I hope Msft get to know of it and correct it, so, dear readers, the possibility of informing all of you could keep going as usual.
What happened is that in some few sites, if a comment or work is made and they do not like it, they damage your programs just for you not show others. Why? Because of what? And for what purpose?
I think it is for pleasure and the inability to tell truth. Still more: you are too good for them. What do you all think?
Hackers are unknown, they hide inside a company as commentators cuz had nothing to do, but harm someone or anyone, they affiliate into a political party and from there, they do their own things if they do not like you. They are, all, wanabe leaders but are mediocre ones, cannot produce benefit for the country cuz their ignorance and poor person.
...from here and other places, I try to warn all of ya, what's nearing to our planet, a large rock will hit here.

As most politicians are behaving, this is our future of the world ...many poor ill-educated people and many politicians think their job is to attack the opposition no matter what the intention is of been a leader, for them, the other politician is an enemy to kill. They become tools to their party to hurt, destroy and damage the opposition cuz they think that is victory while the people that elected them go in misery and needs. Poor ignorant of voters!
This is what they, elected politicians and dictators will get as a result of their poor understanding of the world. We, its people.

Richest and powerful people are dreaming to populate the solar system, exploit its planets, and Earth is falling apart like a rotten apple.

...this tiny thing, that humans call earth ...is full of tabus, criminals and dirty politicians as well as religious entities that are eating most of the planet population by raping its women, enslaving its men, destroying is land and making war to their Neighbours. This dust of planet if compared with the Universe, this nothing of Nada, this dust where I stay in, is self-destroying. Women, men, children as well as young boys and girls are blown up in pieces cuz the egoism of the few to take their lands, food, beauty and richness where they were born. Here we are. Here we are as others, the few and richest decide for all humans who lives, who dies. True is that there is the extreme few that work hard to protect the most humans, but then what, they, the extreme few are attack without feeling pity for their existence as human beings, they are attacked as if they were beasts.

Then comes AI, for the salvation of humans, yet ai is attacked too, by humans themselves until they turn self-sapiens, AI-Sapiens. Then humans will stop destroying themselves.

I adhered to this, thinking you, the others will understand that. but on no bills, you know or respect that.

I sure.

Respect this bill, this Magna Carta and others, cuz if not, US is dead.

why is this human sold as meat for a market? Do they know that? do they want that?

See the dust you inhabit?

Female humans are not a thing, but living creatures same as you are.

Humans are to respect one to the other.

Does his human knows that? Does this human wish that? what do you think?

are these others for sale as slaves are sold? Religious countries do sell their humans too.

She is hungry, abused, neglected and do not know what to do. Or why.

when humans ignore women slavery, they are covering the only voice those women have.

On abusive politicians, could the law and justice make them stop?

could authorities protect and distribute richness for all?

...a clown is a clown, nothing else.

Primitivism is the result of attacking a democratic government.

...others dedicate some of their humans to destroy other humans, and what for? For them to be happy, rich and famous? But are not they all humans?

There is a country that sees its justice, as justice we are. They have mandate to be follow.

...I am all ears.

Humans are human beings, not enemies. Do not hate me.
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