Monday, November 21, 2022

Do not wait to see.


Wait and see.

...for people who belief in Democracy, permit me to tell you some words: USA and many other Western Nation States, have reaffirmed that all of US will continue to be sending War hardware and money for the Nation State of Ukraine to protect its people and destroy the invading force ensemble by the Russians dictator self-proclaimed its President. In 1999 thereafter, Russia stopped been powerful nation which they wish to be as of now, and invading Ukraine, cuz they cannot, they (Vladimir Putin and its committee of gangsters governing the land of the Russian's people, and forcing them to invade others, still menacing other solid free Nation State) ...they are trying to terrorize not only Ukraine but the rest of the free states cuz these absolute idiots of Putin advisers don't realize that the use of nuclear war bombs is like shooting onto their own feet. Many nations, Democratic ones, possess nuclear arsenal enough to erase Russia off the land it exists ...these nations won't do that cuz nobody wins. Nuclear use is, for the Western world, out of question, off the table. Be it known that if Vladimir Putin uses that time of mass destruction bombs ...well, Russia will be erased out of the surface of the planet (earth). Just thinking to win a war with that, is like thinking diving of an airplane thirty miles high (without parachute) from the surface of the planet and land softly in two legs onto it. Only absolute idiots and drunken people would think that. Putin is trying to intimidate the rest of the world. Be it known that if he just tries to do that, his own people will put a bullet in between his eyes. Not all Russians are absolute idiots but some of Putin advisers who think that the majority of Russians are idiots. They will not let Putin end with the existing of their land, ever. Russians know that Putin is the danger, not NATO or the Western lands. Just wait a litter longer, wait and see. Yet just in case, be ready for whatever, whenever and wherever. "One ounce of advice is heavier than a pound of lamentations". Let that dying bird of Putin, know that the Western World is ready, put in alert your arsenals for that rat to know as of now. So be it! Pushing that button is pushing ours too. Do not blow up your finger with the rest of your body. Got it! That is a no-no amigo. You have no choice but to show the white flag as your army is doing in the Ukrainian land or of get killed. Do not wait to see.
Alexander Dantonio
Tvp is fast becoming my channel for ukrainian news after uatv. Invaluable info day after day...amazing reporting.
Another great episode, that's on par for TVP! 💙💛♾
Kirill Koval
Hi from Ukraine. Thanks for staying on touch, guys. Winter has come and loud liberations can become rarer. It's important for Ukrainians, that you keep interest in our progress. Without your attention and request to your governments in our support, many leaders are trying to persuade Ukraine into negotiation process. For saving Russia as one country's sake. Lend-lease initiative is stopped, and no assault vehicle are given in the near future. But much more danger lying into cease-fire with Russians. They will use any time given to fortify and regroup, as they always do. And as country Russia have much more resources and manpower then Ukraine.

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