Monday, October 02, 2023



...of course, they, Congress people, most ...see that smoke emitted by cigarettes, induce cancel but if from weed, it is healthy! Cuz, they know more than doctors ...imagine, they have to cuz they are the law. face-purple-crying Something considered useless, detrimental, or worthless: WEED. 😷 is such that one of them left Congress to make a farm and sell that "MARAVILLA!" ...DO MANY OF THEM SMOKE THAT GRASS TOO? 😵 AM HAPPY! 🥴 AREN'T U? The dried flower clusters and leaves of this plant, smoked or ingested to induce euphoria or to treat the symptoms of certain medical conditions AND THAT IS WHY IN CONGRESS, THEY NEVER AGREE TO NOTHING 😵‍💫
"it" IS GOOD! 💩

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