cannot be understood why in some countries women are treated as a car, a dog, a commodity or a thing, least a human. Did Allah command that? Does the Koran tell that? If so, in which human mind that fit to be? Well, religion is used to rape, kill, abuse in favor of the religious man and against of women. Islamism or Muslimism is not compatible with human rights.

Alah said: "I made a woman out of your rib". So, a woman is yours, for you! (Mandated by religious believes).
Therefore, a woman is inferior to a man. If inferior, then a woman is a commodity, if a commodity, it is to enjoy. If to enjoy, then she is a slave. If a slave, men decide who, how, and where to use her. cuz she is my belonging.
(This is a fabricated lie in order to rape them, abuse them and use them at a religiously will). People shall obey Alah, and Alah is great! ...of course, why not? Religious people get it all. The least for them to do is to eat them as pork's food.
Humans made God to its likeness, not as believed that God made man to its likeness.
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